Dental Baby pig possible teeth problems.

So pleased to read this! She looks amazing on the pics, definitely eating well :D:love:
So chuffed for you xx

We can’t get over how big she has got 😍

On the subject of her eating well we need to find a pellet feed that is suitable for her. We were given a bag of mix that we found she was able to eat as it has a lot of small pieces and we were of the opinion that any food was more important than quality food. I want to move away from mix now but I need to find a pellet that is small enough for her to eat. We think this is long term that she’ll need small food so need a solution to try her on. Anyone know of any small piece pellets? X
We can’t get over how big she has got 😍

On the subject of her eating well we need to find a pellet feed that is suitable for her. We were given a bag of mix that we found she was able to eat as it has a lot of small pieces and we were of the opinion that any food was more important than quality food. I want to move away from mix now but I need to find a pellet that is small enough for her to eat. We think this is long term that she’ll need small food so need a solution to try her on. Anyone know of any small piece pellets? X
We feed the Burgess blackcurrant and oregano nuggets, to our dental piggies, as they’re so tiny! xx
I’ve thought of something else I’ve been meaning to ask. Is it recommended to give her a form of extra vitamin C? I’ve seen people give this in different ways and wondered if it would be beneficial to a dental pig? If yes what is best to use x
I’ve thought of something else I’ve been meaning to ask. Is it recommended to give her a form of extra vitamin C? I’ve seen people give this in different ways and wondered if it would be beneficial to a dental pig? If yes what is best to use x
I just feed veg high in Vitamin C, rather than give a supplement
My fat little potato now eats hay like she’s never been fed 😂😂 she’s over 3 times the size of when i originally wrote this thread, she’s still as chilled and awesome as ever 😍View attachment 145927
What fabulous news that she is doing so well and clearly eating plenty of hay. Well done you too for all your hard work x
What fabulous news that she is doing so well and clearly eating plenty of hay. Well done you too for all your hard work x
Awww thank you. She’s completely worth it. She didn’t eat hay for weeks so to see her none stop eating it is fantastic, we’ve just bought a bale from the farm shop and it’s lovely and green, the girls act like it’s a drug when we put fresh in. Biscuit currently only has 1 front tooth 🙈 Simon has said her teeth at the front will never be right. He thinks they will constantly break as they grow so she’s always going to need to be monitored but she’s fat happy and eating 😂😍 x
Awww thank you. She’s completely worth it. She didn’t eat hay for weeks so to see her none stop eating it is fantastic, we’ve just bought a bale from the farm shop and it’s lovely and green, the girls act like it’s a drug when we put fresh in. Biscuit currently only has 1 front tooth 🙈 Simon has said her teeth at the front will never be right. He thinks they will constantly break as they grow so she’s always going to need to be monitored but she’s fat happy and eating 😂😍 x

Fab news! Simon is amazing!
Awww thank you. She’s completely worth it. She didn’t eat hay for weeks so to see her none stop eating it is fantastic, we’ve just bought a bale from the farm shop and it’s lovely and green, the girls act like it’s a drug when we put fresh in. Biscuit currently only has 1 front tooth 🙈 Simon has said her teeth at the front will never be right. He thinks they will constantly break as they grow so she’s always going to need to be monitored but she’s fat happy and eating 😂😍 x
She looks so healthy and bright. Bill’s dodgy incisor used to mess up his other incisors, making them thin and break occasionally but he never had any problems eating at all so don’t worry too much, just enjoy her, what a Poppet x
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I saw a notification on my email and was a bit scared to check! But so pleased she’s doing so well, she’s such a stunning little girl! :love: :love: Keep on scoffing that hay beautiful lady! So happy for you x
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She looks so healthy and bright. Bill’s dodgy incisor used to mess up his other incisors, making them thin and break occasionally but he never had any problems eating at all so don’t worry too much, just enjoy her, what a Poppet x

thank you. Nice to hear that he was fine despite front tooth problems ❤️

I saw a notification on my email and was a bit scared to check! But so pleased she’s doing so well, she’s such a stunning little girl! :love: :love: Keep on scoffing that hay beautiful lady! So happy for you x

aww bless 😍 thank you
Brilliant news! Keep on munching little one.xx
Seems like there is no stopping her now. 😬.

thank you to the member that commented on my daughters Instagram account. She came to tell me straight away when she saw it. 😍
Another little update. It had been 3 whole months since we saw Simon and in that time she has continued to do well. Took her back tonight as a little check up and things are looking fantastic 😬 her back teeth, according to Simon are at the best they’ve been (even after going so long between visits) and he thinks it will be just a case of maintenance visits now, the next one being in around 3 months providing she continues to do well. 2 days ago she had 4 front teeth that had really started to grow long but on inspection from Simon today the top 2 have gone 🙈 he’s taken some off the bottom. Her front teeth will never be fixed, they are brittle and absolutely tiny in terms of thickness, they snap continuously. We can easily monitor these but it means that she will always need a little extra help with feeding. She does attempt to eat grass and we think she can just about but we always have to make sure she has access to Hay while in the run and we also pick her grass from the back of our house (private drive way not used for cars often, grass is always washed before feeding) veg is always cut into biscuit sized chunks and she has the pellets recommended on this thread. She continues to be a sassy little madam and the last week or so she has been an absolute diva! The others are wisely giving her a wide birth 😂 she rumbles at them if they get near her 🙈. She’s still a brave little madam and as full of character as always. 😍
So pleased she’s doing so well! The incisors will probably come and go like my Bill’s incisors but as long as the back ones are good then at least you can see what’s going on with the front ones x
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So pleased she’s doing so well! The incisors will probably come and go like my Bill’s incisors but as long as the back ones are good then at least you can see what’s going on with the front ones x
Definitely 👍 the back were the worry and thankfully they are looking good. So so relieved, little madam has caused me some worry 🙈
Great news! What time were you there to see Simon today? I took some piggies and a clients cat, to see Simon this afternoon x

Another late one for us. 18:10. I choose late ones so I avoid having to miss work, she already costs me enough 😂😂 x
1 year to the day of being in Simons care ❤️(that wasn’t planned) I took her for a check up as it has been 6 months since our last visit. She is doing so well. Weight gain has been steadily consistent and she is a happy healthy little piggy 🥰 we didn’t think she would make it to her first birthday at the start of our dental journey and now here we are 1 year later doing so well. Teeth needed a little taken off but nothing major and she had a complete health check that she passed with flying colours ❤️ Her front teeth are still completely abnormal and consistently grow in funny angles and are tiny and brittle, they just continue to snap so don’t cause her any issues. Simon is our hero 🥰🥰
So pleased that things are going so well. Simon really is a miracle worker. 😃♥️
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Aw this is fantastic news for Biscuit, how lovely ☺️ You must feel so relieved and happy. Simon is an amazing vet, he gave us an extra two years plus with Ted for which I will be forever eternally grateful x
He really is amazing. My local vet had given her the death sentence, thank goodness you all encouraged me to take her to Simon. Hubby still isn’t happy at a 4 hour trip each time 🙈😂 oh well daughter and her biscuit are happy 🥰🥰 x