
  1. P

    Passing wind

    Hello! 2 of my 8 boars pass wind every time I have them on my lap... they’re both on a reduced green diet to help, and it has helped! But would like to know if there is anything I can give I help relieve this gas more? Thank you!
  2. GeorgiaHarris

    Average weight for a 4 month old boar

    I recently adopted a 4 month old boar and I weighed him yesterday and he was 822g but I don’t know what the average is at his age and whether or not he’s at a healthy weight. I’ve looked online but I can only find average weights for adults.
  3. V

    Was Getting My Boar A Friend A Bad Decision?

    Hi all! I am hoping that you might be able to help me out with my piggy concerns. I adopted a guinea pig boar about a year ago and due to mixed opinions on whether to find him a friend, I have only recently adopted a 3 month old boar. I completed the quarantine and bonding steps, but I have...
  4. x95emma95x

    Should I Or Shouldn't I?

    Hi there! Just a bit of background, although it says I am new to the Guinea Pig Forum, I had an account a long time ago yet was inactive for a long period of time. I have owned guinea pigs for 5/6 years now, my current two being Lenny, a 3 Year old long haired mop, and Noel, a 5 month old grey...
  5. ElizaCavies


    Hi All Just wondering about two boar brothers..... will they get on / too early to tell. I'm getting them from a rescue in 5 weeks as they have been given lots of pregnant sows, here is a picture with their sister who I unfortunately don't have the space for :(
  6. K

    Do It Yourself Cage Liners

    setting my boys up in c&c cages. I’m looking at making my own cage liners (probably 2x4) I’ve been looking, and I can’t seem to figure out what exactly people are putting in the middle for the absorbent layer? I’m guessing the top and bottom are fleece? Where is the cheapest place to get...
  7. Zelsi

    Sudden Aggression From Top Pig

    Hi All So I have two boars Monty (3 years) and Simba (1.5 years) which I bonded around Christmas time. They have been very good since then - next to no dominance behaviours whatsoever and have lived peacefully together. Yesterday evening around 8pm Monty was suddenly being aggressive (just...
  8. kikidee

    Help A Piggy Mama Out: Bonded Boars Suddenly Hate Each Other.

    I have two boys- Max and Maverick. I've had them for about 6 mos and they have always squabbled and done the whole dominance thing, but they never seriously fought. As an example, they would have (what I call) chatter fights where they get angry and circle each other but they never actually...
  9. winniethepooh

    How Long Does Dominance Last?

    Yesterday I put my two boars in a bigger cage that is 2 x 6 grids. They are doing the usual stuff, teeth chattering, rumble-strutting and mounting. How long does this dominance usually last?
  10. winniethepooh

    Trio Of Boars?

    I was thinking today, is a trio of boars a common thing? I know a trio of sows is a thing and they get along but would a trio of boars work out? I currently have 2 boars right now and was thinking (of course when they settle in to their C&C cage and get over their dominant stages) of getting...
  11. lauryn888

    Travelling Without My Pigs

    hi all, i have two boys and i will be going to a different continent for 9 days in april. i have nobody around me who can take care of my boys in my house while I'm gone so i was going to take them to my boyfriend's house who lives 2 hours away which is conveniently near the aiport I'm leaving...
  12. Xxhdxx

    Should I Get Another Guinea Pig?

    Hello everyone! I hope your day has been well. I had two guinea pigs Phoenix and Gemini(both boys), but unfortunately Phoenix passed away. Gemini is/was very territorial while pheonix (I got him as a baby and had him for a year) as he was growing up, became more territorial as well. They never...
  13. S

    Can I Adopt Two New Spayed Sows For The Two Non-neutered Boars I Already Have?

    Hey everyone, so this is my first post so bare with me if I posted in the wrong section. So I already have two boars, Mr. Waffles and Pollo, and I bought them both at a pet store. I didn't know any better, at that point, I didn't even know you could adopt or rescue a guinea pig, much less...
  14. makocali

    Guinea Pigs Drawing Blood?

    Hi guys, I’m a first time guinea pig owner, and am really needing advice on what to do with my boars. So my little brother lost interest in his guinea pig (it’s mate died shortly before) and I took on ownership. Mako is about a year old, and I bought 2 four month old boars as companions. I did...
  15. Lyss

    Too Good To Be True?

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum but not new to guinea pigs. I've had pairs of boars in the past but right now I'm working on introducing a third boar to my existing pair. I know it rarely works out but my new guy was abandoned by his previous owner and I couldn't just leave him. My oldest boar is...
  16. KathT

    Castration And Behaviour

    I have a few questions on castration and would be grateful for any help or experience people have on this matter. I currently have two boars who live happily together but Toby is fast approaching 6 years old whilst Jack is only about two and a half. Thinking of the future, as I don’t expect Toby...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Just A Dose Of Piggy Pics :)

    I'm no photographer but felt like getting a few pics of my boys tonight- why not? :lol!: Thought I'd share them on here because they actually cooperated for once...who knows maybe we'll try get some valentines ones taken soon.
  18. Cherri

    My Boar Is Biting The Divider In His Cage?

    Hello! I have a very fiesty 4 year old boar, he won't stop biting the divider in his cage. He recently chipped a tooth pretty bad on the wire, and I'm scared that with him biting with little tooth, that he will damage his gums? Anybody have any idea how I can stop him from biting?
  19. Zelsi

    I Separated My Boars - What Next?

    I have just separated my two boars, same cage but a divider down the middle. While on holiday my family took care of them and when I returned I checked each one thoroughly and the younger one (12 months) had some bald patches / nips on his back and cheek. The larger one (2.5 years) did bite him...
  20. Zelsi

    Dominant Boar Taunting / Trying To "nip" Smaller Pig? Will He Calm Down?

    I have posted a couple of times before about my bonded boar pair Monty and Simba. Monty is dominant and 2.5 years old, Simba is 1 year old. They have been living together since November 24th 2017. My worry is Monty. He seems to be incredibly aggressive towards Simba. He does this thing where...