
  1. izzyyw

    Uri Advice?

    Hello all, My Pippin has been sneezing quite a lot the past week and initially I put it down to maybe it's the dust from the hay as it was a different brand than he's used to and he didn't show any other signs of a URI. But his sneezing sounded more harsh today and I managed to get him a vet...
  2. Sasco

    Uri Advice

    Ethel has gone down with a URI this evening. She is fine in herself but I noticed her breathing was slightly noisy a couple of hours ago and so took her straight to the vet, who has put her onto a course of antibiotics. At the moment she is eating well - currently has her head very much buried...
  3. guineabee

    Is My Piggie Sick (allergy Or Uri?)

    Hi, I'm from the USA. My husband and I just bought two baby piggies from Petsmart (and now I know not to ever do that again because they may have come from a supplier that mistreats the animals). One of them has a little crust around her nose, and every once and a while she will let out a...
  4. PiggyBubba

    Guinea Pig Sneezing

    Hello I have a female guinea pig who is about 5 months old. She was extremely healthy and I got her from this farm called Cathy's Critters. Lately she has been sneezing once in a while and I read that a little bit of sneezing is ok. So today she starting just sneezing so much and her nose was...
  5. BenjiAndButtons

    Continued Health Issues

    Hi Guys, I have two 2 year old boars. One of them has had a few issues lately. He was acting strange and had a slight interest in food but couldn't seem to eat, we thought it may be his teeth but after a trip to the vets, she decided he had a temp and possible tummy bug, he was given baytril...
  6. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Uri Turning Into Pneumonia

    hi guys I need help. One of my guinea pigs uri is turing into pnuemonia. She's breathing heavily, her voice is mumbled and she has discharge from her nose. She also had pink eye which is a sign of pnuemonia in the first place. 2 weeks ago the vet perscribed bay trip 1.5 ml. They have gained...
  7. Nikolapalak

    Urgent-teeth, Uri, And Hand Feeding

    Hi everyone, I've got a piggy that's just over 4 years old now. a couple of days ago he had a surgery done under anaesthetic. That was for his teeth. I don't know why but since the surgery he has not been eating at all and he lost almost a pound in the last 2 months. I've been trying to force...
  8. cinn&sugarmybbs

    What Exactly Causes A Uri?

    So I took all my guinea pigs to the vet, 2 of the new ones have a URI and my old ones are just getting over it now. What causes URIs? Is it lack of cleaning or something else? Thanks just interested to know for the future. I don't like giving them antibiotics a lot
  9. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Guinea Pig Skin Conditions?

    Hi, I have two guniea pigs that are around 8 months old. Both of them have been itching occasionally so I had them checked for mites fleas and lice at the vets. They all came out negative. They had a uri when I took them (3 weeks ago) so the doctor prescribed baytril to kill that and she said...
  10. cinn&sugarmybbs

    I Really Need Advice! Possible Uri

    Hi guys thank you for looking at my question. I am from the us and I got my 2 guinea pigs from petco which is like a pet store (dumb idea) but anyways, they only weigh around 200-250g so I am guessing they are only a month old. Well I noticed both sneeze on occasion and one has one eye that had...
  11. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Help With Ringworm!

    Hi guys, I'm new to the site and I have a question about my two Guinea pigs:)) I took them to the vet 2 days ago, I knew they have a URI so I was given baytril and probiotics to stop it. I noticed they have been scratching a lot. So I asked if it was mites or fleas. Both tests came back...
  12. alli081

    Sick Pig With A Uri - Anyone Have Advice?

    Hi everyone, I only just joined on here but I have a very urgent question. I'm from Queensland, Australia, and I have 4 rescue pigs (2 boys and 2 girls - they don't mix with each other). One of my male pigs Cosmo has got a lung infection. He wasn't eating much on Friday and wasn't out in the...
  13. CraigGlasgow

    Snotty Nose/sneezing But Clear Chest, Cause For Concern?

    So Weasley's still suffering slightly from his bloat although it is getting better, managing a few days of semi-decent poos enough to start experimenting with veg. He has however throught this whole process had small amounts of eye crust, bouts of sneezing and sort of pulsing/hiccupy motions...
  14. Paigeroonie

    Help With Possible Uri?

    Hi there! I'm new to the forum, and relatively new to guinea pig ownership. I rescued a male called Bilbo about a month ago, and he's been great up until this morning I noticed some slight wheezing. When I got home from work, the wheezing was a lot worse (sounds a little bit phlegmmy?) Hes...
  15. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...
  16. bribri1298

    Trouble Dealing With Uri

    When I got my second guinea pig, Cookie in June, a couple weeks later I noticed that he was congested. So I took him to a vet and I was told he had a URI and they gave me antibiotics, i.e. Bactrim (0.4 ml, two times a day) He was on bactrim for a week and later on he got sick again, so I asked...
  17. A

    Update To: Is It Possible That My Piggie Is Still Sick?

    Here is the link to my original post: Is It Possible That My Piggy Is Still Sick? So, long story short my little Georgey was sick with a URI for two weeks at the least, and we had brought him into the vet a second time. The veterinary clinic I go to sees guinea pigs on the reg, so I have faith...
  18. A

    Is It Possible That My Piggy Is Still Sick?

    Okay, so 3 weeks ago my sister and I had bought two guinea pigs, Fred and George. George was more than likely sick when we had gotten him, but we were told vitamin C drops would do the trick. NOPE. Poor little George had a pretty strong case of an upper respiratory infection, and without further...
  19. Peanut&Butter

    Taking The Pigs To The Vets

    Hi everyone, Butter seems to be sneezing and a little wheezy. I suspect it is a URI, which is what the vet seemed to think she had a few months a go. I have seen her eating and popcorning in her clean cage last night, but of course I am taking her to the vets so they can medicate her properly...
  20. VeRoBa_96

    Uri And Pneumonia Advice

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this so please excuse my ignorance. I adopted a guinea pig four months ago, he has been perfectly healthy. He got re-homed due to the fact he doesn't get on with others. I re-visited the centre to pick up some supplies and noticed a poor guinea pig who had been there...