Would you rather......?


Would you rather have nightmares every night but get a full 8 hours sleep or sleep peacefully for 3 hours each night

Would you rather have a puppy with the personality of a Guinea pig or a Guinea pig with the personality of a puppy
Guinea pig with personality of puppy.
As a puppy with prey instincts just wouldn’t feel right 😂

Would you rather buy a Venus Fly Trap or Lillies?
I've had a Venus Fly Trap but not Lillies so a Venus Fly Trap.

Would you rather work hard in the gym to lose weight or go on a diet?
Go on a diet
( you read my mind Betsy😂)

Would you rather be small (under 5’ / 152cm ) or tall (over 6’ 182cm)
I would LOVE to be 152 cm as I’m already quite tall

Would you rather have a pet guinea pig or a pet capybara? Though I’m a 100% sure yall r gonna choose guinea pig
Guinea pig. I don't think I have the space for a cappybara

Would you rather go on I'm a celebrity get me out of here or strictly come dancing
Strictly come dancing. I couldn't eat what they have to on I'm a celebrity and I am absolutely :yikes::yikes:TERRIFIED:yikes::yikes: of spiders!

Would you rather drive a lorry or drive a bus?
Neither - I get nervous driving anything bigger than a mini!

And talking of which …….

Would you rather wear a mini skirt or a maxi skirt
Well I'd love to be young enough to wear a mini skirt but as I don't want to appear as mutton dressed as lamb I'll say maxi skirt!

Would you rather have a real coal fire or a gas "coal" fire?
Real coal fire

Would you rather have a real Xmas tree or an artificial Xmas tree ?
Oh that's a hard one, never go to the toilet I think

Would you rather go to bed late or wake up early?
Sing every time I open my mouth

Would you rather be locked in a room with the person you hate for five hours or be locked in a room by yourself for 24 hours?
Burping swan as I should think elephant farts would be a bit ....... overwhelming!

Would you rather have dinner with someone famous or lunch with somebody you didn't know?