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Betsy Ovarian Cysts?

Seems I spoke too soon yesterday. This morning when I took Betsy out to weigh her and examine her scar, I found her scar was bleeding. It's only at the bottom of the scar and I managed to stop it fairly quickly by applying gentle pressure with a clean tissue. The scar doesn't feel hot, it isn't red and it doesn't smell. It looks like she has caught the very last stitch as it is disolving. Her weight is also down a bit today to 992g but I'm not particularly worried about that as her weight is still stabilising after her operation and she is still eating well. I have emailed the vet to see what they have to say.Scar Day 10.webp
Oh Betsy, you do like to worry your hooman. Hopefully, this is just a little blip on your road to recovery.

Love to Betsy and her hoomans.xx
Hopefully the vets gets back to you soon! Fingers crossed for you, I'm sure it's nothing especially with how well it's healed so far 💓
Ah, naughty little bod! Sending her healing vibes, it all looks very clean and fingers all crossed it should heal up very quickly x