TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

I'm always smiling but in my pictures i dont ?

lol x
thanks for the nice comments x :)

You look lovely Anne :)

I'm a mardy-looking cow in all my photos, and I'm no spring chicken either! ;D

Anne you look younger than you said you were, too! :)
I really dont know why i dont smile in pictures tho... i really should lol x

CobwebandPigpig said:
I'm a mardy-looking cow in all my photos, and I'm no spring chicken either! ;D

Anne you look younger than you said you were, too! :)

Definately 38. ;D
Thankyou all for the nice comments.
I hate photo's of myself. Usually my tongue is out or fingers gesturing. :D
Nice to see you Alfie and you don't look %*£$!
Here's Picture of me in September have a full beard at the mo Winter insulation! :laugh:
Hello Ron * waving*
Nice to see you too. :)
Thought i'd add a couple of Halloween, please excuse the state of us, it was about 5 in the morning when these were taken and we were looking scary in a bad way ;D

Me (the devil) and my best mates Luke the spider, Laura the witch and Jess the cat :)

Me, my chips, my water and my 'dead' boyfriend Jay hiding behind a table for some reason 98)

Hello Emma, very pretty. :)
Looks like a good night out too. O0
It was good :) they're all mad and love to drink but i prefer my water and chips ;D still have a laugh though :)
Hello everyone, nice to see you :D
What a good looking lot the forum members are ;)
Ooo Emma, you're so pretty in your devil get-up!

Nice to see Ron, too, our patron saint of guinea pigs and official forum streaker! ;D
Ooo he is a terror - streaking through the forum at 3 in the morning! ;D

(You'll have to trawl through 'Chit Chat' to see what I mean! ;) )
:D ;D :D ;D
What are you like. Lol
i'll let you into a secret because its so long when i go to bed i plait it in to two pony tails to stop it going all over the place! ;D ;D :D ;D
Bonkers, Nathan. :D ;D :D ;D
Can I have some of what's making you hyper.
Apple juice makes me loopy too.

Apple juice and squirty cream, sounds kinky, Adams' not there is he >:D ;D