
  1. RJade

    Bonding Males

    So it's been I'm finally in a position to get my single guinea pig a friend. My intention was to do boar dating via a rescue. But the one that's closest to me and I've tried contacting won't give me thorough information and won't confirm that they actually do boar dating. And the next one that...
  2. Chancey


    Hi there! I wasn't sure where to put this in so I apologise! I currently have 5 sows but we've fallen for two boars that we've come across. I'm from Scotland, Fife and I'm not too sure about an exotic vet that is experienced with neutering as it's something I'd like to consider if I do bring...
  3. Jesse's pigs


    Hey guys I just thought maybe it'd be cool to share the photos that are piggies aren't being glamorous in and look slightly goofy in because why not? I know my piggy Mo pulls many strange poses so I wondered what strange things you've captured your piggies doing. Who knows maybe we have an...
  4. Carrotyd

    When Harry Met Hairy - Bonding Two Boars

    Morning all. We took Harry speed dating at a rescue yesterday, and he ended up partnered with a 3 month-old boar who we're still in the process of naming. The rescue was over an hour away, and both piggies snuggled up in a freshly washed cosy, neither of them had seen before, all the way home...
  5. Carrotyd

    Baby Boar Or Post-teen Boar? That Is The Question

    Hello there. Now Lloyd has sadly left us to enjoy his forever sleep, I've turned my attention to finding Harry a new friend. Now Harry is a two-years and five months old, and not neutered and I've been contacting rescues, some other owners I know and our regularly boarding company about how...
  6. Julie M

    Do Guinea Pigs Mellow With Age?

    Well it appears a miracle has happened in my piggy room. Buddy is now letting me pet him! He first let me scratch under his chin and now let's me pet the top of his head! This happens most days, it's a miracle as he was my biggest drama queen and was very skittish. He's just turned 2 years...
  7. Celine298

    New Baby Coming

    This is Sunny, he's 11 months old and he might be getting a little brother tomorrow! I've read all the info in the forum about bonding two boars. I've purposely waited until Sunny's hormones were a bit more stable until introducing a new friend, to minimize fighting. Personality wise, Sunny is...
  8. MJG

    Titan Nooooo Why Me ?!?!

    Hello fellow slaves! Another story to hopefully brighten the cold day ! Yesterday I had the day off work and decided after letting the boys out to come downstairs and watch a little bit of JEremy Kyle (making sure it was suitable for them to watch ) haha! Both of them went gooey and cuddly and...
  9. Kristy

    2 Boars... Question About Constant Dominance

    Hi there... This is my first post here... I have been reading and searching for some information. We are very new to owning piggies and I have been reading like a crazy person. We have 2 males, one is "Mortimer" an Absynian (spelling?) and the other is "Charlie" who is an American...
  10. G

    Boars Fighting, But Anxious When Separated?

    Hi! I have two boars, they are brothers and I adopted them when they were likely a year old. I've had them since January, and when I adopted them I was told that they occasionally get into little tiffs but nothing to worry about. Lately they've been fighting a LOT. At least two or three times a...
  11. G

    Dominance Between Two Boars

    i have an older male and we introduced him to a baby male yesterday. They did the whole dominance behavior and what not and i wasn't comfortable putting them in the same cage but last night I had their cages side by side and they were squeaking at each other and both were peeking through the...
  12. Elgifu321

    My Happy Little Trio :)

    Introduced Ronan (4 week old texel) to my other two tonight and it went really well! I have Caspar, a 5 week old teddy and Rupert, a 4 year old part sheltie. Poor Rupert with all these babies! He popcorned when he first saw them both so I think he's happy for the company! I know I might get...
  13. Sach15

    Male And Female Guinea Pigs

    I have 6 sows and 1 boar. The boar is coming up to 3 weeks so we are going to separate him from the sows. We are not sure whether to get him castrated and them put him back in with the sows or just separate him and get him a friend. They live in a 6x4 shed with boxes etc. Could you keep him in...
  14. kerri Davidson

    New Piggies - Diy Cage

    Hi there, I'm thinking about getting 2 piggies next month and want to build a home for them. My last guinea pig lived on his own indoors and had a plastic cage and metal run but i want to try making my own one and have found some pretty good ideas on pintrest etc! The thing I'm struggling to find...
  15. Julie M

    My 3 Boys.

    Fudge (my senior at nearly 5) Little Buddy Peanut (he's had a BIG haircut) :doh:
  16. Liv

    Boars: Unrequited Love And Repeated Bloody Nose :(

    Hi All, I have two 5-months old boars, Bhalu and Puck. They live in a 6x2 C&C cage with a 2x2 loft, and I let them roam around the room they are in everyday. Bhalu, my larger boy, adores Puck, always wants to be near him and gets very anxious when I separate him from Puck, even if it's just for...
  17. naomi.davies7

    Housing Advice

    Hi just looking for some advice. I've always had piggies but they've been in my family home and they were either kept outside or inside in store bought runs using hay and sawdust as bedding. I rescued 2 boars in my new house last November and to start with they were in a store bought cage, but...