Would Neutering Males Calm Things Down Abit?

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Ahhh not good at all. I have possible social anxiety disorder with depression and possible Fibromyalgia.

Have you applied for disability? If you don't mind me asking.

Why can't you re-home or foster? Wouldn't it make things easier on you atm?
It would be worth chatting to the doctor about this sleep condition, they may be able to do something useful. I am at a loss to be honest at what to say with regards the rest, as I have no experience there. I can't spell schitzophrenia either, that being my best attempt, though I do have a friend with it. There are several drugs that can be tried, but getting it right takes a lot of trial and error, the same to be said about bi-polar. I used to have a friend who was (and is) a mental health nurse and she told me more about the various treatments and drugs that can be effective for that, but I don't recall. I hope you get all the support and investigations that you need to get this under control.
I also hope something can be done about supporting your back. Again I have no experience in this and I am probably asking the obvious, but has your consultant spoken about wearing a firm back-brace to do for your spine what your muscles cannot? Perhaps it's not a solution, but perhaps if they haven't mentioned it, it is worth an ask?
I've seen people with those back braces, it's worth asking if you haven't already, also in regards to sleep, over here they will give you a CPAP mask which helps when you stop breathing properly, not sure if that would help you, I was meant to have one but never went back due to my anxiety.
I wont let them in some one elses care mostly because I'm paranoid skitzo or paranoid bipolar who dosent forgive plus my other family members been showing there ass. I had to threaten my sister with restraining orders
Hey i just wanted a opinion on this once or twice agian.

My girlfriend and baby our asleep and the piggies were crying out abd winpering pretty bad so i didnt want them to wake her and our baby, i took the cage divivders coroplast out
Well thrre not wimpering but there both going crazy biting that divider agian ffs.

They both go to the same spot and bite noses out each others side.
I'm about to sleep soon and was wondering if they would bite each other?
And they are biting alot of the paint off the grids.

Some one said it shouldnt hurt and another said it would hurt them i would just like some more opinions. Thanks

All moo did with the divider was sleep and wine and mope.
And with the divier having no corplast he always bites it even no sleep.



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Moo bit nibbs scab off his throat in the tub earlyer today.
And nibbs bit my finger last night and drew blood
My girlfriend and grandmother bought this and they want to use this while we go to the new house and spend nights.
Both of them plus the divider.
I told her no and its too smal and she got really mad when i said no.

Any ideas?

picture for size details



Is this a cage for one of them to live in or both?
Well there's so many different factors here that's the thing, it is hard to give an opinion on.
Have they decided against C&C cages? What some people do is they use a standard cage like his and then attach grids to the cages to expand. It can work really well but it all depends on how much room there is to expand. Is it bigger than the space each one has now?
I have a 30x76 grid.
But they want them to both be in while were at our new house spending nights.
And the cage they bought wont expand i can take larger pictures later but its a one peice cage.
Yes it's a one piece cage but some people have the side open and attach a play-pen - the pigs jump in and out if they can, or if not use a ramp.
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