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URGENT Sammy has diarrhoea

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Sammy who was neutered over a week ago has got diarrhoea is there anything i can give him or do i get him to the vets asap,

Ive cleaned him all up and changed some of the bedding for him what do i do ?
Yes and you can give him diocalm. think it was a quarter of a tablet, will go off and search the forum now.

Yes its a quarter of the human dose be it powder or tablet form, also you can give some arrowroot too
Looked up Peter Gurney's site for you hope it's ok to reprint this:

Diarrhoea can be as minor or as major a problem as it can be in human beings

The number one rule is that if the diarrhoea is fluid and has the added symptoms of the guinea pig's coat being fluffed up and it is sitting in a corner looking thoroughly miserable then it is a major problem. It must be taken to a vet P.D.Q., for it will be in need of an antibiotic, and quickly!. There are several diseases that guinea pigs can suffer from which can prove rapidly fatal and the symptoms I have just described are indicative of them.

If the diarrhoea is fluid but the guinea pig is alert and though not eating as well, at least interested, the first thing to do is give it half a tablet of Diocalm, powdered down and given mixed with a small amount of water. This is a product formulated for human beings who have diarrhoea which is very safe and effective for use upon guinea pigs. The next thing to give, and this is very important, is a tablet of Buscopan, powdered down in the same way as the Diocalm. This is also a human medicine, which is a gut relaxant and analgesic. This eases the griping pains as it relaxes the gut spasms, which makes the animal feel better, which is half the battle.

Repeat the Diocalm every ten to twelve hours but as soon as there is a sign of things beginning to firm up, stop the treatment. Usually two to three half tablets are sufficient.

If there is a general softness of the pellets then just one half tablet of Dioclam will usually clear things up and the Buscopan will not be necessary.

In cases where this kind of diarrhoea lingers or is spasmodic, the powered astringent and delmucent herbs such as Slippery elm, Carob, and Shepherds purse can be used more long term. If the latter is available to be picked fresh then feed it to the guinea pig direct.

In all serious cases of diarrhoea it is essential to keep up the body salts with rehydration preparations. A quick comparison between those formulated for human beings and those licensed for animals quickly shows that they are almost identical, for we are, after all, both mammals!. The big difference of course is in the price, the veterinary products, as usual being far more expensive. There are several on the market, Rehydrate and Dioralyte being just two. Give little and often.

There can often be a flushing out of the gut flora which is vital for the guinea pig to be able to digest it's food so it is always wise to give some form of probiotic to help reseed the gut. Avipro is the one I use, available from most large pet shops. Just a pinch in a small syringe of water once a day for two to three days.


Please let us know how Sammy is take care :-*
hope he improves soon if he was on anti bitoics he would prob need probiotics mine always get this sprinkled on their food or added top water and syringed in, but diocalm would do for the minute hope he improves soon, let us know,
Right I'm back from work he seems lively enough and ive brought him back inside I'm gonna take him to the vets at 2pm just to be on the safeside

Where can i get diocalm from ?

I have some of my daughter diorlyte ? is that the same sort of thing
Ive spoken to the vets as i realised the surgery times were at 5pm and not 2pm as i thought

She said to keep him off his veg make sure he has plenty of roughage and plenty of water

Ive bought him back inside bathed his rear end much to his disgust ! tried to clean his paws but he wouldnt let me do it as thoroughly as i would like

He was only given an antibiotic when he had his op he had nothing else, he seems alert enough shall sort his some fresh water & dry food

Shall check the chemist for what you suggested
The dioralyte will help to replace the fluids he is losing and put back electrolytes sugars salts etc. Check on the forum though for dosage it should be here somewhere
Agree with what the others say, especially probiotics. You could try syringing natural yoghurt too.
bev said:
The dioralyte will help to replace the fluids he is losing and put back electrolytes sugars salts etc. Check on the forum though for dosage it should be here somewhere

we tried to save a couple of ours with dioralyte,and failed :'(..is there anything thats better or as good and easier to get down them?
Right have bought him some diocalm disolved a quarter of a tablet with 5ml water and he lapped it up, i thought it would be hard to give him it through the syringe but he was no trouble at all

He seems happy enough and he has been eating and drinking shall leave the veg for a couple of days or should it be longer ?

