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Baytril not working?

Hi all! Sorry I haven’t been updating, had a lot of uni work to catch up on, yeah I got the pigs in with for friday with an exotic specialist :))

Wanted earlier but as there are three of them they said she needed 30 mins with each one so she had to book us in a bit further down the line! 30 mins each is very thorough and I’m very impressed. Fingers crossed I get some other antibiotics and they make a recovery early next week. I could really use a break haha!
Any tips on bridging the gap with care until then? Bless them they’re guts aren’t quite right after coming off Baytril and I’m getting as much fibreplex as is allowed down them daily, as well as a little pro c water as a treat as they lap it right up! Been giving them fresh hay constantly as they tend to eat for about 15 mins then go right back to sleep very tired, if I put in more fresh hay it excites them and they eat more.

They have lost a little weight from yesterday, but nothing as drastic as how they were 2 weeks ago. Nebulising with f-10 and getting them in our very steamy bathroom with me as I take my scolding hot showers haha.

If there’s anything else you recommend please let me know! If their weight decreases anymore I’ll step in asap with critical care :) Thank you all so much for all your help and listening to me and really empathising, my family and vet have been less than considerate lol!
That's no problem - it's very draining looking after one poorly piggy never mind three. You are such a trooper! 🎖️🎖️🎖️
Fibreplex is a great probiotic but if you are worried about weight loss try and get them interested in some Recovery food mush (like mentioned in the link above). They don't have to be syringed - they will often just eat it from a plate or bowl if they're doing OK. Or some normal food pellets soaked in water - they're easier to eat so easier to keep weight on.
Keep us updated x
Hi guys!

Great news Free Ranger I cannot thank you enough for reccomending Dr Molly at Rutland House, she was just incredible. The guys are now in Sulfatrim this next ten days, then for another checkup to decide whether they either need a longer course or a culture and new set!

Bea is also now on dog Metacam FINALLY! Never signed a consent form so fast in my life.

Also found out Meep is a Satin teddy! But luckily does not have any signs of Satin syndrome.

Fingers crossed we get this shifted! Thanks everyone for all your help!
That's just wonderful news, what a relief for you and your piggies to have found someone determined to help! 🥲
Although in a different part of the country I have seen on here how people have given heartfelt reviews about their pig's treatment with Dr Molly. I hope the Sulfatrim is effective - they may actually start picking up very quickly although if they've been unwell for some time it might take a little longer for the body to fight back. But at least you have the metacam now. Here's hoping everyone has a great bank holiday weekend x
That's just wonderful news, what a relief for you and your piggies to have found someone determined to help! 🥲
Although in a different part of the country I have seen on here how people have given heartfelt reviews about their pig's treatment with Dr Molly. I hope the Sulfatrim is effective - they may actually start picking up very quickly although if they've been unwell for some time it might take a little longer for the body to fight back. But at least you have the metacam now. Here's hoping everyone has a great bank holiday weekend x
You too! I cannot thank you enough for your help I’m so so grateful!
Just wanted to check in and see how you've been doing. I'm so glad to read you've got a good vet fighting your corner now for your fluffy potatoes and I hope they are feeling better soon with the sulfatrim and metacam! xx
Ahh I ran out of fibreplex this morning, can’t get any delivered until tomorrow. Would pro-c do the trick in the meantime? If so how much should I aim to get down them per day?
I'm afraid I've not used it before - there must be instructions online somewhere! Don't fret until you have to... some pigs do fine on ABs without any probiotics. I'm sure overnight will be OK. Are you seeing any reduction in the scary discharge yet?
Not so great news unfortunately :( Day five of Sulfatrim tomorrow morning and still no different, if anything slightly worse :( Very snotty pigs with little energy :( Seeing Dr Molly Varga again in a few days for a check up, Zithromax, a culture and x-rays are the next step
I’m very sorry to see how much trouble you are having with your girls, it seems constant and must be so tiring. The back and forth is the worst, it feels like someone’s pulling a nasty trick on you.
Take care of yourself.

Keeping you all in my thoughts x
I’m just so worried they’ve developed antibiotic resistance and I’m just going to be eventually told that’s it, you’ve done all you can. I’m absolutely terrified and so exhausted, I really really hope the next appointment is a positive one.
I’m so angry at my previous vet who prescribed me baytril that didn’t previously work and then instead of switching he insisted we continue the course for another 2 weeks which if anything made them worse, then once I finally told him to believe me they weren’t working he suggested just to supplement with vitamin c.

I’m just so worried every antibiotic we try won’t work I don’t know what to do it’s been so so long, I just want them to be okay.
You have every right to be angry, but unfortunately in most practices guinea pigs are an after thought (to some extent) as they are so small and aren’t taught the same way dogs and cats are for example in school.

I am aware antibiotic resistance can occur, as I imagine it could in any living thing, but I could not say on what terms.

