TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

My family-not much on my own but very proud of the others in these photos.

Hubby Francesco and I in Fl a couple months before hurricane and relocation to our home here in NY.matt_111429 (1).webp
Son Matteo this past month. Our most handsome dude.IMG_20180512_161546_HDR.webp
Other very devoted piggie slave in home-our beautiful daughter Medb
Piggy friends and our other beloved children (laying all over papa/hubby :-))
Whereabouts in Surrey are you? I patrolled the mean streets of Surrey in the mid 80s. ;)

Croydon! Although in the 80's I was up north.

Is that forum of yours still going? Can't remember the name of it now. Or my username.
She’s beautiful

Thank you! She’s a very happy toddler. She’s not tall enough to even peek into the piggie cage yet and so far hasn’t seemed curious about them, which is probably a good thing for now, since she’s too young to know how to behave around them anyway.
My 6-year-old, Helena, on the other hand, loves the pigs. She’ll pull up a chair next to the cage and just sit and chat to them. I’ve told her she can help prepare their food and sit with me during lap time soon, she’s very excited about it. :)