• Discussions taking place within this forum are intended for the purpose of assisting you in discussing options with your vet. Any other use of advice given here is done so at your risk, is solely your responsibility and not that of this forum or its owner. Before posting it is your responsibility you abide by this Statement

Baytril not working?

I’m not seeing any change in them whatsoever and it’s day 4
No personal experience of zithromax but yes, that's what I'd have expected with other antibiotics. It would be worth sending an e-mail in to tell your vet. At this point I would usually contact my vet and say its been 4 days and no change etc - describing the symptoms I'm (still) seeing. They might say to persevere or they might say to come in to try something different.

Zithromax has hit some piggy's digestion hard on some threads - others are luckier. Old George had no appetite on septrin whereas Ivy guzzled it for weeks with no ill effects. It's different for different pigs - but it's only worth the sacrifice if it's actually doing some good! Thinking of you all x
Hi Guys!

Quick update, Zithromax was an absolute disaster, Baytril did more than it did, totally ruined all three piggies’ guts, Mouse went in to gut stasis and was really really not well, I’ve been syringe feeding her for nearly 3 days now, every 4 hours 7am - 1am, with about 5 hours sleep and she’s made a bit of an improvment.

Bea and Meep’s guts are also very worrying and as the antibiotics are completely out their system they’ve reverted back to having little to no appetite as they did before the first lot of Baytril.

Bea is booked in tomorrow for a culture and x-ray so we can finally find out what on earth thsi infection is. I am absolutely terrified. She isn’t the most healthy pig by any means and I’m just so frightened she’s not going to make it out and I’ve basically just sending her to her death. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to enjoy having piggies, it’s just been utter torment for me for nearly 2 months now, I’m completely and utterly exhausted and money is starting to become an issue.

I feel so unlucky, like this isn’t supposed to happen to guinea pig owners. It’s all so unfair :((
Oh my, poor @piggy.pack it is so very wearing. You're fighting so hard for these pigs. I hope you can get some advice and answers from tomorrow's appointment. It's very hard making these decisions about tests and treatment, and weighing up pros and cons. And yes, you have been unlucky. That balances the scales for this brave trio who have been so very lucky to find an owner like you to try and help them. You are bearing the burden of their illness as lovingly as I have ever seen x
Oh my, poor @piggy.pack it is so very wearing. You're fighting so hard for these pigs. I hope you can get some advice and answers from tomorrow's appointment. It's very hard making these decisions about tests and treatment, and weighing up pros and cons. And yes, you have been unlucky. That balances the scales for this brave trio who have been so very lucky to find an owner like you to try and help them. You are bearing the burden of their illness as lovingly as I have ever seen x
Thank you very much for always being here for me, I really appreciate it
I’m so sorry to hear the zithromax did not help.
I hope the tests give you answers and you can get this sorted for them.
In no way are you "putting" her to death, you are/have been doing absolutely everything you can do and this is the step you need to take.

There is a risk, but you have a good vet and this is the best route to give her a fighting chance.
Please take care of yourself, you can always have a conversation about the procedure with your vet beforehand, many vets use a reversible sedative (not all vets, you can ask about this if you are having a conversation beforehand) but you are right there are risks, but this is one you have to take for the sake of you and your girl.

I have my fingers tightly crossed all goes well tomorrow and I am keeping you all in my thoughts x
Bea’s out of her procedures and is fine! She’s already back to eating a bit of hay, although her appetite was already reduced so I’m taking it with a pinch of salt.

In the X-rays we found her heart is very large and has fluid on her lungs so she is now on a diuretic. We’ve sent the culture off and I should hopefully get that back soon and we can go from there :) Just gotta keep syringe feeding them to keep them a stable weight :)

Also I was chatting with my current new vet and I’ve realised that my previous vet (one on your vet locator) has given me some pretty inaccurate and dangerous advice and I was wondering if I could speak in private to an administrator or someone of forum staff to discuss it, as I don’t want someone less in tune to piggy health to take everything they say as gospel and not challenge it.
Bea’s out of her procedures and is fine! She’s already back to eating a bit of hay, although her appetite was already reduced so I’m taking it with a pinch of salt.