Please do not worry about it as frankly there is nothing you can do, and in situations like this I find it is much better to focus on what you can do, rather than let your mind run wild about the ifs and the buts.
I do also understand that that is much easier said than done, buts it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

You are doing your best for your girls and that’s all that matters, I also have my fingers crossed next appointment there’s some good news.
Did you ever get into support or time to talk to a professional from your school? I really think an outlet as such could benefit you, or even from a family friend.
You have every right to be angry, but unfortunately in most practices guinea pigs are an after thought (to some extent) as they are so small and aren’t taught the same way dogs and cats are for example in school.

I am aware antibiotic resistance can occur, as I imagine it could in any living thing, but I could not say on what terms.

Please do not worry about it as frankly there is nothing you can do, and in situations like this I find it is much better to focus on what you can do, rather than let your mind run wild about the ifs and the buts.
I do also understand that that is much easier said than done, buts it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

You are doing your best for your girls and that’s all that matters, I also have my fingers crossed next appointment there’s some good news.
Did you ever get into support or time to talk to a professional from your school? I really think an outlet as such could benefit you, or even from a family friend.
I didn’t but my friends and family have been very supportive :)
Just been to vets again. Sulfatrim didn’t work so we’re on Zithromax now! Fingers crossed, if we get no major difference by Monday it’s a culture and x-ray asap. Quite nervous about choosing which pig to be put under anaesthetic for the culture but hopefully the Zithromax works!
Oooh the 'big guns'... I'm sorry the Sulfatrim didn't work but at least you can revel in a vet with a Plan B, C, D etc ☺️
Here's hoping the Z sorts out that nasty discharge. Remember to keep an eye on the eating and piggy weights x
Oooh the 'big guns'... I'm sorry the Sulfatrim didn't work but at least you can revel in a vet with a Plan B, C, D etc ☺️
Here's hoping the Z sorts out that nasty discharge. Remember to keep an eye on the eating and piggy weights x
Will do! Bless poor Bea’s poops are already very odd looking, meep seems okay being younger and Mouse has dropped a bit of weight but nothing concerning, critical care on the way and meow fibreplex so I will step in to syringe feed if need be! How long do you reckon it will take the Zithromax to show results, as I’m so used to nothing happening I’d like to know what to look out for lol!
On dose 4 and still no improvement even on Zithromax, what on earth is wrong with them :(( I feel like someone’s playing a cruel joke on me. Is there any way it’s not bacterial and could be something else?
I’m so worried there’s nothing else i can do. I’ve read all the forums on here and no one has mentioned zithromax not doing the job. I’m so so worried.
@PigglePuggle when your Blod had her chlamydia lung issues didn't you get through a few antibiotics with Dr Molly?

@piggy.pack don't panic yet - your pigs are in good hands, you've got culture and x-rays to fall back on. Not every antibiotic works for every bug. I'm not talking about resistance here but there are different types of bacteria that are sort of 'built' in different ways. One thing is whether a bug is 'Gram positive' or 'Gram negative'... it's to do with what the outer membranes are like. Some ABs for instance only work on G+ bacteria and some only on G- bacteria, some do a bit of both, we're trying to throw a spanner in their works but we have to find the right type of spanner and know what works we're trying to disrupt. That's what the culture is for. Be brave little pigs x
@PigglePuggle when your Blod had her chlamydia lung issues didn't you get through a few antibiotics with Dr Molly?

@piggy.pack don't panic yet - your pigs are in good hands, you've got culture and x-rays to fall back on. Not every antibiotic works for every bug. I'm not talking about resistance here but there are different types of bacteria that are sort of 'built' in different ways. One thing is whether a bug is 'Gram positive' or 'Gram negative'... it's to do with what the outer membranes are like. Some ABs for instance only work on G+ bacteria and some only on G- bacteria, some do a bit of both, we're trying to throw a spanner in their works but we have to find the right type of spanner and know what works we're trying to disrupt. That's what the culture is for. Be brave little pigs x
Thank you! Poor guys tummies are really not that great today! Had to syringe feed Mouse the entire day :( Hopefully should get a appointment with dr molly asap :))
I’m so worried there’s nothing else i can do. I’ve read all the forums on here and no one has mentioned zithromax not doing the job. I’m so so worried.
My Zebedee 🌈 had Zithromax regularly for URIs, I don't think they ever worked that fast for him either. I needed to give him at least a full 10 day course each time to clear the infection - except for his last illness which after trying everything else turned out to be one for which sulfatrim was the best antibiotic...
My Zebedee 🌈 had Zithromax regularly for URIs, I don't think they ever worked that fast for him either. I needed to give him at least a full 10 day course each time to clear the infection - except for his last illness which after trying everything else turned out to be one for which sulfatrim was the best antibiotic...
I’m not seeing any change in them whatsoever and it’s day 4 :( Vet said I should’ve seen some indication of change by now :((