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You may consider syringe feeding Africa Oxbow critical care once a day. We have used it as a supplement over the past year to our adult guinea pigs and find that they enjoy the taste of the banana apple flavored one. We feed them between 6 and 18cc of it from a monoject 412 syringe depending on how much weight they have lost and how willing they are to eat it.
P.S the monoject 412 syringe is the curved tipped one, you need to cut the curve off in order to use it
Fabulous, 800g is a nice number for now, much better than the 700's. Slow and steady is absolutely fine. :)

Hair regrowth, depends how much he's lost but for general hair thinning or a few bald patches as associated with mites, you're talking at least 2-3 weeks for it to look completely normal again. But it does mainly depend on the severity of the symptoms.
In short, things should start looking more normal after his final (third) ivermectin dose.
He has no fur on his left leg, it's like a chicken leg, his balls and stomach are also bare, and it had started on his other leg... top of his back has scabs which obviously has made him less hairy. I've not noticedit getting any worse tho, just stopped but isn't growing back yet. :) He's very interested in all foods, I still syringe feed and spoon feed. We give him dry food, hay and fresh and he eats it all now. He has always drank his water, seems brighter but still goes to sleep when we hold him (which has always been adnormal) unless pigs can get like this has they get older. Ermm he has his voice back too and isn't afraid to use it!
He went back down to 789g and today I weighed him at 811g. He's eating like a pig right now, I really don't know how much sweetpotato baby food I've given him, he just wants more! lol Can someone tell me why guinea pigs sometimes randomly shake? Like he's cold or scared... he does it when I've bathed him and am drying him.
Shaking/trembling/shivering/shuddering can indicate pain. It is normal for them to shiver intermittently when bathing and drying them - it is as much fear as anything then - but to be shaking a little without apparent reason, does suggest pain. Does Africa shake when he gets up after laying down, or when he's eating, or when he's touched? When does he do this random shaking?
Usually when I'm holding him and it's only just started happening.

Basically the last two times I've held him, him just sitting on my lap being syringe fed, he's very good and loves the syringe so I don't usually hold him apart from supporting his bum so he doesn't fall off.

He's been crying a lot lately too. Whilst walking in his cage and sometimes when I hold him :S
Went to vets, she didn't find any reason for his crying even tho he cried when she pressed under his stomach. :( I was so upset there, I hate the vets, I'm quite sure I witnessed a couple leave their dog to be killed. He didn't even look ill, springer, then I heard them shave him and him yelp and I was trying not to cry. Poor women, she was crying when she left him.
Went to vets, she didn't find any reason for his crying even tho he cried when she pressed under his stomach. :( I was so upset there, I hate the vets, I'm quite sure I witnessed a couple leave their dog to be killed. He didn't even look ill, springer, then I heard them shave him and him yelp and I was trying not to cry. Poor women, she was crying when she left him.

Oh that is so sad, i am the same i bawl buckets when i go through that, but i would never ever leave my babies there, i always bring them home to go in my little petplot in the garden.

When i had to have my dog pts last May i couldnt even let go of her, she was so heavy and my arms were killing, but i felt as her mummy i had to do it, i was so upset, she was my best friend of 15 years and i felt so lost without her, i brought her home and sat with her on my knee for about 4 hours until i was ready to let her go.

Anyway, I'm glad they couldnt find anything, bit puzzling tho eh, and i see there is weight gain, thats a boost at least.

Fingers crossed for you both x
Yeah, it's just the shivering and the random crying confuses me, sometimes when we hold him he does it so someone suggested pain on here and I mentioned it to the vet but she felt him and he cried a bit when she touched his stomach. The only thing I can guess is, does inpaction become painful if it isn't cleared everyday?
hmmm good question, i would have thought so and maybe even infected if not removed in time, which i would imagine would cause pain, but i dont know.

Poor little love is having it rough eh?

My pepper used to do massive wailing sqeaks when he had his bladder stones and they used to sqeaze his tum at the vets, in fact they used to take him out to the back of the building as he was so loud (was very vocal at the best of times) but it was so destressing to hear, and i hated it :(
Impaction could become painful if it built up badly e.g. a solid, large mass in the anal sac, especially if it is blocking normal poops exit. But in itself it really should not cause pain to the degree you describe. Do you check him every day, is he passing normal poops each day?