In the X-rays we found her heart is very large and has fluid on her lungs so she is now on a diuretic. We’ve sent the culture off and I should hopefully get that back soon and we can go from there :) Just gotta keep syringe feeding them to keep them a stable weight :)

Also I was chatting with my current new vet and I’ve realised that my previous vet (one on your vet locator) has given me some pretty inaccurate and dangerous advice and I was wondering if I could speak in private to an administrator or someone of forum staff to discuss it, as I don’t want someone less in tune to piggy health to take everything they say as gospel and not challenge it.
I am so so glad that Bea's out of her procedure and is fine! It's a good sign that she's got that interest in her food already. Sending so much love and well wishes to you and your beautiful trio :luv:

I was just going to reassure you that you are doing everything you possibly can and giving so much more than you ever thought you could or would need to, to look after your fluffy babies and I'm sure they know that. They love you back and I'm sure they understand how much you're doing to look after them. They couldn't have a better, more loving owner than you. I think although there are risks and it is worrying, I feel like you had to take that step to find answers and help them as the alternative at this point seems like they wouldn't get better without getting that info. Not that that makes it easier in the moment!

It is a horrible, long, draining road that you have been on but I just want to be another person who is here for you and let you know how amazing and strong you are! Honestly, your thread almost brings me to tears because I know how you're feeling. It's not fair, at all, and I completely understand how it makes you lose your love of having piggies :( It's not very long ago, I was in the same place, going mad with mine, constantly at the vet spending all my money, and felt the same that I couldn't have more piggies or even other pets afterwards because it was too hard and emotional. That's completely normal and I'm sure you're not alone in feeling that way after everything you're going through. You will get through this. Your piggies will get through this. And there are more happy times ahead! You will feel all those good things about having piggies again and the good will outweigh the bad.

I know it's so hard right now, but stick with it, carve out time to look after yourself and have breaks. I don't know if you sometimes find it hard to look at them and be around them when they're sick and you're right in the middle of it. I unfortunately did and had to distance myself from them sometimes to cope with the emotional overwhelm :( I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You can always message me. I know not everyone who isn't a piggy owner like the lovely people on this forum, don't always understand and it can feel quite isolating.

I'm sure helping Bea's fluid on her lungs will help her a lot in her recovery. Hopefully you'll see an improvement in her soon as that is treated. Fingers crossed the test results give you answers so you can get rid of these horrible germs too! I think some people have found they needed a combination of antibiotics. That's probably already been mentioned and sounds like you have a better vet fighting your corner with you now.
I am so so glad that Bea's out of her procedure and is fine! It's a good sign that she's got that interest in her food already. Sending so much love and well wishes to you and your beautiful trio :luv:

I was just going to reassure you that you are doing everything you possibly can and giving so much more than you ever thought you could or would need to, to look after your fluffy babies and I'm sure they know that. They love you back and I'm sure they understand how much you're doing to look after them. They couldn't have a better, more loving owner than you. I think although there are risks and it is worrying, I feel like you had to take that step to find answers and help them as the alternative at this point seems like they wouldn't get better without getting that info. Not that that makes it easier in the moment!

It is a horrible, long, draining road that you have been on but I just want to be another person who is here for you and let you know how amazing and strong you are! Honestly, your thread almost brings me to tears because I know how you're feeling. It's not fair, at all, and I completely understand how it makes you lose your love of having piggies :( It's not very long ago, I was in the same place, going mad with mine, constantly at the vet spending all my money, and felt the same that I couldn't have more piggies or even other pets afterwards because it was too hard and emotional. That's completely normal and I'm sure you're not alone in feeling that way after everything you're going through. You will get through this. Your piggies will get through this. And there are more happy times ahead! You will feel all those good things about having piggies again and the good will outweigh the bad.

I know it's so hard right now, but stick with it, carve out time to look after yourself and have breaks. I don't know if you sometimes find it hard to look at them and be around them when they're sick and you're right in the middle of it. I unfortunately did and had to distance myself from them sometimes to cope with the emotional overwhelm :( I'm here if you need someone to talk to. You can always message me. I know not everyone who isn't a piggy owner like the lovely people on this forum, don't always understand and it can feel quite isolating.

