Sorry for spamming - but what is this? sperm?
Looks like it, yes
Sorry for spamming - but what is this? sperm?
He gets really angry when I even try to give him fibreplex and it takes up to 20 minutes to give him one dose.
It really started two/three weeks back when he lacked appetite after losing his companion… I’m so stressed and tired being in this loop.
He has one dose of fibreplex left and it takes a really long time to arrive
he gets really upset when I syringe feed him… only took 3ml and is very upset
Have you tried just putting a bowl of mushed pellets in front of him and seeing if he will eat them on his own?
So I managed to at least get 10ml into him… His poops seem fine and pooped a bit more… For how many days should I syringe feed? How does improvement look like? Much more poops?
Also after feeding ates a bit of hay and the. lays in one place… What to do about it?
Okay, well I hope he gets better soon. I’ll give him last dose of fibreplex in an hour and I’ll ask my vet if he has any probiotics...You syringe feed for as long as he is unwell and for as long as his weight checks show that you need to.
Improvement is when he eats enough hay independently and maintains his weight and then he will refuse syringe feeds.
You can’t do anything about it other than making sure he is kept clean if he isn’t moving much and to see a vet.
Okay, well I hope he gets better soon. I’ll give him last dose of fibreplex in an hour and I’ll ask my vet if he has any probiotics...
Should I try to give him some veg in two-three days? I could get some dill since I can’t get hands on coriander. He doesn’t like basil.
After feeding I got him into a cage and he drank a lot of water, ate hay and some pea flakes... Rumbled happy around his cagemate and now rests laying and eats hay...
You shouldn’t give him veg again until his poops are normal again and then still wait a further 24 hours after. So there is simply no way of knowing whether it’ll be 2-3 days or whether he needs longer off of veg.
Do remember they peaflakea are merely a treat, don’t let him have money - just a couple a week is enough.
Personally while his tummy is upset I wouldn’t give peaflakes
It all comes down to his weight checks. It doesn’t matter whether a piggy needs to be syringe fed for two days or two weeks - they will stop wanting feeds when they are feeling better and eating enough hay for themselves.
The way to gauge whether he is now eating enough is to cut a feed out and see whether his weight remains stable the next day. If it does then it means he likely has of an appetite and is eating more hay independently