help advice needed

  1. gustavandviktor

    Boar glue lip 😅

    One of my guinea pigs has rock hard crusty stuff on his lip, I’m assuming boar glue🙄 and it’s making it droop, he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he’s just eaten some lettuce. How on earth do I get it off? I’ve soaked it with a flannel and it will not budge, I don’t want to cut it as the hair is...
  2. jaqs

    Re-introducing my skinny boars

    Good morning all hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. So in my previous post/thread there had been a none visable fighting episode between Mr Gibbs and Sylvio my two skinny pig boars I had gathered there had been a fight as there was scratches on mainly Sylvio and what looked like...
  3. rubberduckytoy

    Weird Thing on my Guinea Pig’s Eye!

    A couple days ago I noticed my baby Ramen’s eye was looking weird and I looked all over the internet to try and find out what’s wrong with her but never found anything. :td: Her behavior hasn’t changed much and she still takes care of herself like before, but she hates it when I try to touch...
  4. jaqs

    Help and Advice needed please

    hi there i hope there is someone around atm .... sorry I haven't been on in a while but I am in the need of some advice about My Gibbs & Sylvio My 2 Skinny Pig boys, (13 weeks old) I have noticed some dominance traits ( from what ive read up on) between them, the noises and Mr Gibbs mounting...
  5. C

    Emergency? dying piggie

    Hi just adopted my piggie Cosmo only 2 days ago. Since he got home he’s been scratching and biting himself. I thought it was mites so I treated with ivermectin, small improvement but still itching. Now, he’s given out discharge through his nose, refusing to eat much, very lethargic and laying...
  6. RosiesWalk

    Last call for help for an abscess

    Hi Everyone, a little over two weeks ago one of our beloved guinea pigs developed an abscess on her cheek. The vet recommended that it was marcupialised. The operation took place within a couple of days. However, after the marcupialisation, the abscess did not continue to drain out, despite...
  7. tyler4

    Baby Guinea pigs and adult pigs

    Hello, I had NO idea what to post this thread in, all i saw was baby care. Anyways, I have two adult male guinea pigs, and I’m planning on getting a baby male guinea pig soon. I don’t know how to introduce them, or anything like that. My boys can be very territorial when it comes to new pigs (i...
  8. sennadiyorlar

    My guineapig has abscess in his mouth, what to do?

    Hi, my guineapig has an abscess in his mouth. He tries to eat but get hurt and give up. He still eats his pellet tho. I can’t make him eat vegetables or hay :( I took him to the vet and he started taking antibiotics and painkillers. It’s his 3rd day on antibiotics today. He still is having...
  9. N

    how to reduce the pain of my guinea pig with Arthritis

    Hello all, My guinea pig fluffy was just diagnosed with Arthritis two days ago 😭He is about 5.5 years old. He has it in his spine and knees and it’s painful enough that he’s not walking. The vet prescribed Meloxicam for pain relief but he’s still crying when I pick him up to clean his poop. I...
  10. C

    Potential snail trails and white/green beads in the hutch

    Hi everyone, i desperately need some help. I have been finding ‘ snail-like’/slime trails in my guinea pig hutch (outside) in particularly one corner of the hutch. Not only this, ive also found small bead-like white/green substances. Please someone help me, i have blitzed the hutch and pulled...
  11. Pohtaytur

    Guinea pig bored and picky?

    Hi, so I'm a new owner of a bonded pair of guinea pigs I recently adopted called Harold and Henrietta. I was kind of worried about Harold's behaviour. I've been giving him pellets and veggies to eat, and he would take the pellets from me before, but he stopped taking them from me as much after I...
  12. aniasandyogurt

    Hamster squeaking abnormally please help

    Hi guys this isn’t guinea pig related but i’m freaking out about my boyfriends hamster. She periodically makes these wheezing squeaks for a profusive amount of times. She’s about 9 months. It’s been happening for about id say two weeks give or take. She is eating and drinking normally and she is...
  13. G

    Ringworm on baby pig :( Help!

    So Ive recently introduced a new baby pig to my two other piggies. The baby got a dry bald patch near its head which I think is ringworm and I don’t know what to do. I’ve separated my Guinea pigs for now but they’ve already been exposed. How long should I continue quarantining them? How long...
  14. S


    so i was taking my guinea pig out normally on my bed. and he was laying down on me and all of a sudden his heart completely stopped i picking him up he was like dead i was kinda tapping him and he was still limp and not moving i got very scared and next thing you know he’s moving.. he looked...
  15. A

    Help please! Transporting a 6 year old pig by cargo

    Hi! My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
  16. W

    Some redness around the eye

    Hey everyone, my partner's guniea pig is getting some redness around the eye. We love this guniea pig to death but want to avoid the vet if possible due to money problems. She's still acting normal and eating but we're still concerned about her. Is this anything to be alarmed of?
  17. Zaynlovespiggies

    Blind Guinea Pig with big wound on back

    Hello fellow Guinea pig lovers! I have a 6 month old Guinea pig who is blind and had mites (we put ivermectin on him) , but now pretty sure he has been getting bullied by his brother who’s able to see. He has a huge wound on his back and he constantly gets irritated by it and scratches it. He...
  18. 5

    Sick piggy

    Hello everyone, my guinea unfortunately might have a respiratory infection, she's been coughing here and there, before when she used to cough quite a bit I took her to the vets and the vet said she doesn't have a respiratory infection and the coughing could've been coming from the wood shavings...
  19. Y


    My guinea pig sometimes has really watery eyes and gets white burgers in it, sometimes in both and sometimes in one and when he’s walking or smelling for food his stops for a second sometimes like there’s a wall infront of him and put his head down fast then keeps going or walks around it, so I...
  20. O

    Help needed! Guinea pig recovery concerns

    So we recently took our boy (2 years 5 months) to the vet, and he had an operation to remove five bladder stones. Before this operation I assumed his food intake had gone down since he was doing small, thin poos instead of the regular sized ones. Anyway, we took him home from the operation and...