The person below me.

False - it must be nice (but odd) not to work Sundays.

The person below me has had some red wine tonight.
False - it must be nice (but odd) not to work Sundays.

The person below me has had some red wine tonight.
At the moment I’m enjoying just going to church - not sure how long that will last 😊

False to the red wine - but did cook some duck in leftover red wine for husband

The person below me had a smart meter fitted today
At the moment I’m enjoying just going to church - not sure how long that will last 😊

False to the red wine - but did cook some duck in leftover red wine for husband

The person below me had a smart meter fitted today
Leftover red wine? There is no such thing is this house! Was it left over from your open house where you invited your neighbours in to introduce yourselves?

False to a smart meter

The person below has to mend some ripped clothes from Son No 3.

The person below me is doing a deep clean of the piggy cage tomorro
True - well a lazy afternoon.

The person below me has had a family member for Sunday Lunch.
True but we could do with some rain down in the South.

The person below me has friends coming over today.
The person below me has an interview tomorrow.

The person below me is enjoying a sit down after a busy morning !
False we have rain ran glorious rain ☔

The person below me is enjoying watching the garden get watered from above