What made you happy today?

I discovered it recently too! I've played 9 but lost my streak as I didn't get the word on Tuesday.
Only found it today but that was an intensely satisfying 5 minutes :)
My first guess had zero matching letters but I turned things around and had it in 5 goes- I love puzzles but have a really short attention span so it is like my perfect thing!
Only found it today but that was an intensely satisfying 5 minutes :)
My first guess had zero matching letters but I turned things around and had it in 5 goes- I love puzzles but have a really short attention span so it is like my perfect thing!
I like to put in the word and pop back to it if I don't get many matching letters. I like puzzles too, I occasionally pick up my codewords book.
My daughter has two Christmas cacti? They are really gorgeous colours.

This one is a lovely pink colour. My Easter one gets orange flowers and lives on the windowsill. It almost looks as though it glows when the sun is out.
Well done and congratulations!
How about a stall offering Indian Head Massage at the next Potteries Rescue event? We'll form an orderly queue - me first! :xd:
Orderly queue? Stuff that!

I’m organised enough that I left all the resources for tomorrow printed off. So I can relax this evening.

Tomorrow is planning and online study.
Today I discovered Wordle and it made me very happy! What a sensible word game with exactly one round allowed per day. I do love sensible basic things :)
Just downloaded this to my phone but can only play it if I go to Play Store. For some reason it's not showing in my apps?
I got it! 😆 found it a bit tricky though. Maybe we should start a wordle thread 🤔
Today I'm happy I went back to my Friday Zumba dance class for the first time since October! After that, life took a bad turn and piggy daddy got covid, then my Mum passed away, then we lost Jezzy floof... then it all seemed a bit overwhelming because once you dont do your regular things for a while you dread going back and having to "explain" to casual aquaintances where you've been and sort of go through all the trauma again in public... but I went, it was nice, everyone was very kind, another hurdle passed on the way to getting back to normal :)
Self, I know that you don't like doing actual work while the heating is on but if you'd done this stuff at a reasonable time today it would be done, you muppet lol.

(adjusting the thermostat to work out the best temp to leave it at. The thermostat is in the drafty downstairs, I need the temps in far-too-warm-for-the-irish-bloke upstairs).

I did however manage to put half the cage back up!
My friend @Lavinia sent me some lovely piggy pics earlier, one with her gorgeous gang playing with a fleecy toy she’d made stuffed with tasty treats. I said Luigi would love something like that being the pig (and toy playing kid) he is!
I got home after visiting my mum (as missed her bday yest with seizure) and leaving phone at home to a msg saying she’d sent one to me for Luigi! :luv::)
I’ve got such lovely forum friends! :)❤️
A few things to be happy about!
My water leak is hopefully fixed, which was apparently losing roughly 60 litres per hour (:yikes:) in my front garden! New taps and shiny pipes in kitchen too as mine were a state!
I’m Covid free! And thankfully my nephew’s symptoms are quite mild.
And I had a nasty seizure yest, woke up with a fat lip and a nice chunk missing I’d bitten having it (unless Daisy was taking some anger out on me in the night! :box:), felt like 💩 Then got a phone call from my mum saying she was on her way to town to pick up my meds and asking what veg the pigs needed, she was coming for a visit! Her first in blooming ages, so finally met and had cuddles with Lolo, Jasper and Cleo! :)
She even finally saw the sharkpig in action, my jumper got the beating rather than flesh though! 😆 Think she was a bit scared to hold her after all she’s heard, but as always Cleo saved it all for me and was 😇 with her!
I'm queasy as heck because I ate something I shouldn't (and I'm old enough to know better lol) so I decided I'd give the boys their carrot cottage and I'd take a nap. I don't think the roof's gonna last the night XD god I've missed this.

Edit: Also I bought some more hay because why not and these two monsters eat so much of it, it arrived today and I was looking at for ages trying to work out why it looked the colour it did, because it was a very weird colour for hay. It's in a dark blue translucent bag. THAT'S why it looks so odd haha.