Any Else For The Stripey-nose Club?

So far this club has 3 members. I'm sure there are loads more piggies who want to join this exclusive club! It is open to any pig who has a white stripe down their nose. So far we have @Rocket's Rocket, @Reenie's Bailey and my (@Betsy's) Dennis anyone else want to join?
How can there only be three members? What about all my stripes piggies that have joined?
@Janice C Dennis would like to inform you that was back in November when he decided to open the club. There are now so many members he has lost count as he has no more toes left! He told me this morning that he reckons membership to be in the hundreds now. As you know as soon as Dennis spots a piggy with a cool white stripe down their nose he invites them to join and he gets piggies knocking on the Club Room door to join too.
@Janice C Dennis would like to inform you that was back in November when he decided to open the club. There are now so many members he has lost count as he has no more toes left! He told me this morning that he reckons membership to be in the hundreds now. As you know as soon as Dennis spots a piggy with a cool white stripe down their nose he invites them to join and he gets piggies knocking on the Club Room door to join too.
Silly me, must have gone to beginning of the thread!
Dennis would like to invite one of the newest piggies on the Forum whose slave is @Chelseaspiggies to put in an application form to join his club. Please post a pigture of your piggie showing the cool white nose stripe for consideration by Dennis. Also Dennis would like to know what her name is so he can write it on her membership card.
Holly would like to join the club, you can't see her stripe all that well in the pigture because shes still very camera shy and shy in general, but I can assure you its there :).

You'd think stripy noses were quite common but out of all of the pigs I've had only Tyson (one of my first pigs) had a white stripe.

Fozzy kind of did but it fizzled out into the whole bottom half of his face being a different colour.

I have 2 currently with orange stripes. They claim they look cooler but they're both more like losers!


You'd think stripy noses were quite common but out of all of the pigs I've had only Tyson (one of my first pigs) had a white stripe.

Fozzy kind of did but it fizzled out into the whole bottom half of his face being a different colour.

I have 2 currently with orange stripes. They claim they look cooler but they're both more like losers!

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Fozzy is gorgeous! He reminds me of this meme... HOVER CAT is hovering.
@David Pet Lover and @Hoppity.K Dennis has had to think long and hard about whether he should award a posthumous membership to your much loved and much missed Pedro. He has thought that it might set a precedent but he would still like to bestow the honour of Posthumous Member to Pedro. He has heard of all the brave and wonderful things he did and was very impressed by this. This is a one off award and will not be repeated.
@David Pet Lover and @Hoppity.K Dennis has had to think long and hard about whether he should award a posthumous membership to your much loved and much missed Pedro. He has thought that it might set a precedent but he would still like to bestow the honour of Posthumous Member to Pedro. He has heard of all the brave and wonderful things he did and was very impressed by this. This is a one off award and will not be repeated.
What a lovely gesture.
Knowing how independent and one that was not wanting any fuss Pedro would not show at all he was bothered with this "honour"
But deep down he would be very proud and like to tell Dennis thank you. 20160710_143313.webp
Sorry @Kiko+Peanut somehow Dennis missed Kiko's application form as his secretary put it at the bottom of his in tray! He is very much taken with Kiko and would like to meet her one dark night :cool::sly: but Velvet won't let him:soz:. Her application has been approved and he will be writing out her membership card in the morning.