My little buddy's eye seemed crusty and was secreting a white fluid so I took him to the vet and they gave me some eye drops that were supposed to help, but it's been two weeks and there hasn't been improvement. I was hoping someone could help me maybe recognize what he has and suggest some...
So I have a blind 4 year old guinea pig named Alex. He is currently being very lethargic he is sitting in the corner of his cage and not doing anything but standing. He took the treat I gave him but he wouldn’t come up to the front of the cage like he always does. I took him out and looked...
Hi everyone,
My guinea pig has these small black flecks on the lower end of her body that comes off very easily when i run my hand through her and I thought it might just be residue from playing in hay/toys or just some dead skin. She does not seem bothered at all and they are not moving at all...
I’m after some experiences from other owners with piggies with heart conditions. My 3yo female guinea pig was started on treatment for heart problems around 6 months ago. She was doing so well no further issues until 4 days ago when she stopped eating/drinking, lethargic. I took her to...
So my one guinea pig will not open his one eye. I'm not sure what could've happened. He is also squeaking quite a bit. Does anyone know anything that could be wrong or have any advice for me? (He is 4 months old btw)
I am the proud mama of seven piggies. We get our hay through and order the 50 lb box of oxbow hay. Last order was horrible, hay was dried out, very stiff and hard, had no scent and the pets didn’t seem to like it. I had nothing else I could give them at that time and I thought all of...
Hey there! Not knowing how many guinea pigs are rehomed in the world, we regrettably went to a big box store & adopted a sow. A week later she had 2 babies! 🙄 My son at this point named both babies & the whole family fell in love w/them. The store was helpful, apologetic & gave us free food &...
Hello everyone! I am new to this app and also a New Guinea pig owner. My guineas; Ronnie and Reggie and both around 9 weeks old and have been fine so far until I noticed last week reggies fur above his eye has been falling out and today I checked up on him again and more hair has been lost! The...
Hello everyone on the guinea pig forum! I’m making a post as I am looking for advice, in 2017 I bought 2 Guinea pig brothers named Finn and Jake after less than a year (probably around five or six months Finn passed away in the night, Finn was clearly the runt of the litter and did not grow...
Hi there! I'm new to the forums and really need to find people that understand my anger right now.
Recently, within the last month or so, I've adopted a guinea pig from a new friend. I won't go too into detail to remain anonymous. He's around a year and a half out and a very sweet, but very...
One of my young silkie boars was sneezing a lot and wiping his nose so i took him to the vet and the diagnosed him with what i thought it was, a mild upper respiratory infection. so i had him and his two other cage mates all on antibiotics for two weeks and they finished the two weeks yesterday...
Hi, I'm new to this whole taking care of guinea pigs, but I've done a lot of research before bringing home my new pets. I picked them up from someone who needed to re-home them and they told me that they were bonded, but the day after bringing them home i noticed that they were, well it looked...
Hello! First post. So my brother got a guinea pig for his birthday, (it was an impulse buy from my mom and he does not have the right set up, trying to convince her to get a bigger cage, but that’s besides the point-) and today I noticed he has a whitish patch of crust on the top of his ear and...
guine pig
guineapig health
health advicehelpadviceneeded
scab on ear
white scabs
I've talked about Cho and Sha before on this forum and would just like to say that they are doing mostly fine. Their cage was just upgraded and they are happy as can be (even after Sha broke his toe, which is healing wonderfully.)
But I'm having a problem with Cho.
On one hand we have Sha...
So i got my piggy from someone who was giving her away on craigslist. she stated that winnie didn’t get along with her other guinea pigs and would get aggressive with them. she was looking to rehome to someone who only wanted one guinea pig. i have her in a big enough cage and she gets a lot a...
I got my guinea pig 4 days ago, she is roughly 5 weeks old, i noticed that she’s been sneezing today, should i be worried? her nose also seems to be wet.. like the start of a runny nose. its not bad though.. I'm worried. any advice ?
Hello, when I was holding my guinea pig I saw a piece of lifted fur up and decided to lift it up and saw this... have no idea what it is and it looks like some kind of Infection. At first I thought it was a scab but looking at it more closely it doesn’t look like a scab. I plan to take him to...
Hi I am a new owner of skinny pigs I have 3 ! They are all amazing and I'm loving getting to know them and this forum has been such a help !
Two days after bringing them home we noticed one had a lot of sleep I'm his eye and he was favouring the other and we clean it for him and kept an eye on...
Hi everyone, meet Snowball.
Snowball is my 1 year old guinea pig who has been extremely healthy up until this point. This morning, i brought her and my other girl onto the table because their cage was ready for cleaning. Right away, i noticed Snowballs ear twitching while she was eating, i...
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