The Ever Beautiful Betsy has lost weight

Just been in the garage to tuck the piggies in for the night. I gave both pairs lots of new fresh hay to snuggle down in, play in, scoff and generally spread about the hutch and have fun with. All I could hear was Betsy munching away. So hopefully she'll eat lots over night and start putting some of that weight back on.
Betsy is down to 920g this morning.🙁 Have given her SS Recovery Plus with oats and grated carrot for breakfast. Will give her some more every few hours instead of just a top up morning and night. Fortunately, I don't need to syringe feed it as she quite happily will eat it straight out of a small bowl.
I’m sorry she’s still losing weight. Brilliant that she will eat her extra food out of a bowl.
Betsy did try and wander off when I went to pick her out of the hutch this morning. She's not done that for a few days. So she may be feeling a bit better. I just have to try and convince her that food and hay are a good idea at the moment.
Sorry to hear that Betsy is still losing weight, sending healing vibes from me and the piggies. ❤️
Dear Betsy, if you want we can share our Oxbow Aniseed flavour Critical Care with you.
We can instruct our slave to send you 1 or 2 scoopfuls.
It’s very yummy and Micah and Priscilla helped me eat the dish our slave put in the cage.
Love from Phoebe
Dear Phoebe
Thanks very much for the offer but I'm not too keen on Aniseed CC. I will eat it but I prefer SS Recovery plus.
Lots of wheeks
I hope Betsy puts on some more weight. Keep munching beautiful Betsy 😘
Come on Betsy. You can do it! Keep munching that hay gorgeous girl 🤗