help advice needed

  1. A

    Help please! Transporting a 6 year old pig by cargo

    Hi! My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
  2. W

    Some redness around the eye

    Hey everyone, my partner's guniea pig is getting some redness around the eye. We love this guniea pig to death but want to avoid the vet if possible due to money problems. She's still acting normal and eating but we're still concerned about her. Is this anything to be alarmed of?
  3. Zaynlovespiggies

    Blind Guinea Pig with big wound on back

    Hello fellow Guinea pig lovers! I have a 6 month old Guinea pig who is blind and had mites (we put ivermectin on him) , but now pretty sure he has been getting bullied by his brother who’s able to see. He has a huge wound on his back and he constantly gets irritated by it and scratches it. He...
  4. 5

    Sick piggy

    Hello everyone, my guinea unfortunately might have a respiratory infection, she's been coughing here and there, before when she used to cough quite a bit I took her to the vets and the vet said she doesn't have a respiratory infection and the coughing could've been coming from the wood shavings...
  5. Y


    My guinea pig sometimes has really watery eyes and gets white burgers in it, sometimes in both and sometimes in one and when he’s walking or smelling for food his stops for a second sometimes like there’s a wall infront of him and put his head down fast then keeps going or walks around it, so I...
  6. O

    Help needed! Guinea pig recovery concerns

    So we recently took our boy (2 years 5 months) to the vet, and he had an operation to remove five bladder stones. Before this operation I assumed his food intake had gone down since he was doing small, thin poos instead of the regular sized ones. Anyway, we took him home from the operation and...
  7. J

    Help- Anorexic and lethargic guinea pig

    Hi, this is the first time I’ve used this but I’m looking for advice. My guinea pig is 2.5 years old, she lives indoors with 3 other female pigs. She’s had no major changes that I can think of, but this morning she was off her food. We tried her with her usual chard, as well as green beans and...
  8. Mummy2Milo&Felix

    Pairing 2 bore brothers! Help!

    Hello Fellow Guinea lovers :) I’m so glad to have found this forum! I am a proud guinea mum to 2 brothers Milo and Felix. (They’ve been amazing for me as I’ve been battling depression for the past few years). I would like some advice on the appropriate methods on introducing more guineas to...
  9. B

    Hay mites please help

    Hi everyone, looking for some advice, ive just found hay mites on my piggy so ive applied spot-on and given him a bath, is there anything else i can do? I hate seeing him upset and itchy :( Thanks!
  10. I

    Please help, very concerned

    I recently adopted another guinea pig yesterday and while checking him out for anything weird I came across many things. First off, he has weird black scabs in his ears and one of his ears are red and kinda swollen. Secondly, there’s this weird scab behind his ear with a little hair loss there...
  11. L


    Hi! I previously had an issue with breathing with my little boar. It got better but it seems that it is happening again but with both of them. They have this weird wheezing sound coming from their noses and they sneeze (maybe 3-4 times a day.) I’m a little conflicted because i don’t know if...
  12. K


    Hello, I got a New Guinea pig to bond with my current Guinea pig who lost her friend a few months ago. I have had the new piggie (NALA) for over a month. I was holding her, I made sure I was supporting her butt and that she felt secure. After a few seconds of holding her, she had bit me and...
  13. S


    I recently got a new piggy a couple of days ago. When I went to take him out of his cage this morning, I noticed a hard lump just below his ear. It’s relatively large in my opinion and it appears to have some sort of puss in it. I called the vet and the earliest appointment they have is 8 am...
  14. AppleandTwig

    Single Guinea Bereaved Piggy?

    Hi, so recently one of my piggies passed away. It was really hard for me, and my other piggy to deal with. But, even though he was sad for the first few days and didn’t make as much noise and slept more he still ate his food (licked the bowl ahah) and drank water, ate hay, and had some pellets...
  15. BenjiAndButtons

    Help! Need advice

    Hey, haven’t posted in a while. So basically, Barney my lil man is 4 years old. And tonight when it was time for veggies, he was not interested whatsoever, he just stayed in his hut and didn’t come out; when normally he’s rattling the cage eagerly waiting for tea time. He’s been absolutely fine...
  16. AppleandTwig

    Post op issues

    Hello, my Guinea pig (4 years old) recently about 5-7 hours ago got surgery on his cheek/below cheek, he had a small tumour that caused his teeth to vary in length making it difficult for him to eat. During the car ride home (we picked him up about 1 and a half hours ago) he was rubbing his...
  17. C

    Scabs, bleeding and dandruff

    Hello everyone, I have had some problems with my 1 year old guinea pigs. A while ago they started to itch and soon after they has scabs that bleed, and they wheek when touched. One of our guinea pigs with these symptoms passed away a few weeks ago, and these symptoms have started on my other two...
  18. H

    Is this sneezing?

    Hi, I have 3 boars. They all live in one big cage separated. My youngest one, (a little under a year I’m assuming) has been making this sneezing noise. I first noticed it last night. I heard him do it 5 times, and caught it on video again this morning. I would appreciate some opinions. Is a vet...
  19. G

    Guinea group favoritism

    Hi! In August I had adopted 3 female piggies (Ginger, Bok choy, and Zucchi). They were housed together before I brought them home and at first they were bonding pretty well with normal interactions such as playing and running together. Soon after bringing her home, Ginger had to be taken to the...
  20. M

    How to give guinea pig medication & stop chewing stitches

    So our 5 year old Guinea pig was spayed yesterday due to cysts in both her ovaries that were effecting her health, shes doing well with eating and moving around but trying to give her pain killers and antibiotics is proving to be a bit difficult. I've tired putting it on a bit of her food but...