Thanks everyone
Sars1359 said:
bev said:
The dioralyte will help to replace the fluids he is losing and put back electrolytes sugars salts etc. Check on the forum though for dosage it should be here somewhere

we tried to save a couple of ours with dioralyte,and failed :'(..is there anything thats better or as good and easier to get down them?

If dioralyte isn't working then subcutaneous (under the skin by needle) fluids really are the only option. There are not many people who would be comfortable doing them at home hence why a vet is so important.
well i gave him the diocalm about 4pm and hes done some poos though they are squishy they are moist and not hard like the others are

Should i give him another dose tomorrow ?
well no runny poo but still seems a little moist and he squuked shilst having a poo :-\

Should i give him another dose of diocalm just in case ?
I think it would be a good idea. He certainly seems to be improving and thats the main thing! ;) They are such a worry aren't they. Badger started with diarrhoea not long after one of his ops but that was caused by the antibiotics and once i got probiotics into him he improved very quickly.

Keep an eye on him today and I am sure he's on the mend now! :)

Hug and kisses for Sammy XX
I had to take sammy to the vets last night as he had a swelling by where his stitches were . The vet has given him a course of Baytril(i think thats how its spelt) He seems ok this morning but changed the bedding again as the appeared to be a dried wet stool which i find strange unless i missed it last night

I read somewhere that they the Baytril can cause loose stools and to take something to combat it any ideas what it is ?
Yes if you are giving him antibiotics (Baytril) you must give a probiotic or it could cause diarrhoea. Your vet should be able to let you have some. I use Bio Lapis. You can either sprinkle it on food or mix it with water and syringe it in. Badger wouldn't touch his food if it had any sprinked on so we had to do battle with the syringe! It always took two of us (sometimes three) to get him to take medicine! My rabbit on the other hand doesn't seem to notice if he has any sprinkled on food. Does this mean piggies are far more intelligent than rabbits? :)

I hope Sammy is soon feeling better X
your vet should have prescribed flexibond I think it was called ( or was that glue?) something like that I use avipro probiotic which I dilute in water and syringe into their mouths, when dobby had diarrhoea it helped him enormously
Yes, a probiotic. I have used Bio Lapis, and another one which I can't remember. Or, as I think, I may have mentioned, you can use natural Greek yoghurt to restore gut balance.
Be careful with yoghurt it has caused upset tummies with some of mine. I would go for Avipro or Bio Lapis SPH Supplies supply Avipro, much cheaper than buying from vets and you will always have some available. Type Avipro Plus in to search.
Well the diarrhoea has gone but hes back in at the vets as the swelling hasnt gone, the vet tried to drain it off but was too thick so he needs to open it again and take a look

I feel in limbo part of me says no more surgery but the others says it will be better in the long run
sounds like an infection has set in and the pus is too thick to syringe off, poor little man when he does have it done ask for some fiberplex its a carrot flavour probiotic you squirt one dose in their mouth ( its labeled in doses so its easy) maybe the dose of baytril was'nt high enough but thats even more important to get some probiotic this time
Thanks shell i will ask for that when i collect him i feel awful that ive put him through this :'( :'(

Thing is i was in 2 minds whether to take him or not, you know when you convince yourself they are ok but deep down you know they arent

Come on Sammy you can beat this please for Mommy ! :-*
well ive just rang them

God i could sit here and sob

They have given him Gas and cut him there was a load of pus on each side which they have now drained away but they are leaving the wounds open so that IF it needs to be expelled it will come out naturally

They have some painkillers for him and he is to be housed on newspaper only to combat any further infection i said i shall put him a little towel in his pigloo for him she said that should be ok

thanks everyone
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