
  1. M

    Difficult Guinea Pig

    Hey all! I got my first guinea pig last year. When i first got her she was super sweet and didn’t seem to have a problem (she was also just itty bitty). Now moving more closer to her 1st birthday she can’t stand to be handled.. bites (where blood is drawn) and just overall hates me or my...
  2. Konira

    Piggies Not Eating Hay!

    Hey, so i got 2 new guinea pigs a couple days ago (Both of them are about 3 and a half weeks old), I'm almost positive they are healthy, but neither of them are eating hay, they give small bites on the hay but never seem to actually eat big pieces... I wonder if this is related to them being so...
  3. Alexemond97

    Guinea Pig Genitals Problem

    Hi, I am a new guinea pig owner and the vet currently doesn’t have disponibilities and it is the only one in my region who treats exotic animals, but I have a problem with one of my guinea pig’s genitals. I got him (or her?) in a rescue and they didn’t said anything about it expect that it...
  4. S

    A Mate

    I have 1 male guinea pig. I have been reading the forums of people and their 2 guineas. I was wondering if it is ok to have 1 or should I get a mate for him? If I should get another one, how can I do the meeting process? But if it is fine with 1 what can I do to make sure he doesn't get lonely...
  5. Gemm24

    Bit Of A Rant....

    Hi! I have 6 beautiful guinea pigs and they are practically my life. I am constantly buying them toys/treats, taking photos of them, cuddling them, playing with them. I love them so much! I am currently building and sewing them some hammocks and hammock holders. Unfortunately some of my family...
  6. Nibsandtuft

    What Food Do Guinea Pigs Like?

    We have two male guinea pigs and they love the normal food like beans and cucumber etc. But we would like to try them on something different ! Any ideas :hmm:
  7. K

    How Much Do I Feed?

    hi, you see I have always done my pets food in tablespoons but I cannot for the life of me find out how many tablespoons to give my 2 males it says you feed them 1 cup or 1/4 of a cup or 1/8 I just don't know which is right either (this is for pellets btw)
  8. A

    Sudden Death?

    Hi all, So I owned 4 guinea pigs. 2 of them are around 2 1/2 years old, one is 2 and the other is 1 years old. One of my guinea pigs (purchased from pets at home, big mistake) has had constant health problems over the last 2 years. Originally a few weeks after getting her she was breathing...
  9. Suki&Indie

    Baytril Causing Mushy Poo

    Hi guys! Recently my wee girl got pretty sick and was brought to the vet. There they gave me 4 days worth of baytril. After the four days she was fine and eating as normal. Just now I noticed her poops are pretty mushy. The baytril doses finished on the 18th but I've heard it can cause mushy...
  10. PerpLexxity

    Butt Throwing?

    Hey everybody, So yesterday I *tried* to put my two boars together and one of them did this thing with thier butt. I can only describe it as a butt throw. He threw his butt sideways at the other pig with his body at a ‘C’ angle. I’ve tried to research this bahavior but all I got was pee...
  11. Alexandra West

    Guinea Pigs Ate Some Pine Needles?

    Hello all... When I was away from finnian, my guinea pig, a few minutes ago, my sister snuck in and took him down to see the Christmas tree. Apparently he bit off some tips of the pine needles and ate them... will he be alright? I heard some trees are sprayed with chemicals and stuff... he...
  12. J

    New Guinea Pig Trouble!

    Hi! I'm new to this forum so I am not sure if I'm posting in the right spot. I adopted two young guinea pigs two days ago. They had been living together before I adopted them for about a week or so. They are both still very small. I feel at a loss. They are very shy and nervous. I do not...
  13. C

    Lump On My Guinea Pig- Help

    I noticed a small lump on my guinea pig this week, thankfully I work at a vets and was able to take her in for a check up which the vet then noticed a grape size lump which is more internal than the small one. I’m pretty sure the small one was 9mm and the bigger one was 22mm so around 2 cm. the...
  14. P

    Husband Allergic To My Piggies

    Hello all. I am in a bit of a predicament! I have had some piggies for over a year now and my husband has suddenly developed a wheezy chest, difficulty breathing, runny nose and watery eyes. He has gone to the DRs and they have diagnosed him with an allergic reaction to "something", and they...
  15. Guinealicious

    Best Christmas Gift Ever! Love My Piggy! :)

    So, I've requested this for Christmas. I personally LOVE IT! :) I need this hoodie! What do you think? Life is better with a Guinea Pig - Abyssinian
  16. Gengen

    Mini Mini Gen An Coco

    There running around like kids. They are so funny. I wanted to show the video I don't know how to upload it.
  17. Piggiesxoxo

    Grazing On Sprayed Grass

    I don't know whether to graze my Guinea pigs on weed killer. It's been a couple months and lots of rain.
  18. Piggiesxoxo

    Not Eating Hay Or Drinking Water?

    Hi! I'm a New Guinea pig owner. He's about two months and his name is Pumpkin. He was doing well the first month I had him (got him when he was 1 month old) and was popcorning, wheeking, and exploring. But now going into the second month I noticed he's not being so active. Is he bored? Should I...
  19. Leah&Penelope

    Shedding Hair

    Hey Guys, My guinea Leah who is about two months old has started to shed hair. She is a short haired, smooth coat Harlequin (i think!). Anyway, we live in Australia where it is just about to be summer and I am wondering if it is just that she is losing her winter coat (similar to how dogs do)...
  20. Jesse's pigs

    Genuinely Nice Surprise

    Went to Pets@Home today to get another 1kg bag (I think lol its the biggest one they do) of Timothy hay. I know it's not the best value for money (actually think they messed up as the sign said £6.99 and I paid £4 something :whistle:) but Mo loves it and Steve has been on it since I got him...