Adventures in the U.S.

The first is a girl, the second a boy. The third picture isn't clear enough for me to judge. It's probably a girl, but I'll tag @Wiebke.
Guess what I discovered last night? Looking at the picture, I see it. What amazes me is how I’ve never seen it in four weeks. Seriously, I check everyone out during weekly weigh ins. You know I flipped, and checked the others again.
This is going to be the last week of nine wheeks. Next weekend, two wheeks are going to be rehomed. I’m going to miss them even though I intentionally didn’t bond with them.
No No is next to her daughters, Lemon and Sapphire. Across from them is her niece, their half sister, Precious. Lemon and Precious are leaving.
I still need to figure out the extra male. Either Dad gets neutered, and added to the girls, or my Meat Loaf gets snipped. Poor Nay Nay jr. AKA Foxy (for like a day). I just call him Junior now that she’s somehow turned into a he. I’m kind of still in denial it seems.
The two never left, so I still have nine. I have put up flyers finally, but no calls yet. I made it clear that they were pairs. I assume that is a deterrent.
My problem. My favorite boar is Meat Loaf, but Westley is the dad, is older (I assume under a year still), was purchased (albeit foolishly) to keep, and he just doesn’t deserve to be given up (with junior as a companion) because my friend doesn’t want him anymore, and I have a different favorite.
If I sell Meat Loaf with Junior, I think they will do fine. They were born here, and have not experienced the trauma of being born in one place, shipped to a pet store, then brought to a home. Am I over personifying the boys?
Perhaps I was confusing in my last post. It’s an important question, so I will try again.
Is it wrong to sell off Westley instead of Meat Loaf? Either would be leaving with Junior.
Westley was adopted in May (aprx 10 weeks). The other two are his sons.
Can you remind us how Westley came to you? Would you be going against an agreement you made to adopt him out? (For example, when I adopted some of my girls, I signed something that said I would bring them back to the rescue should I no longer wish to keep them.) If it's just a matter of you already being the second home, I wouldn't worry so much about that. I think that may be a case of over-personifying, yes.
Which of the piggies get along best as a pair? Those are the two that should be paired.
Westley is from a pet shop. He was purchased by my housemate against my advice.
I sincerely cannot say that any two boys are more strongly bonded. I wish they were.
Obviously intact boys cannot have full interaction with the girls, but any sense of which boy would best get along with the girls?
You could also get a vet opinion on whether one of the two would have an easier neuter. Is Meatloaf old enough for neuter, yet? Or would he be waiting longer to be able to join the girls?
It sounds like you already know your options and the piggies. We cannot make the decision for you. About all that I can advise is that you do what you think it best for the piggies based on how they get on. If that does not make the decision for you, then go with your instinct. If you know that Westley is the best candidate for joining the girls, then that is your answer. If you truly believe that they would all do well in either situation, then go with your heart and keep your favorite.
Tomorrow morning four piggies are leaving the herds. I was going to keep my Meat Loaf, but while grooming, I just couldn’t make Westley go. So many reasons, but it’s his calm personality that cinched it. Meat Loaf is super cuddly and purrs a lot, but Westley is just chill. I’m a bit teary over it, but it’s really the best decision.
I’m sorry No No had the call to the bridge. Popcorn high little one.
So very sorry for your loss.
It’s such a shock when they go so unexpectedly.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve