Just be something in the air with our poorly Pepper’s! It’s reassuring to hear that others are going through similar issues and their piggies are okay!My Pepper went in last week for the same thing. Weight loss and eating slowly. He has a tooth root abscess. He was absolutely fine from the GA. Hope your Pepper gets on ok.
Thank you! He does seem to be eating hay which is good, and of course is still mad on veggies, I’ll keep up with the top ups throughout the day! Poor Pringle doesn’t understand it’s not for him and wants to share!I don’t know about the GA making him cold. Antibiotics can put them off eating and that’s likely the cause of the small poops - not been eating enough the past few days. Hopefully the top ups will help with weight and improve the poops.
It’s good he’ll eat it off a spoon poor Pringle feeling left outThank you! He does seem to be eating hay which is good, and of course is still mad on veggies, I’ll keep up with the top ups throughout the day! Poor Pringle doesn’t understand it’s not for him and wants to share!
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Yes our vet said the same thing! He has his heat pad now didn’t think I would be needing that this summer! Peppers poops are also smaller but hard and not squishy too, sounds very similar to your Pepper, glad to hear he is gaining a bit of weight!Our vet said to keep my Pepper warm after his GA. He also has gone off nuggets. His poops are a bit small but not squishy. He’s very slowly gaining a bit of weight. I hope your Pepper starts to feel better soon.
Thank you! I’m currently giving him fibre plex in with one of his portions of CC thank fully he doesn’t seem to notice it mixed in!Sending both Peppers healing vibes. If you're not already try giving some probiotics, this may help the digestive system.
Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
Thanks all, that’s very reassuring, today he has decided he doesn’t want CC from a spoon, his weight is stable he isn’t losing any. Our exotic vet was away this week so his check up is on Tuesday, which should be fine as he isn’t losing weight and he is eating hay just not enough to gain weight yet.
Yeah i feel pepper is just a bit fed up too, he was loving the Metacam tugging the syringe off me and since he has been on the antibiotics he’s gone right off that and it’s a battle to get him to take them! He’s muching hay as we speak so as long he let pooping I’ll be happy!My Pepper did the same thing. I was able to get 15ml of syringe feed into at a time and then he just suddenly went off it. He really didn’t want me to feed him. So I stopped for a few days and have larger piles of hay and his weight was stable. So I think he was letting me know he was eating ok. Obviously if he loses weight I’ll start again. I hope your Pepper is on the mend.