Would you rather......?

Skiing on the Moon
Surfing on Neptune?

The Moon, please!

Would you rather face a giant beetle or something so tiny you could hardly see it (it stings though)?
If the stings unbearably painful I'm going with the giant beetle

Would you rather live in a world where there is no internet or having fun is bad? ( personally I’d go with no internet)
Having fun is actually bad for people (like it is bad to smoke) or having fun is looked down upon but you can still have fun?

No internet (we’ve never experienced the internet before?)

I think I’m thinking about these questions too much.

Would you rather sit in a pool for a Photoshoot or wear a huge yellow dress with crimped hair?
Sit in a pool for a photoshoot

Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island filled with cannibals or lost in space?
Ooooo hard choice

Film ( but read a book at bedtime )

Would you rather have a holiday in the sunshine or in the snow ?
In the sunshine so long as it wasn’t too hot 🥵

Would you rather have mushrooms on toast or cheese on toast
Lounge on the sofa wrapped in a cosy blanket all snuggled up with a hot water bottle on a cold winters night.

Would you rather see a film on the TV or at the cinema?
On TV - lounging on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket with a mug of coffee

Would you rather have a traditional Christmas dinner or something more unusual
I'd love something more unusual for a change but my boring old family like a traditional Christmas dinner.

Would you rather save for a rainy day or spend like there's no tomorrow?
Save for a rainy day - so long as you know when it’s raining!

Have you ever been on the receiving end of unexpected kindness

Have you ever looked after someone else's pets while they were away on holiday?
Yes - and this is another case of muddling threads! ( see yum or yuck )

I think I need to go and lie down in a quiet corner until my brain comes back from it’s wandering.
Before I do so - back on track…..

Would you rather walk in sunlight or moonlight
Fruit don't like crisps (yeah right! 🤣 )

Would you rather hug a hot water bottle or hug a stranger.