Pain on his stomach, must mean something - two thoughts I have at the moment are his skin that hurts because of the mites, or it could be bloat (but I would imagine the vet would pick up on this).

Regardless of where it is coming from, he does need pain relief as shivering/shuddering in pain is not normal. Pain will only end up knocking his appetite at some point. If the vet won't prescribe any Rimadyl/Metacam, you might consider dosing with children's Nurofen.
stones I'm thinking!

have you checked his willy:red:red to see if there is a build up of grit around his willy? thisis common in guineas with stones, but you do have to rub it between your fingers to see how it feels:)>>>

meaning the cream coloured stuff covering his willy lol
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He hasn't shook or cried for the past few days. I'm going to 'clean him out' in a moment or two and see if that helps. I'm afraid I'm terrible at it though, but is it best to do it daily? If it is, I'll definatly do it daily just to help him. He's still eating, is 825g still. I've stopped syringe feeding him (vet didn't seem to pleased that I was... it's so confusing) he's had this 2nd treatment (cost £4).
I just cleaned him out, he had a normal poo coming out anyways, but there wasn't much in there. I couldn't get is penis to come out :S it usually does when I clean him out, it's a little forked end thing isn't it. I tried to pull it out by rolling the sides but nothing... :S
Thank you for all the advice last night Claire :)

I'm going to buy the stuff today.

I weighed him this morning and he's 811g which means he's gone down. I'll buy the syringe blackcurrent pellets things today and start on syringe feeding him. he's got probiotics in his water from last night, and I'll make some cystitis water now an give him some.
Thank you for all the advice last night Claire :)

I'm going to buy the stuff today.

I weighed him this morning and he's 811g which means he's gone down. I'll buy the syringe blackcurrent pellets things today and start on syringe feeding him. he's got probiotics in his water from last night, and I'll make some cystitis water now an give him some.

brill let us know how he gets on!

get some daktarin too... and call paul about his teeth!
I've called Paul, he's not in at the moment (answer machine) so I'll try again later.

Yeah, getting the probiotic, daktarin, and all the rest :) he's had 20ml of the sycisis stuff, and I'm about to make him up a mush feed... does it matter how much you add (the pellets)?

He isn't looking that well today tbh, bit tired.
I'm seeing him on Sunday and he's told me not to go the vets *** it doesn't work on the neck for mite treatment. Ermm I've syringe fed him around 10-15 so far then split it on the floor >< and 30-40ml of the water stuff. Which I then split on the floor... sorry am clumsy today :(

Didn't manage to get out but will do tomorrow.
glad paul is seeing him sunday, how much feeds have you got down him in total today?

have you given him any pain killers? today?

i use an egg cup amount of pellets then mush them, but you need to be getting a min 120mls in a day in him
He's had over 40ml of the water stuff now at least. I lost count I'm afraid after 30ml, is there a maximum? He's had around 20-25ml of syringe feed so far. Some normal pellets and some cabbage and curly kail. One of my syringes broke but we've bought a bulk buy from ebay lol. He likes to chew on them. Erm I gave him calpol 0.2ml because he didn't like me touching his side but he isn't complaining now.
He's had over 40ml of the water stuff now at least. I lost count I'm afraid after 30ml, is there a maximum? He's had around 20-25ml of syringe feed so far. Some normal pellets and some cabbage and curly kail. One of my syringes broke but we've bought a bulk buy from ebay lol. He likes to chew on them. Erm I gave him calpol 0.2ml because he didn't like me touching his side but he isn't complaining now.

i wouldnt give him more than 40 mls of water etc in 1 sitting, but pellet wise give him about 50ml if he will have it, as long has he gets 120mls in 24hours he shouldnt loose weight, any less than this if he isnt eating much hisself he will continue to loose weight then his gut will shut..

you need to be feeding him every 4 hours...with him looking weak too.

dont give him kail too much with him having a poss bladder problem this will make it worse cabbage is ok but kail avoid
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