
  1. Chocolatepiggy

    My boys uri doesnt seem to be clearing up

    All 3 of my boys had a uri so vets prescribed them antibiotics. Buttons and ripple cleared up fine after the first week but rolo still had a snotty nose and sneezing all the time so he had antibiotics for another week. That course has finished but he is just the same as before still snotty etc...
  2. basicpiggies

    Giving A New Guinea Pig Medicine

    Hi. I’m taking one of my new guinea pigs to the vet because I suspect she may have a URI. I’m not 100%, but I’m leaning more towards she does than she doesn’t. The problem is she is still adjusting to her environment and is completely terrified of me. I need advice on how to quickly &...
  3. Sonnet

    Chutney’s at the vets

    He’s got a URI. Sounded a bit congested yesterday, so I booked an appointment for today. Which was a good thing, since this morning he was sounding pretty bad, and not eating much. They want to keep him in overnight just to monitor how he gets on. Little bit worried, but hoping he pulls through...
  4. M

    Guinea pig has been sneezing a lot.

    Hi everyone! So I have two guinea pigs: Cooper and Luna. Yesterday, I used hay as bedding and I immediately noticed that they started sneezing a lot after that and decided to remove it. Luna seems to be fine now, but Cooper is still sneezing a lot. Both seem normal. They eat, drink water, run...
  5. Prasiddha

    Specialist My guinea pig suffering with URI - please help with diuretic dosage emergency

    Hi friends, As most of you all know fluffy had unexpected back to back pregnancy which made her a weak and sick piggy. I love her so much. She was initial prescribed for Septran (Bactrim) for congestion 10 days back. Due to these unexpected pregnancies her weight is also very low. Only 520 GMs...
  6. T

    Guinea Pig Gut Stasis?

    Hi, last week my guinea pig had a very wheezy chest and was breathing irregularly and so we took her to the vets to be treated for a URI. The vet gave her a week long course of antibiotics which we completed at the weekend. We were not prescribed antibiotics and she had diarrhoea for a couple...
  7. EJMA82


    Hi all, not posted for a while. When I got up this morning, my 4 year old male Snowy seemed quiet and looked quite puffed up. Got him out and noticed he had a quite crusty eye and slightly snotty nose. Taken him to the vet who prescribed 0.8ml baytril for 5 days as he was a little crackly. His...
  8. Prasiddha

    Guinea pig nose congestion - initial stage uri

    My male guinea pig icy had sneezing with wheezing sound while he was breathing. I took him to the local vet. Since in my place I don't have exotic pets veterinarian I discussed with him elaborately the symptoms. After a check up and examining online the prohibited antibiotics for guinea pigs. He...
  9. Lilythepig2017

    We Pulled Our Pig Off All Meds She She Got Better: Lily’s Story

    First I will start off by saying, I cannot recommend what we did. There are situations when medicine is vital to saving your pig. This was a very personal decision we made for our pig. I just wanted to post in case it helps someone their pig. So we adopted our pig Lily a month ago. She is 4...
  10. greensn

    Recurring Uri?

    Sorry in advance for the long post. I just want to be as detailed as possible. My guinea pig Stewie is a 1.5 years old albino male. I work at Petsmart and he was one of the "isolation pigs" who lived there from August 2016-April 2017. Finally my manager let me adopt him. He was isolated for...
  11. Qualcast&Flymo

    How Long Should I Use Nebuliser For?

    I'm currently nebulising Zebedee as he has yet another URI, but not sure how long to carry it on for. I started 12 days ago, just once a day, after I noticed the occasional grunty breathing etc. I increased it to twice a day at the beginning of last week (8 days ago) as the grunty breathing...
  12. BenjiAndButtons


    Hi, We've a piggie that has some clear liquid in the very corner of his right nostril. I only really noticed because it glistened in the light. He's perfectly fine in every other aspect, eat poo pees, doesn't sound congested, no abnormal behaviour. He has a history of URI's and Conjunctivitis...
  13. T

    Nebulisation In Uk?!?!

    so I'm part of a Guinea pig group on Facebook and after having my pig for over 6 months she has been up and down with respiratory issues- this is due to a severe long respiratory infection she had very young with a previous owner. It recently flared up and she was taken to the vets and given...
  14. threelittlebubs

    Could I Get Some Help With Critical Care Dosage?

    My girl has been getting CC for 2 days plus water to top her off. She is eating and drinking but not enough, her poop is still somewhat dry and her urine is dark. She will eat leafy veg and cucumber but not much luck with anything else. I've been giving her 3-5 ml every 3 hours today, and I'm...
  15. E

    Hay Allergy?

    Hi y'all, I recently have been planning to adopt a guinea from Petsmart. For those who don't know how this works, usually Petsmart will give up their pets for adoption for free, if they are no longer resell-able. The little ones may be ill or they were returned from previous owners. In my case...
  16. W

    Uri - Orbax Dosage?

    Hi, my 2-year-old guinea pig has a upper respiratory infection. She was prescribed Orbax and I failed to remember how much they told me to give her because they usually give me instructions on the bottle but they did not this time. I've been calling my vet and they are closed. What dosage do I...
  17. B&C

    Recovering From Uri

    Hello fellow guinea pig owners! Unfortunately, I need to take my baby boy Blinkee to the vet later on today because he is experiencing symptoms of a URI. :( (His symptoms: less appetite, no pooing and no peeing, puffed up coat, and he is sitting in a hunched position in his cage most of the...
  18. W

    Runy Nose After Hectic Car Trip

    I took my two guinea pigs to the vet a couple days ago because of a slight crackling noise coming from the nose. The vet said everything was fine with their lungs and it was probably a slight irritation on the nose because of the change of bedding to fleece that could cause a build up of pee...
  19. Raefire

    Uri Symptoms / Allergies?

    So, I adopted 2 guinea pigs about a week ago, and the bedding they came with causes dust. I understand that dusty bedding is bad for guinea pigs, but I didn't want to stress them out even more by cleaning their cage and replacing their bedding in less than a week. I'm cleaning their cage later...
  20. Mishatoe

    My Guinea Pig Sneezes

    I've had a baby guinea pig for about a month now and the whole time I've been noticing she sneezes. It's usually never excessive, but yesterday she sneezed four times close together. Today it was once. She doesn't seem to have any other symptoms of a URI. She eats like a horse and drinks. She...