Hello I am new to the forum
I just have one piggy, a boy called Ozzy. he is black with a crest on his head and very cute
Here he is at Christmas: :smitten:
Well, On to my problem...about a month or two ago, he was off his food. Seemed like he wanted to eat it, but it would drop out of his mouth unless it was cucumber or something soft like that. So we went to the vet and explained this but we were just given some antibiotics so I wasn't very happy ! But he started to eat again so I thought it must have fixed itself. Well a few days ago he was off his food again and seemed a bit miserable so we went to a new vet. This one agreed it sounded like a tooth problem so after much deliberation we took him in to be anesthetized and have his teeth seen to. Luckily he came through OK and has been eating again so I'm very pleased O0
Also a little while ago, he was wet and smelly underneath his bottom, I read in a couple of books that it could be cystisis and to give him boiled pearl barley which I did and it cleared up. But now *sigh* it has reappeared and before we took him to the vet there was a bit of bloody wee in his cage. He doesn't seem uncomfortable and I haven't heard him squeeking when he wees. So I was wondering what this could be. At the moment we are giving him Baytril from the vet, after his tooth "surgery" so would this help if it is a UTI? Thank you in advance

Here he is at Christmas: :smitten:

Well, On to my problem...about a month or two ago, he was off his food. Seemed like he wanted to eat it, but it would drop out of his mouth unless it was cucumber or something soft like that. So we went to the vet and explained this but we were just given some antibiotics so I wasn't very happy ! But he started to eat again so I thought it must have fixed itself. Well a few days ago he was off his food again and seemed a bit miserable so we went to a new vet. This one agreed it sounded like a tooth problem so after much deliberation we took him in to be anesthetized and have his teeth seen to. Luckily he came through OK and has been eating again so I'm very pleased O0
Also a little while ago, he was wet and smelly underneath his bottom, I read in a couple of books that it could be cystisis and to give him boiled pearl barley which I did and it cleared up. But now *sigh* it has reappeared and before we took him to the vet there was a bit of bloody wee in his cage. He doesn't seem uncomfortable and I haven't heard him squeeking when he wees. So I was wondering what this could be. At the moment we are giving him Baytril from the vet, after his tooth "surgery" so would this help if it is a UTI? Thank you in advance