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Whats the Chances

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On Wednesday 23rd i noticed one of my pigs had something wrong with his eye, i was really worried and got a vet appointment for the same day, Once i got to the vet she said it was an absess on his eye, and give me 3 anti-biotics to treat his eye, but she said she would be really surprised if it got any better, and if it doesn't get any better he will have to get his eye removed. His next appointment is tomarrow and i will find out wheather or not he will need his eye removed, I don't want him to have an operation as i know they dont cope well under anesthetic, the vet told me aswell,

Am undecided if i should allow the operation as i don't wanna chance of losing him but i can't let him suffer, and ive got until tomarrow to decide (that is if he needs it removed).
What are the chances that he wont pull through :( i don't know the real odds and am really worried :(
I ont know, but if the eye doesnt get any better it will have to be removed, and if you dont let them remove it they would have to put him down, so if it doesnt get any better you will need to get his eye removed as obviously there is a chance he will get through it.
Perhaps try and get a second opinion on it, ask to see a different vet at your practice as i know some vets at mine are better than others!

Anesthetic is a lot safer now than it used to be, i have been told by our vets that they very rarely lose animal under it now...but of course there are still chances of it happening. If the eye does need to be removed it's better to do it sooner rather than later as a 'run down' guinea pig wouldn't cope as well under anesthetic.

What treatment have you been using on his eye already? and does it look better to you?

I hope everything works out for you and your piggy
abscess on his eye? Oh my, I've never really heard of one actually on the eye.

How old is your piggy? The vet is a good piggy vet? I would search around - 3 anti-biotics isn't enough really

Welcome to the forum
Sorry i just noticed you already said what he was on 98)

Can i just add that if you only noticed it on Wednesday...I personally don't think 3 days is enough to judge whether an eye needs to come out!

What does the eye look like...could you perhaps get a picture of it?
My pigs are 3 years old.
The vet seem to know what she was doing. Am sure she said absess am not 100% sure i was just so worried about him :(

The Anti-biotics i have are: -
Fucithalmic and

The eye doesnt look better but it doesnt look worse, its more red then it started off as! am just so worried, I just don't wanna lose him.
Personally I would try a few more days on the anti-biotics and try to get in touch with a rodentologist. Can you take aphoto?
I can't get a picture at the moment sorry, but i've just looked at it, its still larger then the other, it all seems to be red now, and it has wat is like a scratch what i think the vet said was the absess (atleast what i thought she said)

I forgot to say in my other post, He is alot lively now then he was on wednesday he wouldnt run or eat, he is a nervous pig and when i go to pick him up he normally runs around but on wednesday he didnt run but he is again and eating alot,

I hate putting the Fucithalmic on cos i have to massarge the eye but it hurts him, wouldnt that make the eye worse and more red?

I will have to wait and see what the vet says tomarrow, The nurse said if the eyes looks better they will continue his treatment for a few more days.
Wouldn't know about the cream, but have used some eye gel before with no problems..

I personally, really would opt for the antibiotics for a few more days. How about seeing a rodentologist - specialises in piggies?
I can't put the cream on properly when i massarge he cries cos of the pain :( poor thing.

I also forgot to say that the eye is hazy and can't see a thing out of it. Am hoping tomarrow the vet see's an improvement and will let me carry on the anti-biotics for a few more days. Everytime i look at him i get upset, i've lost sleep over him aswell am that worried, these 2 are my first two pigs ive ever owned, and i feel bad :( I cant let him go on much longer in pain. It just came up over night, he was fine tuesday night then this was there wednesday morning.

I wouldnt know were to find a rodentologist in my area

This is the pig with the problem (The brown one has the problem)
Aww am sorry. They are both gorgeous :smitten:

eYou said hazy and can't see anything out of it? Was that way before the vet trip? Could be perhaps that he is blind and/or has a cataract and that the cream is just making his eye feel worse?

I'm no expert in this at all. Hopefully the vet can assist in some other way? Use another treatment? Good luck to you :)
Thanx for your advise :)

Wish us luck at the vets tomarrow and if worse comes to worse and he needs his eye removed, that he pulls through the operation fine, id be devastated if he died :(

btw. The haziness in his eye just came about the Wednesday morning the day i took him to the vets it wasn't hazy before then.
Flowdy said:
My pigs are 3 years old.
The vet seem to know what she was doing. Am sure she said absess am not 100% sure i was just so worried about him :(

The Anti-biotics i have are: -
Fucithalmic and

The eye doesnt look better but it doesnt look worse, its more red then it started off as! am just so worried, I just don't wanna lose him.

Metacam isn't an antibiotic, it is a painkiller. Are you sure she didn't say ulcer? By the sounds of it he will need the eye removed. He will live a normal live with just one eye. Good luck at the vets and let us know how it goes. O0
:) Hi, a friend had a piggy with an abscess behind his eye and it was successfully operated on (eye removed). I would go with your vets advice and not risk my pig being in pain. He's only on 2 antibiotics (Fucithalmic and Baytril, the other is a pain killer- yet he is squeaking in pain you say?).

