I'd just like to thank everyone for their recent donations and will be issuing a proper update in the next 24hours on the girls.
@Chopsticus - Thank you! - You have made a second
VERY generous donation at the weekend - this means there is more than enough in the fund to cover the vets bills and make a donation to Glynneath GPR and The Forum - so I will PM about this.
Dotty is doing well and now off meds. Sadly - Dotty has made it very clear she doesn;t want to be with Beanie permanently. Each time I put them together in a temp cage (whilst cleaning them out) or pet carrier (whilst going to the vets) - Dotty is "not very nice" to poor little Beanie. I am not hopeful I will ever be able to re-bond them (but I will try once they are both better)
Rudy (my dapper male with the personal hygiene problem) has been constantly trying to woo Dotty with his wheeks - I think his attention may have gone to her head! Rudy is too old to be neutered - so I may have to consider getting Dotty spayed when she is well enough if these two are ever to be "an item"
Little Beanie has started trying to self-mutilate again, with accompanying squealing and squawking - but focusing on her neck and ears now. Also her skin is scurfing again despite the oatmeal baths, so we are consulting the vet again tomorrow to change her treatment plan with a view to concentrating on anti-fungal treatment now. Good news - her hair is growing back!
Bad news - Beanie is a naughty influence on my own pigs and clearly teaching them very bad habits......much of the "noise" she makes when her dressing/jacket is changed now is clearly no longer pain but "indignation".
Even my most placid pig Valentine (who went to see Uncle Simon yesterday again) - started squawking like Beanie when his teeth were looked at! I was so embarassed!
Pics and proper update on the girls to follow tomorrow.