TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Wow your hair is really long!

Love the Playboy Posters lol
oohh love you hair, my hair is a tad longer than that, i love the length of mine :) do you always get asked how you look after it etc?
Mine was that long a week or two ago :'( i couldnt be bothered with it anymore and got it cut though. I do prefer it shorter, its so much easier but i miss my hair lol!
This is my birthday when it was long:

And this was yesterday with it short, sorry its not good quality my boyfriend took it on my phone, its a lot shorter at the back:

Thanks :) it does feel wierd especially washing it! and it doesnt fit into a pony tail anymore without falling out! x
Suits you Emma! :) I want my hair cut, not sure which way yet. I love long hair but I've a tatty head, it's wavy, thick, uncontrollable If I was a Guinea Pig I'd be a texel! :D

Damn the fool who gave me such hair (My Dad who is bald!)

;D my mum would be a satin, she cant do anything with it, its so straight and silky but will never curl or anything! I think i'd be a sheltie, i have to get my hair done every 4weeks because it grows so fast, i got it done 5th of december and its grew over an inch! so annoying! roots :(
Another piccy...oops umm sorry guys ;D I like taking piccies of myself haha I always look awful in them but it's fun :P

Ummm I think I look even awfuller than usual in this but anywho ;)


ahh! lol
You are really pretty x (Lucky you :) )

My and my cousin on xmas day


I look like an idiot but oo well :P

And some from my grandparent anniversery which was in november =]


Me and my cousin (ignore her silly pose.. shes 20 years old :p )




I'm such a poserrr
Its not the best picture of her ;D
She hates it and yet i use it for everything =]

Thanks i think you aree wayy prettier!
I cant be bothered to have an argument about who is prettier... :D
(i still think you are)
Jane said:
lmao lets shush then ;D I love taking piccies of anything and everything hehe

(and no you are)

I think we better before we annoy everyone ;D

*cough* You *cough* Are *cough*

I'm gonna shush now :P
MEEEEE and my new man nathan XD


Meee looking ok and yes nathan got in the way of my photo lmao


It was meant to be a photo of me and him looking at each other but he was more interested in playing with his phone lmao

Ali you look lovely and your new blokey is very handsome you make a very nice couple O0
OMG you have amazing eyes...!
How long you been with Nathan? (random question)
Wooooah what happened to hot army guy? You are a fast mover Miss Ali! ;D ;D

Where are allthese dishy guys coming from? Sign me up! (Just dont tell OH) ;D ;D ;D

You look lovely together :smitten:
Pumpkinpiggie said:
grommit said:
very cute couple! and you have beautiful eyes :)

Ali has her mums eyes :) MINE ;D

All your babies have the same eyes :D Don't we :D

PerfectPiggies said:
Wooooah what happened to hot army guy? You are a fast mover Miss Ali! ;D ;D

Where are allthese dishy guys coming from? Sign me up! (Just dont tell OH) ;D ;D ;D

You look lovely together :smitten:

lmfao hahaha

army men aren't for me lmao

i needed a newer model :D This ones a college student lmao XD

Rach-x said:
OMG you have amazing eyes...!
How long you been with Nathan? (random question)

Not been together long, infact we've just got together :D Was seeing him for a while though, like cinema and hanging out and stuffs.