I am very happy to say that the second time round introducing Melangell 'Sweet Angel' to Brangwyn 'White Raven' and Beti 'Betty' has worked out. A year ago, Mella and Beti sadly didn't gel and couldn't come to an agreement as to the First Lady slot.
Esme has already lived with Bran and Beti for a few weeks last year before she became Mella's companion.
After a couple of days in the bonding pen, our cage cleaning lady has come today and has moved them into their new, slightly larger cage (previously Dryw's). I can now bend down (as long as I have something to hold onto) but I still can't crouch and kneel and get up again without putting the wrong kind of pressure on my hip; that is still work in process. But I have been fit enough to manage the bonding. The new quartet is shaking down well and and has settled into their new home with minimal fuss.
Beti - Brangwyn - Melangell - Esme
With both Beti and Esme coming up to 5 years, it means that Bran has now got a new wife in Mella (herself a TEAS adoptee) who is just 15 months older than him and will hopefully remain with him for a goodly while. It allows me to continue the natural gradual reduction of my Tribe numbers without the need to find new companionship with every passing.
It also frees up one of my remaining cages and means that Sulwen/Sisu and her newly bonded hubby Merlin can come back here from TEAS Sanctuary so the sanctuary has more space again as well.
I am extremely grateful to
@furryfriends (TEAS) for looking after them so well and generously all this time, having Merlin neutered and now stably and happily bonded. Sulwen took such a long time to get over her major fear-aggression issues but patience and persistence has won out - Merlin is the perfect foil for her.