Dental Baby pig possible teeth problems.

Fingers firmly crossed for your little baby.
Sounds like she has a wonderful loving home.
Simon is the best and I really hope her little teeth can be sorted.xx
Both of my (past) chinchillas and a piggy have seen Simon for teeth issues and he’s the best! Definitely agree that they lose confidence when they’ve struggled for a while but keep trying everything and she’ll soon find something she can’t resist and won’t be able to stop munching! Good luck, she’s absolutely gorgeous :love:
She’s eaten veg 😍😍 I’ve chopped different veg into tiny chunks and added a tiny bit of her pellet mash to encourage her and she’s gone round it all eating the mash and then has started eating the veg! 😬 she’s really struggling with even the tinest bits and is using her feet a lot to handle the food but she’s chewing and is able to swallow. Some bits she try’s and then gives up but is going back and trying again. She is no where near out of danger but I’m so pleased to see her eat. 😍
She’s eaten veg 😍😍 I’ve chopped different veg into tiny chunks and added a tiny bit of her pellet mash to encourage her and she’s gone round it all eating the mash and then has started eating the veg! 😬 she’s really struggling with even the tinest bits and is using her feet a lot to handle the food but she’s chewing and is able to swallow. Some bits she try’s and then gives up but is going back and trying again. She is no where near out of danger but I’m so pleased to see her eat. 😍
Definitely a step in the right direction! I think you’ll now start to see her confidence grow! xx
Definitely a step in the right direction! I think you’ll now start to see her confidence grow! xx
I hope so. I hope the ulcer heals quickly as she could really do without that. I’m keeping everything crossed for her. I was brave though as she nugged my face when the mash was all gone but I didn’t give in and get her more so she resorted back to the veg 😂 x
So happy to hear there’s been an improvement! It’s amazing how it can all come down to confidence. Our boy came to us at age 3 or 4 being unable to eat hay and most pellets. He literally survived on only being able to eat the odd few pellets and some vegetables. After dental work, he began eating grass but would not touch the hay yet even though it was clear he wanted to. Turned out he’d just lost all confidence rather than being physically unable to eat the hay. We managed to almost trick him with readigrass (grass tasting but a lot nicer with hay consistency) and then that brought his confidence up sky high and he went on to eating hay. He was around 800 grams when we first got him in July-ish and now he’s a hefty 1400grams. I’ve every faith that your girl will continue to make leaps and bounds, just give her time. My boy still had an ulcer when he had began eating hay again, with his pain relief he ploughed on and nothing could stop him from eating once he got his confidence back!
Aw, lovely news, little steps, one at a time, she’ll get there x
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Thanks again for all the replies. Have just given her her second doses of medicine (which she absolutely hates) and expected her to not eat after the stress of that but she was the opposite! The minute I put her down she was searching for food and was eating her chopped up veg before I could even put it down! She’s gone straight for the chunks too and not the mash! She was wheeking for it again tonight. It’s still a challenge for her but she’s doing her best.
Aah brought tears to my eyes reading this! So chuffed for you, hope she keeps on improving and enjoys all of her munchies :love:
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Okay so her personality is back, she went downhill before seeing Simon but she’s now back to herself so I’m pleased about that. She’s still eating her finely chopped veg but she still struggles with each piece. My worry now is that she won’t attempt hay, grass or readigrass and I know that eating that is so important in her chances of getting her teeth better. Should I be worried at this stage that she won’t eat that? She will take tiny hard pellets and struggle on to eat them but won’t touch a blade of grass.
Okay so her personality is back, she went downhill before seeing Simon but she’s now back to herself so I’m pleased about that. She’s still eating her finely chopped veg but she still struggles with each piece. My worry now is that she won’t attempt hay, grass or readigrass and I know that eating that is so important in her chances of getting her teeth better. Should I be worried at this stage that she won’t eat that? She will take tiny hard pellets and struggle on to eat them but won’t touch a blade of grass.
No need to worry! She’s going great and it takes time. You’ll probably see another huge improvement after her next dental.
Okay I feel better hearing (seeing) that said. I adore her and it’s heartbreaking to know her little life is at risk 😢 Simon didn’t shy around the fact that she may not be compatible if she shows no improvement so I’m so worried. I want to be able to enjoy them but I can’t. I’ve had guineas in the past and know how shy they can be and take months to trust us, she’s just not fussed at all. She pushes her face to ours and runs to us when we enter the summer house. Her sisters are still very fearful so it’s been loving having a brave one to dote on while we gain their trust. Thanks everyone for your knowledge and support. I’m just thankful we picked this little girl, I know she’d have starved to death in the wrong hands, she came to me for a reason. 😍 x
It's a very good sign! This has really cheered up my day!
Aww that’s really kind thank you. She struggled with the first leaf and spat it out a few times but the next couple she ate she didn’t have trouble at all. It was as if she didn’t know how to do it at first. The grass she ate fine. It was so great to see. 😍
Aww that’s really kind thank you. She struggled with the first leaf and spat it out a few times but the next couple she ate she didn’t have trouble at all. It was as if she didn’t know how to do it at first. The grass she ate fine. It was so great to see. 😍
When do you next see Simon?