wet piggy

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Jul 24, 2007
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Hello I am new to the forum :) I just have one piggy, a boy called Ozzy. he is black with a crest on his head and very cute :)
Here he is at Christmas: :smitten:

Well, On to my problem...about a month or two ago, he was off his food. Seemed like he wanted to eat it, but it would drop out of his mouth unless it was cucumber or something soft like that. So we went to the vet and explained this but we were just given some antibiotics so I wasn't very happy ! But he started to eat again so I thought it must have fixed itself. Well a few days ago he was off his food again and seemed a bit miserable so we went to a new vet. This one agreed it sounded like a tooth problem so after much deliberation we took him in to be anesthetized and have his teeth seen to. Luckily he came through OK and has been eating again so I'm very pleased O0

Also a little while ago, he was wet and smelly underneath his bottom, I read in a couple of books that it could be cystisis and to give him boiled pearl barley which I did and it cleared up. But now *sigh* it has reappeared and before we took him to the vet there was a bit of bloody wee in his cage. He doesn't seem uncomfortable and I haven't heard him squeeking when he wees. So I was wondering what this could be. At the moment we are giving him Baytril from the vet, after his tooth "surgery" so would this help if it is a UTI? Thank you in advance :)
Hello and welcome to the forum! *waves*
if he has blood in his urine it may be cystius But i would get him to the vets
maybe try some unsweetend cranberry juice and see if that helps?
It may be the antibiotics
good luck x
aww poor piggie. Hope it clears up, maybe someone will give you some advice xx
It sounds very much like a UTI but could also be a stone :-\ If it is a UTI the baytril will help but it can take up to 2wks & probiotics need to be given too :)
Ozzy is doing well post-dental work and is much heftier :laugh: He was skin & bones while he was eating very little !

Still wet underneath though and heard him "whimpering" A bit last night (guessing he was weeing at the time) I have been having to wash his bottom and tummy twice a day to keep him clean but it looks sore, and he is losing hair on his tummy. Is there anything I could rub on to sooth it? what about nappy cream for babies ? ;D :-\
Hi, welcome to the forum :)

its great hes feeling better :) have you tried creams from gg? maybe Chrissie could help you? :)
I use Vaseline on Ginger which has kept the skin protected from urine scold and the hair is actually now regrowing. I use it once in the morning after washing/bathing and the same in the evening. Have you got him on towels or vetbed? He would be more comfortable on that because they will absorb the urine quickly. Towels would have to be changed daily.
Waitrose do a very good nappy rash/barrier cream called Baby Bottom Butter,it does not have any chemicals in.You could also try Kamilosan which is available from chemists and some supermarkets.
Hi, sounds maybe like a stone or kidneys, but be careful of batril. I found it made one of my pigs puff right up and she was very uncomfortable.I stopped the baytril and she went back to nrmal tho still not right so I tried again with baytril and the same thing happened and she died. Don't mean to sound a wet blanket. Baytril seems fine with bunnies.
welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: our piggy zoe started in october to vet herself and then bleeding started after much mucking around with vets she had surgery and it was found that she had cyst in her ovaries but also a 20gram mass on the outside of her uterus so she had these removed. also she was given antibiotics but no probiotics antibiotics kill bad and good bugs in piggies tummies, and probiotics protect piggies tummies from the antibiotics. and don't worry about the baytril it is perfectly safe for guinea pigs, pink rose's piggy was just unlucky to have an allergic reaction to it. so i would suggest taking ozzie to the vet asap and get an ultrasound/scan done and see what is going on inside the little sweet heart :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i saw piggy piggy lips which are for :-* :-* :-* and ozzie is a black piggy and i looooove black piggies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: wishing you luck with ozzie perhaps ask maryh's vet to speak with your vet about ozzie. i am in australia and she emailed my vet and they planned zoe's surgery, treatment etc. but definately get to the vet, sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: welcome again O0 girls send :-* :-* :-*
Ozzy hasn't been wet underneath for a couple of days :) I have been giving him the Baytril for over a week now and still have some left, we were told to use it all, so I am thinking maybe he had an infection but the Baytril has helped it. Forgot to ring vet today will have to do it on Monday and see what they think. Will also get some cream from Boots tomorrow.
thanks for welcome & help O0 :smitten:
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