Would Neutering Males Calm Things Down Abit?

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Yes the picture shown by CGP is what I mean by a double-decker, i.e. it has two decks (meaning floors)
The cage in the picture can be squashed down in height by removing those middle grids, making the bottom enclosed. Side grids on this bottom floor can be fixed in such a way that they swing open like doors, and can be held together when shut by a padlock, making them secure.
The cage they have is a 2x5 I think? if he adds another two grids he can do a 2x3 for each guinea pig, you can or should be able to get the grids in singles.
I love the double decker picture i have two locks that need codes and 2 fancy hooks
Uhm let me count what i have right now okay?
49 grids let me check the connectorss

And add plus 4 grids from the divider.
Umm.. if i did a double decker i have enough room dor a 2x5 double deckler i beleave
Yes you would have enough room for a 2x5 double-decker being as you have a 2x5 now, but just before going down that route, is there no-way that you can extend the cage outwards by one or two grids for them to still live side by side? Kerrie does have a good point about sociability, being as it seems they like to be near each other.

If not can it be extended to make a 3 x 5 with a divider? Just trying to think of as many options as poss before you decide :)
I can wait till we go over agian our place isnt done with work yet and i can try to measure once more
I give up.

Good luck to you with your guinea's. I hope the abscess heals up and you can figure something out with the living arrangements.
Thanks. Thats how i feel.
I mean my god.
I got them hopeing to only spend 200 Seeing as they were 45 ea
Now I'm at 1000+
I can wait till we go over agian our place isnt done with work yet and i can try to measure once more
Sorry if I missed something, or if you've explained before and my memory fails, but when you say "go over again our place isn't done with work yet" that you are renovating a place and living in your current accommodation temporarily?
If so then I don't know what to suggest. I think it's up to you to work out if they are happier with the room they have now and having face-to-face access to each other, or if they would prefer more room without being able to see each other, until you move back to your permanent home, whereby you may be able to have the best of both worlds with larger side-by-side cages for them.
Sorry if it's all going round in circles with the ideas!
How long will it be before you can move back in?
When your daughter is in bed can you give your pigs free-run time around the room, one at a time if necessary?
They cant see each other because moo wouldnt stop biting the paint off the grids its s paint sticky thingie. I'm tierd sorry.
theres now corplsst blocking the divider
Our trailer/house will take 3-5months to move we just got carpet done.

And i just let them in the tub together and moo bit nibbs throat and tore off his scab
And they started fighting fighting.

I knkw this isnt revalent by nibbs bit me and broke skin this morning lol.

Inside the cage they both wine and mope and are depressed and dont play. They havent pop corned once.

They have extreme case of bipolar
They aren't happy because they can't see each other maybe. The chewing is something Cesaro does to get the girls attention, we do stop him and it's not 24/7. I really have no idea what to suggest because it's like @Critter said, they seem to have a love/hate relationship.

Is your new place much bigger than where you live now?
Trailer 1 level the place I'm living at now is at my grandmas. Its a 3 level huge house.
And moo chewed 24/7 even if he got no sleep on the bars. Alot alot alot of the grid is chewed up and paint off ect.
There very depressed.
Perhaps the best thing to do right now is to leave it all, stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. When I am faced with making this kind of decision with mine I find it stresses me out with the pros and cons of it all and trying to work out what to do for the best, but after a good rest often a solution will come. You say you're tired, and you obviously have a lot of things going on. You don't have to make any decisions right now :) xx

It may help to write down a list of options with the pros and cons.

Scenario one:
Put them back together to see if they can work things out. Pro possibility of rekindled friendship. Cons Fighting and drawing blood. Thing to consider: If they are not drawing blood when together they may work things out. Pulling a scab off does not count as drawing blood, as this is not a deliberate act of hurting the other.

Scenario two:
The double-decker, one boar on each level. Pro - more space and room for enrichment, may stop chewing bars as more room may make them less depressed. Cons - cannot socialise and therefore may be depressed because of that. Note: Only experimentation can determine whether this is a good option for your pigs or not.

Scenario three:
Keep them as they are, remove the solid cover on the divider. Pro - more socialisation, may be enough to make them happy again. Con - bar chewing. Note: Bar chewing is unlikely to hurt the piggy, and the plastic coating coming off the bars is not likely to cause harm.

Scenario four:
Build the double decker, neuter them, get sows. Pro - socialised piggies with the potential to be very happy. Cons - money. More money spent on vets bills potentially, and money spent on neutering, plus you can't be sure they will get on with their sows until you neuter and put them together. It could end up worse in the end, or better. It's a big risk when money is tight and you cannot split the cages up any further, forcing you to rehome some of them if it all goes wrong.

