Wiebke's Tribe: Sows and the City Boars

Oh Begw we pray that you are happily popcorning with your friends who I'm sure were ready to welcome you at The Rainbow Bridge 🌈.
Wiebke be kind to yourself as you say to others and make sure you follow your own wonderful advice at this emotional time 💕
Oh Begw we pray that you are happily popcorning with your friends who I'm sure were ready to welcome you at The Rainbow Bridge 🌈.
Wiebke be kind to yourself as you say to others and make sure you follow your own wonderful advice at this emotional time 💕

Thank you, I am doing exactly this! :)

It has been a sad decision but it has been the right one. I feel more at peace now to be honest because I have made it with Begw's welfare first and foremost in mind. She would have only had days or a very few weeks left at the very most - why should she spend those in pain with us struggling to look after her the way she really needs? This was the soonest I was able and fit enough to get to the vets and wrangle an appointment.

I have done my best in what are extreme circumstances and haven't let Begw down once I have been back in enough control of the situation - that is exactly what I mean when I tell others that you can always only try your best but not win them all.

But doing the best you can is actually good enough!
I am so sorry you have had to say goodbye to a much loved Begw at a time where you are dealing with so much yourself. She travelled to her friends on the wings of love. Take care of yourself at this sad time x
Enjoy the meadows with your old friends Begw 🌈
I'm so sorry you had to make the hardest decision.
Reunite with your old friends pretty Begw 🌈
It’s always hard when you realise that their condition has progressed to the point where you have to make that decision for them but we are utterly blessed to be able to spare them any more pain and indignity. I am sorry that your return to normality has included a trip to the vets in these circumstances @Wiebke. Sleep tight, gorgeous Begw, reunited with your friends at the rainbow bridge.
Sending you big hugs! Glad to hear you're feeling and doing okay, given the circumstances. x
So sorry. Sending you massive hugs and healing vibes.
Popcorn free little Begw with your friends at the rainbow 🌈bridge.x
I'm so sorry Wiebke. It's a horrible decision to make but one that comes with love. Popcorn free Begw 🌈
I’m sorry to read this Wiebke
The love and devotion you have for your piggies is awesome and always
Take care and keep recovering
Lovely Begw reunited with her friends at RB
Popcorn freely special Begw
It's been such a long time but I have made the best of a nail cutting and health check session during our weekly cage clean courtesy of a local lady now that I am that bit more mobile to manage a quick photoshoot (although I am still not able to crouch or kneel). Here is the remaining ground floor cage crew, just to show that they are all still here!

Esme and Melangell

Brangwyn and Beti

Modron, Barcud and Millyn

Lleian, Dryw and Llinos
I am very happy to say that the second time round introducing Melangell 'Sweet Angel' to Brangwyn 'White Raven' and Beti 'Betty' has worked out. A year ago, Mella and Beti sadly didn't gel and couldn't come to an agreement as to the First Lady slot.
Esme has already lived with Bran and Beti for a few weeks last year before she became Mella's companion.

After a couple of days in the bonding pen, our cage cleaning lady has come today and has moved them into their new, slightly larger cage (previously Dryw's). I can now bend down (as long as I have something to hold onto) but I still can't crouch and kneel and get up again without putting the wrong kind of pressure on my hip; that is still work in process. But I have been fit enough to manage the bonding. The new quartet is shaking down well and and has settled into their new home with minimal fuss.

Beti - Brangwyn - Melangell - Esme

With both Beti and Esme coming up to 5 years, it means that Bran has now got a new wife in Mella (herself a TEAS adoptee) who is just 15 months older than him and will hopefully remain with him for a goodly while. It allows me to continue the natural gradual reduction of my Tribe numbers without the need to find new companionship with every passing.

It also frees up one of my remaining cages and means that Sulwen/Sisu and her newly bonded hubby Merlin can come back here from TEAS Sanctuary so the sanctuary has more space again as well.

I am extremely grateful to @furryfriends (TEAS) for looking after them so well and generously all this time, having Merlin neutered and now stably and happily bonded. Sulwen took such a long time to get over her major fear-aggression issues but patience and persistence has won out - Merlin is the perfect foil for her.
Aw it’s such lovely news that Melangall and Beti have made friends this time around. They make such a beautiful group and it’s lovely seeing Esme again 🥰

Well done to Debbie for all her hard work, I’m so glad that Merlin and Sulwen have bonded too 😊 x
So pleased !this has all worked out well for you and the lovely piggies! :yahoo: May they have lots of happy times in their new group
That's lovely news 🥰 lucky Brangwyn now has 3 wives to keep him occupied...
And you have 2 less cages to clean etc than you did in November 👍👍

Actually, it is 3 less cages - including the divided long back tables cage (2x7 grids) with had housed Sulwen and Merlin and the still not accessible 2 x 5 cage space under the table cage by the door, which used to house Macsen and Manon.

But the gradual transition to ensure sure that my four Cornish boars all have long term company without ideally the need to adopt any new companions has been and still is something I have to try and make the best of all possibilities as and when they arise - made a bit more challenging by hub dismantling several cages while I was in hospital and disposing of the two tables along the back wall.
The Cornish family were always planned to be the ones bringing up the rear of the Tribe.

Dryw and Macsen (both coming up to 6 years) and their companions are going to be the next step whenever their time comes...