
  1. BenjiAndButtons

    Interested In Your Stories!

    Any other usual behaving guineas out there or do we have the only one? Tale 1: Benji.. black and wait short haired. Pretty sure Benji thinks he's a human, he hated his previous housemate with a passion, and now his new friend hasn't faired any better, he rumbles at the sight of him, becomes so...
  2. W

    Really Scared. Please Help.

    Since my piggies current cage is too small for them I let them roam the kitchen every day. Today I noticed one of them was trying to scrape something off the floor with her teeth. I looked and it was a tiny bit of smeared chocolate on the ground. A little bit must have fallen when I got it off...
  3. J

    Hay Wasting

    Hey all, I noticed my piggies tend to waste about half of the hay I give them. They will pull hay out from their rack onto the floor, and pull hay out of their hay ball as well. I also put a small pile of hay under their veggies in the morning, and they will eat about half of this pile and...
  4. Carrotyd

    Advice On Making Guinea Pig Teeth Exams Easier For The Vet

    My 8-month-old piggy, Seabass, is giving us cause for concern at the moment, as - over the last month or so - he's become increasingly fussy about what he'll eat,and is slowly shunning everything we give him. It started with him sniffing round the veggies most morning/evenings, before ignoring...
  5. CavyIris

    How To Transport 4 Guinea Pigs?

    Hello, I'm not sure how i am to transport my guinea pigs to our summer place, this is the first time we are going with them. I know not to transport them two in one cage, but are there any cages you know of i can divide, or something similar? its a 4 and a half hour drive, so quite long for them...
  6. C

    My Piggy Is Suddenly Very Agressive?

    I'm a new guinea pig owner and have two piggies, both a few months old. One of them, my first bought one, Leia, has suddenly become extremely agressive and nasty. Here is some maybe helpful background information: I bought Leia about two months ago now. She was very sweet and timid, loved to be...
  7. Merrypigs Sanctuary

    Wish Them Luck!

    Now that Darwin and Jake are well settled and lice free, it's time to see if they want to be friends! Things have been going well, they have even snoozed together! Both boys came from homes where they lived alone so I really hope they get on. Wish the boys luck!
  8. Merrypigs Sanctuary

    Are These The Same Pigs?

    Do you think these are the same pigs? The cage is the same with the ill-fitting door, they're in the same location, one of both 'pairs' has died and they are incredibly similar if not the same, both 'pairs' are boars. The angle makes it difficult though...
  9. Guinea Days

    How Many Piggies Do You Have?

    lets see how many you have got? I have 2! GOOOO!!!
  10. Guinea Days

    How Many Piggies Do Yuo Have

  11. Merrypigs Sanctuary

    Sanctuary Peeeegs

    Many piggies :D Toffee and Fudge were surrendered to my work place, and because Toffee has lots of unusual cysts and both ladies are elderly they are now permanent Sanctuary residents! Toffee is left and sister Fudge is right. The mysterious stretch-pig! Kissy kissy! And little Jakob! Such a...
  12. ChloeCee98

    First Bath In The New House x

    MoMo had her first bath in the new house today :) went very well she even had a quick 2 seconds of a hair dryer and she did really well! But scared at first but loved it after wards. (Lowest heat and power). I'm going to cut her wispy bits of hair around her bum bum tomorrow before work (Sunday...
  13. L


    It is with a broken heart that I announce Peaches has passed away. She's only been gone for about two weeks now, but we're all still heartbroken about her. We're happy we got to spend time with her after Peanut's death, but we miss her so much. I waited a little while to write this, just because...
  14. Cherrychops100

    How Much Veggies?

    I have 3 sows, 2 are about 13 weeks and the other one is about 8 weeks. How much veggies should I give per pig, per day (in grams or cups) If you could tell me what you would feed them and portion sizes everyday (For example how much of a cucumber?) Today I am giving them; 1/8 cup pellets x3...
  15. Natalia

    Ricky Died And I Got A New Guinea But Can't Get Over Ricky

    My Guinea pig died over the holidays, and few days ago I got a new, cute baby guinea pig, but when I can't sleep because I miss him so much and I can't enjoy the new piggy. I even told my partner that I don't want the new piggy, I want one looking exactly like Ricky. It breaks my heart...
  16. alli081

    Sick Pig With A Uri - Anyone Have Advice?

    Hi everyone, I only just joined on here but I have a very urgent question. I'm from Queensland, Australia, and I have 4 rescue pigs (2 boys and 2 girls - they don't mix with each other). One of my male pigs Cosmo has got a lung infection. He wasn't eating much on Friday and wasn't out in the...
  17. B

    Help! My Guinea Pig Is Acting Strange?!

    Hi all! First of all I'm new to the Forum. My name is Shaz, I'm from the UKabd have two youngsters called Bambi and Thumper, no older than 6 months old. Got them both together so they were living together before rehoming. Recently one of my piggies had been acting REALLY strange. Really scary...
  18. Ever

    Guinea Pig Weight

    Hello, I just read that if you can feel your guinea pig's ribs (not see, just feel), it means that they aren't overweight. Is this correct?
  19. JellyMoosh

    Weekly Feeding Plan Rotation

    As someone looking forward to becoming an owner (of one guinea pig), I'd first like to get approval over my planned guinea pig diet. I referred to the following link: *1/8-1/4 cup of pellets would be given in the morning and...
  20. A

    Is It Possible That My Piggy Is Still Sick?

    Okay, so 3 weeks ago my sister and I had bought two guinea pigs, Fred and George. George was more than likely sick when we had gotten him, but we were told vitamin C drops would do the trick. NOPE. Poor little George had a pretty strong case of an upper respiratory infection, and without further...