Adventures in the U.S.

Things have not been right here, but that is only mentioned because it will explain why I am staying in my room.
My housemate tossed a bowl on the bed, and walked out. I looked in, and saw vegetables. “Huh, I guess she’s bringing in the guinea pigs so I can see them.” After waiting a few minutes, and no pigs, I noticed the fork. She had made me a salad. 🤣🤣 These assumptions were not made before guinea pigs.
I’ve known about these shirts for a while. I
used to think they were so silly. When Blossom was dying, I knew I had to get one. Princess Buttercup will be going on errands, and held longer now. The woman in the picture is dealing with some things right now. Being able to keep Buttercup close seems to help. I’ll probably get the waterproof liner sewn in tomorrow. 🤣 There’s a removable cloth liner that I can sew it to.
Is six inches (15.24C) tall enough for the plastic liner? My friend insists we need it taller because gp like to pee on walls. 😕
Mine are only about 3 inches as that's as high as the sheet of corex allows with my 3x5 grid cages. I've never had pee on the walls, maybe I've just been lucky!
Aside from the poos being soooo visible now, I really love this cage. Not having a door to work around when cleaning or catching the pigs is awesome. The additional room to run, and for the big toys is great. The lower profile allows more sunlight into the room, and the open design allows more light into the cage. I could continue, but I think most of you already have a C&C.
Not many of us have exact ages for our piggies, Unless you are lucky enough to have their actual birth dates you will never know. When I adopted Pretty Patsy a few years ago I was told by the rescue that her age was "around 5" but they did say that as she had had 2 different homes before her Forever Home with me it was a bit like Chinese Whispers. I and the vet thought that she was nearer 7 due to her body condition but we will never know. She lived in Betsy Towers for around 14 months before making her own way to the Rainbow Bridge. It took her nearly a year to find her wheak which was ear splittingly loud. Here is a picture of my Rainbow Piggy Pretty Patsy just because she was so very pretty.

Patsy Can I have a treat 3.webp
I don’t think I said that right. Sometimes we see how afraid they are, or sometimes physically harmed.
Before my beagle, I had a mutt that was abused at the shelter. I saw them choking and dragging him myself. They actually damaged his larynx. Before that, his owner had chopped his tail in half “just because.”
Sometimes people realise they are hurting their pet and do it because they are cruel. Other times owners think they are looking after their pet well but aren't. This is due lack of research on how to look after the pet properly or they have been given the wrong advice.
I’m convinced that Nay Nay is part grizzly bear. When she stretches against the side of the cage, she’s head and shoulders above Princess Buttercup and No No. It makes sense to be longer than No No, but not an adult. I looked closer, and P. Buttercup is stretching out fully too (as opposed to just standing up). This would also explain other bear like behaviors. 😆
This is a new liner, and the woman has more for me!
I have had polar fleece sleep pants for over twenty years. I called them my angry pants. After wearing them for a while, I suddenly feel very hostile/uncomfortable/achy. Maybe it’s too much static buildup. Regardless, I cut a pair into shorts, and used the legs to cover a few of these tunnels. I don’t know if I’ll ever wear the shorts, but at least the girls will be happy. 1B3EFEBF-F096-4597-9296-FDB5E6A4504B.jpeg
Guinea pigs are jerks. Immediately after cleaning the cage, they moved two pee pads, and peed where the pads had been.
Guinea pigs are funny. First, Nay Nay was hiding underneath the liner. As I put the tunnels all in, the three pigs were running through them, and waited for the next one to run through it too. There’s space in between, and No No began popping in and out of the tunnels from the side. Princess Buttercup then began doing it too. Soon all three were dodging through and around the line of tunnels.
Back in May, a cute little gp was placed in my lap. Okay, it looked like a rat, but kinda cute. HE was then placed in the cage with the others. 😡 I argued, I lost, drama ensued… Thank GOD her 4-y-o gp, Buttercup, is not pregnant as I thought. As it is, my two certainly are. Nay Nay’s weight today suggests that she will deliver by next week. No No probably has another week after that.
Yes, he’s separated at this point. Yes, I am making sure it won’t happen again. Yes to all of the, “are/did you…?”
Now… I have babies coming, and I am going to share my happy thoughts.
Oh, dad is Westley, and about 7 mos now. IMG_4564.jpegIMG_4565.jpeg

I am dreaming of a solid brown girl, but only because Nay Nay has brown in her, and it would be cool. No No is solid white, so she is expected to have whites and white/grey pups. All will be Abyssinian mixes. While they are still here, I am going to enjoy the big group of popcorning, zooming guinea pigs.