Wiebke's Tribe: Sows and the City Boars

Very sad to hear that Morwenna has joined her sisters at the rainbow bridge. 🌈 ❤️ These girls really have lived their best lives thanks to you.

Sending you a big virtual hug. xx
so sorry to hear about the beautiful Morwenna. She had the most amazing life with you and her piggy friends. My heart goes out to you as it never gets any easier losing a furbaby.
Have fun at the rainbow 🌈bridge Morwenna.x
So sad @Wiebke your old ladies have had such an amazingly long and happy life with you but it must be tough watching such a memorable herd generation grow old and pass on... sleep tight Morwenna x
Oh Wiebke I'm so sorry. Hopefully this will be the last for a while to give yourself chance to grieve and recover. You've had quite a bout of losses haven't you. Take care ❤️
Sadly, no let up for me. I have just come home from having to emergency pts Miaren. She deteriorated too quickly over the last couple of days to make it until her booked appointment on Monday morning as her kidneys were packing in and impacting on/speeding up her other health issues a lot.

Please accept that I will need a bit of a breather from the forum after losing three piggies in less than a month and two in just a week. The pain of a loss never gets any less since every bond is unique. While I can spot some of the common emotional traps there is no shortcut to the grieving process; I have to go through it all just the same as everybody.
I am so sorry. Sending you my very best wishes at an incredibly difficult time. I shall be thinking of you.
So very sorry to hear this news.
Take all the time you need for recovery.
Every death reopens still raw wounds and you start grieving all over again for all the recent losses.
Hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no, I’m so sorry. Please put yourself first and take the time out you need, what a sad and time for you, so very very sorry.
I am so @Wiebke what an awfully rough time you are having at the moment :hug:sending big hugs, take time to grieve and treasure those memories x
On Tuesday night Nye has made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge to join his bestie Nosgan, his companion of the first half of his life. I am blessed to have had him here for nearly 6 years and most of his life.
Nye was a very cheerful and cheeky little soul with a heart that was bigger than his small body. He was also a bar gnawer extraordinaire; often he would get so absorbed that I had to detach him from the grids to put him down in front of the already served food because calling him would not work.
Big Hyfryd, the love of his life and his wife during the second half of it, and I are missing him very much.

I will in due time post a full tribute in the Rainbow Bridge section.

This year hasn't been your year has it Wiebke, you've lost so many characters. Hopefully little Nye will be the last to go over the bridge for a little bit. I don't know how you cope with so many loses, especially those close together; I'd be a mess. Take care of yourself. Popcorn free Nye.
I’m sad to learn NYE has travelled to RB. Popcorn freely NYE with your best pal Nosgan
Look after yourself Wiekbe it’s been such a hard year for you - sending much love
This year hasn't been your year has it Wiebke, you've lost so many characters. Hopefully little Nye will be the last to go over the bridge for a little bit. I don't know how you cope with so many loses, especially those close together; I'd be a mess. Take care of yourself. Popcorn free Nye.

Nye was one of my piggies where I have been happy to see him live to 4 years and everything above that as a bonus; to have him celebrate his (likely) 6th birthday last month has been precious. He has just reached the end of his life and went naturally at the end of a happy and fulfilled life.

Sadly Dylan could go any day; he's come through another hiccup last weekend but he hasn't got the bodily reserves anymore to make it through too many more of them. He's my other 6 years old boar. He's another oldie where the hot summer has just tipped the balance onto the wrong side. :(

It is very hard to cope. I have now lost half of the piggies that have been with me through the worst of the pandemic in just over a year (13 out of 27, not counting Edward); the majority of them thankfully living a normal or even longer life span.
My losses reflect mainly my big adoption spree in 2016-18. That was the reason why I have been so grateful for the big 18 months gap in losses during the worst of the pandemic that has coincided with a generational gap in my piggies; but of course, they are now all that much older...

I have still got several rather arthritic ladies working their way up to 7 years and a couple of 5 years old piggies with potentially life-shortening health issues, so I am not holding my breath yet. :(
On Tuesday night Nye has made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge to join his bestie Nosgan, his companion of the first half of his life. I am blessed to have had him here for nearly 6 years and most of his life.
Nye was a very cheerful and cheeky little soul with a heart that was bigger than his small body. He was also a bar gnawer extraordinaire; often he would get so absorbed that I had to detach him from the grids to put him down in front of the already served food because calling him would not work.
Big Hyfryd, the love of his life and his wife during the second half of it, and I are missing him very much.

I will in due time post a full tribute in the Rainbow Bridge section.

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I’m sorry for your loss. He was a lovely little chap!