I'm sure helping Bea's fluid on her lungs will help her a lot in her recovery. Hopefully you'll see an improvement in her soon as that is treated. Fingers crossed the test results give you answers so you can get rid of these horrible germs too! I think some people have found they needed a combination of antibiotics. That's probably already been mentioned and sounds like you have a better vet fighting your corner with you now.
You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you so very much. Syringe feeding 3 pigs is definitely very draining but I’ve got a little routine going now :)) Hopefully it’ll keep them going until the next lot of treatment once the culture is back :)
Bea’s out of her procedures and is fine! She’s already back to eating a bit of hay, although her appetite was already reduced so I’m taking it with a pinch of salt.

In the X-rays we found her heart is very large and has fluid on her lungs so she is now on a diuretic. We’ve sent the culture off and I should hopefully get that back soon and we can go from there :) Just gotta keep syringe feeding them to keep them a stable weight :)

Also I was chatting with my current new vet and I’ve realised that my previous vet (one on your vet locator) has given me some pretty inaccurate and dangerous advice and I was wondering if I could speak in private to an administrator or someone of forum staff to discuss it, as I don’t want someone less in tune to piggy health to take everything they say as gospel and not challenge it.
I am very glad to hear it, I really hope this is a turning point for you and your girls.

Sorry to hear you didnt have a great experience with one of the forums recommended vets and hopefully someone will be along soon who you may be able to discuss this with.
You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you so very much. Syringe feeding 3 pigs is definitely very draining but I’ve got a little routine going now :)) Hopefully it’ll keep them going until the next lot of treatment once the culture is back :)
It will. You're doing a great job.
I’ve had a lot of experience with antibiotics now lol, but I was just wondering if anyone has any insights in to diuretics? Namely on the lungs and/or heart disease in their piggies. Would help lots! :))
I’ve had a lot of experience with antibiotics now lol, but I was just wondering if anyone has any insights in to diuretics? Namely on the lungs and/or heart disease in their piggies. Would help lots! :))
Not personally but I think there will be a lot of threads about it if you use the search function :)
One of our TEAS piggies, Maddie, was on the diuretic Frusol for around 3 years! At the age the age of 2 her breathing became quite laboured and pronounced and she was retaining fluid. Frusol bought her an extra 3 years of life! Towards the end we had to keep increasing the dose, but she lived a really good life!
One of our TEAS piggies, Maddie, was on the diuretic Frusol for around 3 years! At the age the age of 2 her breathing became quite laboured and pronounced and she was retaining fluid. Frusol bought her an extra 3 years of life! Towards the end we had to keep increasing the dose, but she lived a really good life!
That's amazing
Hey guys! Mouse is really struggling over here, been syringe feeding her as she’s eating little to nothing, just sitting hunched over in the corner of her cage. Have already mentioned it to our vet and shes saying just continue to syringe feed, but tiny hamster sized stringy poos are coming out and looks in a bit of pain. Just wanted to get some advice, I’ve already got pain killers, gut stimulants, fibreplex, recovery food, massaging, gripe water if needed. Is there anything else I can do as she’s looking very touch and go. It may also be worth mentioning I am struggling for money for vet appointments and treatment spending upwards of £50 per week on recovery food and fibreplex :(
One of our TEAS piggies, Maddie, was on the diuretic Frusol for around 3 years! At the age the age of 2 her breathing became quite laboured and pronounced and she was retaining fluid. Frusol bought her an extra 3 years of life! Towards the end we had to keep increasing the dose, but she lived a really good life!
That’s amazing ! How long does it take to see results? As Bea’s nearly on 48 hrs now.
Hey guys! Mouse is really struggling over here, been syringe feeding her as she’s eating little to nothing, just sitting hunched over in the corner of her cage. Have already mentioned it to our vet and shes saying just continue to syringe feed, but tiny hamster sized stringy poos are coming out and looks in a bit of pain. Just wanted to get some advice, I’ve already got pain killers, gut stimulants, fibreplex, recovery food, massaging, gripe water if needed. Is there anything else I can do as she’s looking very touch and go. It may also be worth mentioning I am struggling for money for vet appointments and treatment spending upwards of £50 per week on recovery food and fibreplex :(
Very sorry to hear this, money definitely becomes an issue when you have consistent ongoing medical issues with your pigs, I have been there.
Is there anyone that can help? I understand how tiring it is and just adds another layer of stress on top of everything else.

