It would be worth chatting to the doctor about this sleep condition, they may be able to do something useful. I am at a loss to be honest at what to say with regards the rest, as I have no experience there. I can't spell schitzophrenia either, that being my best attempt, though I do have a friend with it. There are several drugs that can be tried, but getting it right takes a lot of trial and error, the same to be said about bi-polar. I used to have a friend who was (and is) a mental health nurse and she told me more about the various treatments and drugs that can be effective for that, but I don't recall. I hope you get all the support and investigations that you need to get this under control.
I also hope something can be done about supporting your back. Again I have no experience in this and I am probably asking the obvious, but has your consultant spoken about wearing a firm back-brace to do for your spine what your muscles cannot? Perhaps it's not a solution, but perhaps if they haven't mentioned it, it is worth an ask?