
  1. A

    Hind Legs Not Working Well

    If anyone has any medical knowledge about guinea pigs or small animals, please contact me. My swwet boy is having issues with his hind legs, where jes barely able to walk... He looks like he's upset/exhausted or in pain and I don't know what to do. He will walk, periodically, but he keeps...
  2. CharlotteR34

    Ramp Trouble

    I purchased a new cage for my piggies with two floors,I have two boys, I left them to it and hoped their curiosity would encourage them to go down/up it however I had no such luck so I tried placing some veggies down it hoping it would entice them down, again no such luck! I also tried putting...
  3. Merrypigs Sanctuary

    Sanctuary Pigs!

    Here's some pics of the piggies at the sanctuary :D Tina the Terminator! She loves hiding under cover :) Ozzy aka Oddball! Such a cuddle monster... Patch and Snowy! Alias Scourer and Cheeto. Snowy is usually brave, but is hiding here :3 Tina-Terminator and Medusa, the little...
  4. Bella & Trixie

    Bella&trixie- Models!

    I love my guinea pigs!
  5. Celine298

    Diy Cage Interior.

    My little man is as odd as they come. When I bought him, I got the largest cage in the shop and every toy/feeder/bedding you can imagine... none of them lasted, he hated them all! So I had to get my thinking cap on and figure out some alternatives! With a little rummaging around the house I...
  6. Sshorty

    Bald Patches On Sows Belly.

    Hi, I was checking my piggy over this morning, and whilst she seems perfectly well in herself and hasn't lost weight and is still eating, I found she has bald patches on her belly and around her right hind leg. I haven't found any mites on her or her sister... can anybody tell me what this looks...
  7. PiggyRuss

    Coping With Piggy Loss

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. I have just signed up to this forum so I can speak with other piggy lovers and share experiences and get advice. My wife and I have kept two lovely Guinea Pigs, Cairo and Caesar, since we moved in together nearly 8 years ago. They have always lived in the...
  8. ChewyTheGuinea

    I Put Those Two In A Cage Together To Take This Picture

    theyre back in their cages now :T but anyways
  9. SazzaG96

    Running Mites

    I believe my boys has got mites as i can see bug crawling in their fur! I was wondering what has caused this, is it common and how do i treat? Can i buy something to fix it or should I go straight to vet?
  10. AdamFrench

    Two Female Sows Together For A Week

    We have just bought two female sows a week ago and they've been together since. We are inexperienced guinea owners but have read up on a lot before and since purchasing them. However, there is a lot of contradictory information around and its always something else to see behaviour rather than...
  11. ChewyTheGuinea

    Guinea Books

    Can someone give me advice on some guinea books?
  12. Guineapigfeet

    Snoozing Pigs

    Sorry, no picture! I didn't dare disturb them! Caught Cheewie having an out-in-the-open nap yesterday with her eyes open (it's so freaky!) and Rey had a couple of lay-like-a-dog chill-outs with back legs sticking out from under her side. My first thought, having never seen her do this before...
  13. Guineapigfeet

    First Floor Time

    I hope this works! This was their first proper floor time as a trio. They have all had un-sanctioned floor time individually before. OH is worried about them peeing on the carpet. We were creating a human barrier between the safe dining room and the wires-everywhere living room and computer...
  14. Guineapigfeet

    Rey's Eye - Off To The Vets Tomorrow

    My littlest pig, Rey, is off to the vets tomorrow morning at 9am (her sisters will be along for the ride). I got home from work to find her right eye a bit not right. She's a wiggly wee thing but I think it's some bedding/hay dust that's got caught in her lower eye rim/lid. It doesn't look like...
  15. ChewyTheGuinea

    I Had A Sleepover

    So let me give you videos/photos of them
  16. ChewyTheGuinea

    How Do I Care For A Guinea Pig?

    I'm kinda new to them
  17. mackenzieaj96

    Is This House Suitable For My Piggies?

    Is this house going to work for my 3 pigs? I know it is big enough, but I want to know if they will be able to make it up and down the ramp?
  18. SazzaG96

    New Owner Advice?

    Hi there! I'm a recent new owner of 2 male guinea pigs and I was hoping for some advice in general about looking after them. They are in a 2 x 3 C&C cage with a loft and I use fleece bedding that is washed every 3 days! They get fresh veggies morning and night and nuggets and hay! Is there...
  19. Guineapigfeet

    Becoming Bolder

    Chewie, BB and even little Rey are getting bolder everyday. I only wish I could take in-focus pictures!
  20. Guineapigfeet

    One Week Update

    It's been one week, and a day, since the three girls came home. We are renaming them but haven't got very far: Mango is now BB (BB-8 from StarWars) but we're awaiting inspiration for Chutney and Squirrel. BB and Squirrel are sisters and Chutney is a cousin (they think) They are settling in well...