If mouse is not eating the syringe feeding should not particularly make her bloated, it is likely everything else that is going on that is making her bloated.
What dose of painkiller is she on? If she has stringy poos than it is likely she is dehydrated and you may need to offer her some water through a syringe when you give her her medicine.

What do they think is the reason for her issues? Has there been any investigation in to poor mouses stomach problems.
So much is happening to you and I can not help but feel so sorry for you, I really can not stress it enough that I hope you are taking care of yourself and putting steps in to give yourself some relief from all of this.
Very sorry to hear this, money definitely becomes an issue when you have consistent ongoing medical issues with your pigs, I have been there.
Is there anyone that can help? I understand how tiring it is and just adds another layer of stress on top of everything else.

If mouse is not eating the syringe feeding should not particularly make her bloated, it is likely everything else that is going on that is making her bloated.
What dose of painkiller is she on? If she has stringy poos than it is likely she is dehydrated and you may need to offer her some water through a syringe when you give her her medicine.

What do they think is the reason for her issues? Has there been any investigation in to poor mouses stomach problems.
So much is happening to you and I can not help but feel so sorry for you, I really can not stress it enough that I hope you are taking care of yourself and putting steps in to give yourself some relief from all of this.
Thank you! Yes it all happened after Zithromax, it totally ruined all their guts, Meep is only young so she wasn’t really affected, Bea is needing syringe feed too but only because of the lack of appetite from whatever is wrong with them all. I just hate seeing her in pain.

I have no idea how long the culture will take and their appetites are demishing and I am currently spending my entire day 7am to 1am looking after them with short 4 hour breaks in between syringe feeding. I have no idea how much longer I can carry on both physically and financially :(
It's a good dose of painkiller. I'm so sorry for poor Mouse 😢
Syringe food shouldn't really 'cause' bloat because it's high in fibre. Fibre is needed to push the gas through and out of the back end. When they bloat up they just don't want to eat anything though. If she's dehydrated you can make the syringe food a bit thinner rather than syringing water. It's no fun for them which makes it hard on us owners. At least when I had to top up George he could have a little herb or leaf as a bribe to take the syringe but veg isn't advised for bloated pigs as it can make their poor tum ferment even more. You could try mixing the more expensive CC/Recovery ground good with a few mushed pellets to make it go further. When syringing Ivy I would sometimes replace a whole feed with pellets I'd ground in the mortar n pestle and then soaked. It gave her a bit of variety. You can't even make a poop-soup for these poor piggies because they're all on the AB together... any chance you have a friend close by with healthy piggies you could steal poops from? You'd need to wait for them to produce very fresh ones and get them in water to soak straight away, then use that water to make up the syringe food. It's a really tricky one because if the piggies are miserable on just the syringes it's tempting to offer them a little bit of veg if they're keen, they have so few pleasures when they're like this. You just have to judge whether it's bloat or just empty tummies which is not an easy thing to decide sometimes. George didn't have any bloat, he just had no appetite and he was flippin miserable (but at least he didn't cry with his peeing).

I can't remember if I said about heat pads. My pigs always took a lot of comfort from a source of gentle heat. We use the microwave snuggle-safe pads under fleece tunnels and I also make up hot water bottles to put outside the cages pressed against the walls so the wall can warm up (pigs will nibble rubber). Some of the pigs liked to sleep pressed against the warm wall.

When Louise got bloat she was like a barrel and I had her on my lap on a fleece with a warm bottle underneath. I ran the handle of an electric toothbrush gently over her sides. It helped her a bit the first time and she seemed to enjoy it.
It may also be worth mentioning I am struggling for money for vet appointments and treatment spending upwards of £50 per week on recovery food and fibreplex :(
Sorry to hear Mouse is struggling and the costs are getting difficult for you. Critical care in small sachets is very expensive, but you can get it quiteca bit cheaper in 454g bags from VetUK- useful if it could be needed for a while.
Thank you! Bless I really think poor mouse is very stressed out being handled and fed all the time, she clings to beatrice barbering her and has almost had all her ‘tameness’ reverted :(

They can’t eat veg or herbs and I can’t give them any treats, I’m so worried their so miserable :((