help advice needed

  1. S

    Moving from Us, to Uk

    Hi, I wanted to see if there was any advice anyone could give on taking my piggies with me to the UK, I’m moving there soon to be with my husband and I’m not sure the best way to go about it. I love them and don’t want to rehome them as I’ve only just started gaining their trust and they are...
  2. B

    Lonely male pig

    Hi everyone, i need some help so any advice is appreciated. i have 3 male pigs, but one had to be separated from the other two due to aggression. I know pigs arent supposed to be alone but i didnt want to rehome him. For the first month everything was fine, hes been eating and drinking and...
  3. Sheemwon

    Lump on face

    I have a female guinea pig who suddenly lost weight and has a lump on her cheek but she’s very excited for her meals and eat veggies and hay well and responds to her surrounding as usual .. what could it be? And will it go by its own ?
  4. L

    Guinea pig bedding/ floor of cage

    Hello, I need all you guinea pig lovers help and advice. I have a hutch style cage indoors which obviously didn’t come with a flooring so I bought a foam mat to protect my carpets / go underneath the cage. On top of that I put a bath mat but had to stop using this as it ended up clogging up my...
  5. Z

    I'm really worried about my new guinea pig

    I already posted about this but I just want to be sure, Percy has one sort of flaky ear and the inside seems to be scabbed. is this the start of something like ringworm? or is it just excess wax from his ear? I've been on edge these past 2 days because I don't know what to do about the whole...
  6. Z

    my guinea pig has some red bite like marks marks on him and the outside of his ear has something that looks like dandruff coating it

    I got 2 guinea pigs today, Tweek and Percy. Tweek seems perfectly healthy, he's eating and going to the bathroom very frequently, his coat is very thick, and he's overall extremely social for a guinea pig who's just been brought home. Percy on the other hand refused to eat for a while, which I...
  7. L

    HELP! My guinea pig is losing weight, has scabbing? on his feet, and his skin looks kind of pale.

    His water has vitamin C in it, and he is drinking and eating regularly, but his poops are smaller than normal. If you have any ideas on what I should do, please let me know!
  8. D

    Scab/cut formed in a week

    Hey, does anybody have any idea what this could be? It has appeared in the past week. At first it was a sore nose/crusty on the tip not notrils and her eyes sore and then it went red. Then a a day after I noticed this on her side. Her eyes are fine but her side is spreading. From when I first...
  9. Timmy&Nugget

    Help: My mum won’t let me take proper care of my guinea pigs. Y

    Hello, Basically (as I have said in the title), my mum won’t allow me to provide better care. for my guinea pigs. I’m not allowed to give them hay each day, I can’t clean them put when I want to or cut their nails, I can’t let them out of their cage all the time and worst of all I cannot not...
  10. Caramelchip18

    Guinea pig lost both teeth

    Please help! I’m a new owner, I’ve had my babies for 2 weeks and I came home from college to cuddle my piggies and discovered Caramel (3 months old) had lost his top tooth and the other was bent inwards and also falling out! I’ve never had this, I check them over and he does chew the bars of...
  11. S

    he’s just sitting

    hi. i’ve had my piggy since november, and he’s been great! but i recently broke my ankle and have had to relinquish my duties to my family, and the last few days i have noticed my little man is just sitting on the top bar of his cage not really moving or eating much. should i be worried? or is...
  12. Angelwingpie

    My baby guinea pig won’t eat any veggies!

    I am very worried as my month and a half old guinea is not eating any veggies, I’ve done lots of research and I see that guinea pigs need a lot of vegetables in their diet... I am wondering if I should bring her to the vet but I don’t want to pay $100 just for them to tell me that she’s just...
  13. E

    Is getting 4 sisters a good idea?

    Hello! I am totally new here and have been researching all I can from this fabulous forum, I have had pigs in the past so am totally aware of all their needs. I am getting 4 piggy sisters at the end of this month and would like some advice if anyone can help me please?! Firstly, is this a...
  14. R

    Guinea pig limping

    Hello, I'm new here. I have a guinea pig called Cookie who started limping a day ago but I didn't know until I got home. I examined him to see whether it was dislocated or broken but it wasn't. I've been holding him in a comfortable space and letting him rest in a bin full of bedding, food, and...
  15. Fiona1987

    Guinea Pigs Eye

    Hello All :) I’m hoping someone may be able to help me a little with one of my male Guinea pigs. I have noticed one of his eyes has become very weepy over the last week or so but seemed tocome and go with no other problems. Today however I’ve noticed that it’s become a lot worse and the...
  16. T

    HELP! Sudden fighting!

    Hi all, I am new to this forum and looking for some help please! I’ve had my two girls for just under six months they are 1.5 years old and I’m their second home! They have been very close and have always got on however yesterday I had them both at a guinea pig spa they came home and were fine...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Weight drop

    Hi, I’ve started weighing my piggies weekly this year (I did weigh them in the past but this year I have done it religiously each week). Now, I know they fluctuate and I’m used to seeing them raise and drop a few grams here and there, but Bellamy has dropped a bit more than usual and I don’t...
  18. A

    Temporary guinea pig separation

    I have two piggies. One is mine and my husbands, one is my roommates. Both pigs share a pen and are very close. My guinea has become an emotional support animal for me. She recognizes and help me through my migraines and seizures, she helps my anxiety and depression. She’s been a blessing. For...
  19. N

    malocclusion: what do I do?

    Hello, my name is Ewa and my guinea pig is Apollo! He’s a 6 year old white crested boy. Yes he’s an old guy. So Apollo has malocclusion and has had his back teeth done 3 times over the past 2 and a half months. He is also developing problems with his front teeth growing unequally and the top...
  20. G

    Desperate - Massive fast weight loss and no vet diagnosis

    I've made an account out of desperation as I really need help with my piggy His name is Gunnie he is about 2.5 years old. He has been eating less and less and has been making noises like he is in pain when he pees. He has been weight for the past 3 nights, all between 10 pm - 12am: 19/02...