As CC has said, clarify if its an ulcer or abscess, Antibiotics won't clear up an abscess, and to remove it is near impossible without losing the eye.

Abscess: I would go with possible removal under a good surgeon
Ulcer will right itself within 2 wheeks but can look disgusting and she will be without sight for a while (in 1 eye),

RE anaesthetic: Not usually a problem now :)

Where are you?
Ah yeah she could have said ulcer but am still not 100% sure i should listen more 98)

As for the pain killer (now i know) he cries when i have to massarge it in, hes fine when i just put it on. I looked at him this morning and it does look abit better which is a good sign.

As for were am from is North East England - > Tyne & Wear -> South Tyneside

2 hours until the vets
Fucithalmic is the ointment, Metacam is a pain killer :)
I would go with your vet, ulcers can vary, this may be a severe one thats infected? So would need eye removal perhaps. Impossible to say without seeing in my opinion. Fucithalmic is good though :)
Metacam also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being a good painkiller.

If the eye is really bad and the vet says removal is the best option like the others say, don't worry. Isoflurane and sevoflurane are safe anaesthetics that the pigs wake up from in no time. I had a cyst removed from my piggy's ear almost a year ago under anaesthetic and to her it was really like nothing happened. Try not to worry, you're doing the very best.
I've just got back from the vets alone :( i had no option but to get the eye removed, Aswell as having the ulcer on his eye (it wasnt an absess but an ulcer) but now they think he has an absess behind his eye which is pushing the eye out :( so i had no choice, If i left it, it would just keep getting worse and get infection and he would then most likely have to be put down :(
I have everything crossed but dreading the phone call, if everything goes well i get to pick him up tonight, The estimate of the operation is £300 which will leave me with no money left what so ever,

I just hope he gets through it *fingers crossed*
fingers crosses for you my first quincy had exactly the same problem he too had his removed and was fine for a few days then unfortunatly died but I am really hoping this was a one off and your baby will be fine we tried anti biotics no amount of cream would have helped I'm afraid, the abcess was pushing his eye out it looked awlful we tried everything for him but he had to have the op same as your piggy I think my quincy was depressed and stopped eating which is why he eventually died so make sure when hes home he eats and keep him from getting depressed this happend a while ago now so maybe things have changed
let us know as soon as you know hes ok .
£300 is an awlful lot of money I've never paid more then £200 for any op on my pigs. thinking of you and your bub ;)
I hope it all goes well for him. Ask them what aftercare he'll need when he gets home and if his eye will need flushing or anything. Do you have some Critical Care in case he needs syringe feeding?
Didn't Barmy4boars have a boy called Bubba who had an eye removed? you can read his story on her website.
I don't have anything :( i will ask everything when i go pick him up tonight. syringe feeding won't be a problem for me.

it's going to be a long day
Sorry for the double post, Just had a phone call off the vet, He. . . Survived :) i'm so happy right about now, they said he is awake and is doing fine, but wanna keep him in over night just to make sure everything is working and he is eating and drinking, but YAY am so happy! Big PHEW!

Going to be a long night!
I'm so glad he pulled through. I do too think £300 is an awful lot of money and I would certainly question it. Invasive surgery on one of my sows and aftercare cost me less than £100.
Glad he's OK :) Did he have an abscess behind there?
Re Cost, I think its a lot considering you are in the North, in the South East we expect huge bills but thats a lot! Not sure on the cost of an eye op down here. :)
Sorry to hear he had to have his eye removed, however, I am so happy he made it through the operation, I am sure he will be fine. Like Karen has said ask the vet about the aftercare. They will keep him on the Baytril and Metacam or they will give him some other antibiotic and/or painkiller. £300 does sound like a lot of money but I suppose this is because they decided to do it today, sort of an emergency. I am just glad you haven't lost you little fellow, fingers crossed he make it through the next crucial days, I am sure he will. Keep him separate from other guineas until he has had a chance to recover from the operation. O0
hope he'll be ok, my oh would have a fit if i needed to spend that kind of money on one of my piggies.
Definatly ask for some critical care, if your not familiar with it it's a powder that you add water to, so you can syringe feed your piggie, incase he stops eating after the op, if they stop eating their stomachs kinda close down and they wont eat by themselves, I've had this problem after one of my piggies ops,it just gets their stomach working again. I've also had a piggie who didn't need it as he started eating straight away after the op.It's just good to have some on standby.
Thanx guys for all your support, Thats a reason why they have kept him in over night to make sure he eats and drinks, but i will deffo ask about the critical care when i go pick him up tomarrow,

Yeah its alot of money but worth it, Prices in the north are quickly going up, I have a friend in the south and some things here cost alot more then down there now, but i had the money and i was willing to pay so i dont care about the money :)
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