
  1. Louiseb11

    Both My Boys Have Uri...advice Please :(

    Hi guys, Never posted before as I am a new guinea pig owner. I have 2 boars, Ron who ive had for 3 weeks now and Draco for almost 2 weeks. After only 2 days of having Draco I noticed his eye was completely closed and crusty so I took him straight to the vet who prescribed eye drops. After a few...
  2. Beans&Toast

    Uri For Toast

    I can't actually believe this is happening, but Toast seems to have another URI. Last night I noticed a wheezing sound when she breaths. Sounds a bit like crackling/rumbling, still fine in herself though. I've had her at the vets at least twice a week for the past few weeks with other issues...
  3. S

    Noisy, Rattly/congested Sound While Breathing?

    Hi everyone! Last December, I got my two guinea pig boys, Meeko and Teemo. They've been perfectly good with no health problems, and they're the lights of my life! Tonight I came home and went to pick up my boys, and reached my hands in to pick them up, I noticed that Teemo was making kind of...
  4. Peanut&Butter

    Do I Need To Separate My Pigs?

    Apologies if this has already been answered, but I can't seemed to find a clear answer. I took my two pigs to the vets on Saturday as one of them seemed to have a URI. The vet agreed, and gave me antibiotics and food to syringe feed her as she stopped eating. She seems to be improving, as now...
  5. E

    Disinfecting After A Uri

    Hi, (Another question) I posted about my guinea pigs having a URI obviosuly this has been in their cage and outdoor hutch. As I've been told it's a bacterial what disinfected/anti bac is recommended? Thank you!
  6. M

    Uri Question: How Urgent Is Vet Care?

    I recently got a new Guinea pig and I'm worried he's not feeling the best. He's been sneezing for the past few days. I made an appointment for him on Friday (tomorrow) to get an exam and checked out. I thought maybe he was allergic to his bedding, so I switched it out for fleece. Then on Tuesday...
  7. Kiboko

    Still Sneezing After 21 Days Of Marbocyl

    3.5 weeks ago I bought two 7 week old male guinea pigs, The day the came home I heard one (han) sneezing a couple of times but not more. slowly this increased in frequency the next day and so I decided to make an appointment with an emergency vet as it was a public holiday. He has no other...
  8. N

    Possible Uri? Guinea Pig Is On Heavy Meds.

    Hi, So my 7 month old guinea pig has been with me for about a month now. The day we got him he started to sneeze but no other symptoms. He still sneezes (Mainly when I am holding him) and makes a popping noise when he breathes (vet says its not fluid in lungs.). He is acting completely fine and...
  9. drewj

    Urgent! Uri?

    I seriously believe my new Guinea pig has a URI. I have called the vet and made an appointment. I've called serveral actually. The ealiest any of them can see her is Monday the 13th (it's Thursday the 9th) and I just want to know is there is anything I can do until then to keep my Guinea pig...
  10. Lottie999

    Male Guinea Pig Wheezing After Antibiotics

    Hi there everyone, My 5 year old male guinea pig Maple recently started showing URI symptoms (crusty nose/eyes, wheezing, sneezing etc). I took him straight to the vet who prescribed him with a week course of antibiotics and some decongestant, (no probiotics, but luckily researched this and...
  11. Zerlina

    If My Piggy Has A Sniffle On Saturday Night Is Monday Afternoon Soon Enough For A Vet Appointment?

    My guinea has a sniffley nose but no discharge or eyes crusted up. She's still eating a lot and moving around like a bouncing ball with her friends. It's late Saturday now. I have a vet's appointment for Monday afternoon anyway. Do I need to try and move it forward or should Monday be early...
  12. Beans&Toast

    Beans Sneezing

    Last night around 12am I heard a couple sneezes from Beans - nothing to panic about. Then after having to get up to seperate her from Toast with a divider (Toast was getting aggressive as shes in quite a strong season and Beans was clearly very stressed with it) I noticed Beans had a slightly...
  13. Terry1975

    Oddball Having Problems - Uri

    Hi Just some advice please, one of my guineas is ill and has been on Baytril 0.5 ml twice a day for 6 days. He came okay after about 2 days but this morning I noticed that his breathing has returned to being noisy again. He was eating well after the 2 days during which I was hand feeding and...
  14. JoannaMarie

    Loud Sneezes But No Other Symptoms?

    Hi First of all, I have to admit to you guys that I did something I know none of you will approve of. I got a little guinea pig from Pets at Home. I can't drive and there are no approved rescues in my area, and the rescue I got my other guinea pig from in Nottingham was definitely not legit, as...
  15. Keiko The Pig

    Sneezing Young Pig, Worried Owner

    This morning I awoke to hear my young Keiko sneeze a couple of times in a row:( Ive heard him sneeze the odd time here or there or make a sound while grooming that almost sounds like he's sneezing or spitting on himself, but I didn't see this time if he was cleaning or not. I of course went...
  16. KenzieC

    Urgent: Pig Has Fluid In Chest On One Side...cannot See His Heart.

    Hello everyone! My wonderful baby Atlas (m) is back on antibiotics for the third time since i got him 4 months ago. When I bought him (stupidly) from a PetSmart, I quickly found that he was sick. We went to the vet and he had severe pneumonia and a URI. He was on baytril and a dieuretic for 2...
  17. Beans&Toast

    Terrified Toast Has An Uri

    Long post but please stick with me. I've spent the last few hours searching through health threads on here and Guinea Lynx and I've got a horrible sinking feeling Toast has a URI. For some time, every now and again Toast would make this strange sound, which after researching and listening to...
  18. BrieBB

    How Often Is Too Much Sneezing?

    1 week ago I got 2 guinea pigs Skunk and Calico. Both she's and Calico is sneezing a lot lately. I looked it up and saw that it could be the timothy hay that I am using but Calico is sneezing when I hold her and when she is away from the hay. For around 10-30 minutes she is okay then she starts...
  19. Sporgan

    Confusing Symptoms - Blocked Nose And Hooting Sort Of Chirp

    i have recently been worried about my 1 year old Guinea pig Morgan. 2 weeks ago he started hooting and sniffling a lot and after research took him to the vets to check for an URI. The vet (a cavy specialist) couldn't hear anything wrong but just incase put him on antibiotics for 5 days. When I...
  20. WinnieandBear

    Phantom Wheezy Chest?

    My 1 year old sow has had recurrent wheezing when she breathes and it can be quite loud, sounds chesty. Have taken her to the vets numerous times and she has been treated for a uri but it seems to come on in the evening every now and again. I will sometimes hear her cough and when I pick her up...