The person below me.


Sounds good! Especially as I know you've been baking today. Your new neighbours are in for a treat!

The person below me is going to a Guinea Pig Meet tomorrow.
I do have nephews but they learnt to drive ages ago

The person below me is feeling ‘ a bit under the weather today’
False, although I should be as a lot of people bought me a Sambuca at the pub last night.....😁

The person below me is having a birthday barbeque today (and more sambucca!)
So true, I’ve been telling myself I’m going to move for like an hour :hmm:

The person below me is watching some coverage of the Olympics today!
False …..but good luck with that …..😂

The person below me has enjoyed tacos for dinner
False. My nephews are tweens and teens.

The person below me had a relaxing day off spoiling their piggies.