New cage, new experience cleaning it.
“Okay, so here we go. You girls are down there, so I’m going to start over here. I’ll put all the hideys over here, and pull up the bedding…
“Okay, now you girls have a clean liner down here. Let me put your things down this way. Hey, where is everyone? Silly babies. No No, stop teaching the babies to tunnel when I’m cleaning. Everyone out. One, two, one, two, three, one. Oh, I give up. Everyone go down to the other end.
<skittering on the coroplast > “Okay, I’m going to take this stuff outside, and dump it over the porch railing. Before I do, one, two, three, five, six, eight. Wait, how many pigs should be in this cage? Ten? No, nine. Wait, six babies, one died. Nine. No, Westley and Meat Loaf are over there. Seven. How did I count eight? One, one. One! Two! Stop moving! One, two, three! Ugh! Mom, Mom, grey baby… Okay, seven guinea pigs.”
I held the bedding to make sure no dirty hay or poo fell out. I walked out the back door and was about to dump it all over the porch, but really didn’t think that was smart. Suddenly, something started moving. I uncovered Nay Nay jr.

I still have not dumped the bedding.