@Adelyn's Piggies

My piggies never liked hammocks, no matter what I tried. Two years ago, the breeder of my girls started her own little business of fleece and wood items and the first thing she made were hammocks. So I bought one to support her business idea and for some reason only a piggy brain can work out, my piggies are hammock addicts now. Last year, I bought a second one and both are occupied most of the time with Odi snoozing underneath in the middle.
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They look very intended in them
Piggy drama . . . XD

Stella was underneath one of the hammocks when Clover walked by. Stella was apparently worried that Clover would try to steal her spot, so she made a mock lunge! However, Clover couldn't get out of the way fast enough and received a harmless bop on the nose.
Both parties were very surprised!
Upset, Clover marched away. Stella seemed very apologetic, she can be a handful but they have a close bond.

Stella carefully approached Clover and gave her a nibble/lick above the eye :hug:Clover forgave her and they went off to do piggy stuff. Sweethearts:wub:
I finally finished the guinea pigs' new fleece liners and pads :yahoo:

With the larger cage, I had a lot of fleece and towels in there. 4 total! It made 'change over day' really tricky as I knew something was smelling, but didn't know which! Also, some of the older items weren't wicking as well as they using to. I decided to make new liners.

The top layer is anti-pill fleece, and the absorbent layer is a cotton mattress protecter. The pads have a bottom made from a cut-up pillowcase to prevent the piggies from chewing on the mattress protecter. Plus, it makes it look neater!

The sea turtle liner and two of the pads went in yesterday. The piggies seem to really like it :D

Happy 6th Birthday Clover!

Clover is such a gentle, patient piggy. She puts up with the younger Stella's energy (especially when Stella goes into season – such drama). She also enjoys a cuddle and pets from the hooman. 🥰
One of her favorite things is a nice big pile of hay! She burrows to the bottom, makes a little nest, and sleeps/eats there for a long while. It is not uncommon to walk into the room and see the hay pile start to vibrate 😂

Happy 6th Birthday sweetheart ❤️

She's in there . . .
Happy Birthday sweet Clover. What a gorgeous girl you are.
Silver agouti's are my favourite colouring - don't tell my boys!