Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Omg, they are gorgeous.💓💓
Such lucky piggies, you have found the most wonderful home.
Like forward to hearing all about you and your meeting with Thea.xx
Aww how sad about their previous owner. They are however very lucky to move into The Garage and I hope the bonding goes well so they can enjoy The Penthouse Suite. Exciting times.
They are both gorgeous ❤️
:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: They’re going to continue living it up in (Nr) Betsy towers.
Oh my goodness gracious me. They are gorgeous 😍😍. Welcome Misty and Bramble.

I hope Thea likes them. I’m sure she will be a good boss pig to them.
They are absolutely adorable! :wub: :wub::wub: They're really lucky to have such a good home. If the bonding goes well, perhaps they can apprentice under Thea and become part of the GPU?
Oh they are beautiful 😍 little mother and daughter duo, how sweet.

I hope the bonding with Thea goes well and you have a happy little trio ❤️
Had Bramble out this morning to introduce her to the comb as The Ever Beautiful Betsy 🌈 fell out with the comb (well 2 combs,1 brush and some clippers!) so I figured if I got her used to a comb fairly early, it may make grooming her easier as she gets older. I only put the comb through her soon to be flowing locks a couple of times as I didn't want to scare her. Over the next few weeks I'll gradually increase the times I groom her for. Luckily there were no mats in her fur.

Both Misty and Bramble are going for a health check this afternoon with Aunty Catherine.
They both passed their health checks with flying colours although Misty did nearly take a flying leap off the examination table.
This was Cleo on her first vet trip too, mad little lady pigs! :))
Aah they are absolutely gorgeous @Betsy! What a stunning little pair :luv: It’s brilliant they’ve moved in with a piggy hairdressing pro like yourself with those beautiful long locks! :wub::wub:
It's weigh and check day for piggies today. Misty has lost 58g since she arrived 11 days ago and Bramble has lost 12g, given everything they've both been through I'm not surprised tbh. I know Bramble should be putting on weight as she's still only a baby, but the last few weeks have been very stressful for both of them.

On the plus side, Thea is back to the weigh she was before we lost Lexi.