Scenario four: Rehome both. Yeah, I know, it would be a massive heart-wrench to do so.

Scenario five: Rehome one and try the neutering and sow thing, but again you cannot know they will get on until they're together, unless you neuter and then go dating at a rescue. Again I know rehoming would be emotionally tough, I know when you take on an animal you have an unspoken promise to care for the animal for life, but things can and do change, and if you cannot come up with a solution where the pigs are happy it is something that may have to be considered. Try not to feel guilty if it happens, you didn't anticipate these issues!

If they are depressed something needs to change, and it may take some experimentation with set-ups to find a solution, but as I say, I'd best try to forget it for the rest of the day, as your subconscious will probably mull it over and you may find yourself pulled towards a particular solution or completely new solution when next you think about it :) x
Oh god i dont know lol.
I have a sleep thing where when i wake up i cant move or talk or speak and i cant breathe and rhis morning i was trying to yell for help almost started crying and i couldnt move my yells were whispers and this time i had built up spit in my mouth and i was suffocating. I f****ing hate thoes.

Anyways theres alot of stuff going on.
We just lost our other two kids by court and we are trying to sue the state because they did it for money and not what was right and didnt look at facts or anything else.
Usa sucks.
Sorry i mean we recently lost our other trailer and we just lost our other two kids and i recently stopped self harming.

Life sucks lol.
But i still have alittle girl and a soon to be wife.

Sorry none of this is revalent lol
Verry stressed
Two things that could be (to my knowledge anyhow, it may be something else), sleep apnoea or sleep paralysis, and I have experienced both.
Sleep apnoea is where you temporarily stop breathing in the night, and wake up feeling like you are suffocating. It can be caused due to build-up of spit, or due to the throat muscles relaxing too much thereby blocking your airway a bit, or a lot, or by your body 'forgetting' to breath. My body forgets to breath, weird as it sounds. You are more likely to suffer some form of this if you sleep on your back, or are over-weight, or have sticky saliva. Me? I was always underweight and suffered this from childhood - reason unknown.

Sleep paralysis is generally brought on by disturbed sleep patterns, especially if you have suffered a lot of lack of sleep over that period. This happened to me twice when by first-born was tiny. He hardly slept day or night, therefore I hardly slept. People who experience this tend to wake up paralysed except for the eyes, and often can hallucinate or have a very strong feeling that there is someone up to no good in the room with you. It's scary. Eventually the 'spell' breaks and once you move something you can move all of you and cry out. I remember concentrating on moving one limb upwards. Eventually my body responded and my limb moved down - the opposite way from which I was trying to move it, but as soon as this happened I was back to normal. It is likely that you are suffering sleep paralysis and through not being able to move saliva is pooling in your throat, giving you that horrible feeling of suffocation. Or perhaps you are having a panic attack whilst paralysed, giving you the sensation of not being able to breath.
Try to stay calm. It will pass. Try not to sleep on your back, it won't be so horrid for you if it happens again.
You are paralysed because you wake when your body is still asleep. The paralysis is what stops you from acting out your dreams/sleep-walking etc. Sometime you can mentally wake up while your body is 'stilled' and you cannot move. Because you are not properly awake (even though it seems like you are) you can suffer hallucinations, and the most common one if the presence in the room. It's not real. It's just horrible!

I'm sorry to read about your other stress. It's a parent's worst nightmare to lose their kids, and I have no words that can even begin to make any of that seem even a tiny bit better than it is. It's a dreadful thing to go through, and I hope that your kids find happiness and work through their own stress and loss, and that you get proper answers and a solution to it all. Do you have access rights?
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Hmm, do you have anyone who could look at the guinea's temporarily or could you re-home them until your in a better place? I don't mean to be rude, they seem to be causing you a lost of stress and upset. It sounds like you already have a lot of things going on as it is.

Sleep apnoea doesn't paralyse me, it just makes me wake up and gasp a fair bit, then again I'm sure mines related to my allergies.

I'm very sorry to hear about your two children, they can be just as bad here in the UK. Have you seen a Dr at all? I suffer with mental health problems myself and have tried to get help from the Dr's.
My daughter has my hours all messed up.
And i Have to sleep on my back becaue i am 20 and i get no disability and i cannot work all my bones are messed up i cant bend over and i have a disease in my spine where the meat inbeteeen my spine is dieing off and nerve damage bone agiasnt bone grinding.
They have be on hospital medicine and i had to get a ambulance 4-5months ago and they put me in the hospital

Also with possible skizerfrinia. Sorry cant spell that. And bipolar and adhd and odd. And add and i could go on all day lol.
And i cant let anyone else watch them ect
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