
  1. PirateZelda

    Arguing Boars

    Hi everyone, I'm trying everywhere for advice on this so I would appreciate any and all help. We adopted two boars in September and, at an estimate, they're around a year old now. They've never been best friends but they've been nice enough to each other and we've not had any problems. But in...
  2. TheLottiediarys

    How Do Two Story C & C Cages Work?

    Hi guys, I'm thinking of ways to minimise space in the animal room and remembered lots of you have seperate pairs/groups of Pigs on seperate stories of C &C cages, What I'm wondering is how do you secure the two floors so that it's safe? I've used a loft in the past but that seems a little...
  3. Zelsi

    Bonded Boars - Sudden Fight? Please Help!

    I have two boars Monty (2.5yrs) and Simba (1yr) who I bonded last month. Thread here: Bonding Two Boars - Advice Needed! Since the bonding they did get a lot better, ate together, slept together etc. with Monty being the dominant one. Over the past week there was more chattering and nosing...
  4. Elke

    Three Boars - Our Current Situation/ Thank You Guys! :)

    So I posted a thread 3 weeks ago (here's a link: Introducing New (male) Guinea Pig - Advice Needed) and just wanted to make an update thread about my current situation as a warning and advice for anyone that is thinking about making a trio :) After first introduction and separating our piggies...
  5. V

    Bonding My Current Guinea Pig To Two New Ones

    Hi! Currently I just have my single guinea pig and have not partnered him yet. I got him from a family friend who was breeding and couldn't take his brother as well because he was claimed. Around 7-8 weeks after my guinea pig and his brother were born there was another single birth from the same...
  6. S

    Can Three Neutered Boars Live Together?

    Hi So I have three boars (I know ill advised but I adopted them from my sister who didn’t do much research on guinea pigs). I’ve has them for three years and all has been fine- Jack is the dominant one and the other two were fairly ok with that. But as of last week, Spike and Jack have really...
  7. Julie M

    Mango And Frankie

    Well today I’ve decided to try and bond Mango and Frankie as I’ve got a few days off together to keep an eye on them. We’ve had all the usual behaviour, sniffing, chasing, rumbling, a few lunges, chattering. A few times they’ve napped and lay down next to each other but woken up and the scenario...
  8. C

    Seperate Cages But Same Floor Time?

    I have four guinea pigs, and they are in pairs in different cages. I started off with the two and adopted one more which didn't get along with the two original ones so I bought a fourth one to keep the adopted one company. I'm wondering if although they are in different cages, could I attempt to...
  9. Braelyn

    Should I Separate My Boars?

    I'm new to owning piggies, I just got my first one on 11-26-17 from a pet page on Facebook and did all the research I could and knew he needed a friend. So on 11-29-17 I adopted another male from the shelter. I have no idea how old either of them are, but the first one was owned by the previous...
  10. Little Pigs

    Should I Adopt A Male Or Female For My Boar?

    I have two boars however, since adolescence they have fought and nip each other constantly - they had plenty of room in their cage! The problem started as one of my boars was already very 'snuggly' and would press himself against his cage mate and sleep on top of him! However his friend did not...
  11. Jesse's pigs


    I never realised how fun floortime could be! The first time I tried it with Mo, I was rather nervous - and he stuck by my side so I think he was too :lol!: but eventually he learnt that my bedroom floor was a safe space and went mental! Now I get them out together as much as possible. I...
  12. csmith9nr

    Boar Trio Working?

    if you read my last post you'll know why I'm doing this. So it was either put my two guinea pigs with the new one or get a New Guinea pig to go with the new one. As originally I really wanted 3 guinea pigs together I ended up trying it just to see how it would go. Pringle and mojo and the new...
  13. csmith9nr

    New Guinea Pig?

    i have two boars about 1 years old and am thinking on getting another one round 8-10 weeks. I've heard trios aren't a good pair though... what's the best way of dealing with this and can it work? If not what else can I do?
  14. BenjiAndButtons

    In Terms Of What Barney Needs, Does He Need A Friend?

    We think we may need to get a friend for Barney but we dont know? Here's the sitch! Barney was bought as a friend for Benji after Buttons died. We love barney we really do, but we only really got him because we know piggies shouldn't live alone, but Benji doesn't like Barney, he's already...
  15. BenjiAndButtons

    Cage Levels

    Hi all! Please see the photos below if my explanation is too confusing. We bought a double cage (2 levels) with the intention of finding a new friend for benji (Black and white Guniea) after he lost his previous friend to Bloat, We bought Barney (White and ginger guinea) but he had case of...
  16. C

    Found Scabs And Scratches From Fights :(

    So we have had our three gorgeous piggies for 5ish months now and they are 9 months old. Never had an issue with them until recently where they have started fighting with each other. Our poor Diamond is the victim in all of this, with George doing the biting and scratching and Graham keeps...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Rant From Mo

    "I know all of you think my little brother Steve is cute and can probably do no wrong but I'm here to prove otherwise! Steve is soooooo naughty! Pigmum gave us a paper bag today to play with and within a few minutes Steve had tolieted in it! I don't know why he does it. I've tried to show him...
  18. Yorisou

    Some Advice About My Two Piggies!

    Hello all, my first post here. So I have Lymo, the older piggy, and Hershy the new younger piggy. We decided to get our little fluff ball lymo a new friend to keep him company. We have had hershy for a week now and the first initial meeting went really well, with just the usual dominance...
  19. A

    My Two Boys Are Not Getting Along

    Okay, so roughly two-three weeks ago my two boys (Fred and George) were separated from each other due to Fred getting an eye injury from a fight with George. The new cage I had gotten for Fred is the exact same as the one they shared, so they each have 8 sq ft each to roam around in as opposed...
  20. K

    New Guinea Pigs Settling In

    i have 2 males, I got them last week and one is setting in well (and seems to be the boss!) and making lots of noise and exploring and eating well.. the other one is very quiet, barely makes any noise and just hides in his hutch and doesn't appear to be eating as well as the other one. They are...