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Swollen testicles & not pooing

Aw, hang in there BB we are all rooting for you little fella. So glad he and Little like the Emeraid, it does seem popular with piggies who try it. Hope BB picks up soon with the AB’s once they kick in x
Try not to worry about Simon’s commenting on his larger tummy, I think the fact you cannot speak with him “in person” makes everything seem so much worse and it’s so difficult to tell exactly what he means.
Yes that’s true, he also was saying so many things too, it seemed like he was working things out in his head whilst he was speaking. You know things are bad when Simon opens the phone call with ‘Well he’s not dreadful dreadful, but he is dreadful’. I just need to take things as they come and try not to worry before they happen, but it’s so difficult when it all may be over for him in a few days 😔 We are placing a lot of hope in the ab’s, that’s for sure.

Come on BB, you gentle giant ❤
Yes that’s true, he also was saying so many things too, it seemed like he was working things out in his head whilst he was speaking. You know things are bad when Simon opens the phone call with ‘Well he’s not dreadful dreadful, but he is dreadful’. I just need to take things as they come and try not to worry before they happen, but it’s so difficult when it all may be over for him in a few days 😔 We are placing a lot of hope in the ab’s, that’s for sure.

Come on BB, you gentle giant ❤
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Yes, it’s awful getting a phone call like that. When he had checked over Ted after that UTI which cleared up really quick, I was expecting a clean bill of health (apart from the teeth) and it was such a shock, he basically said there was little he could do apartment from an X ray which would not change the prognosis! I just froze! It’s so difficult when you are not there in the room and can’t see his face and expressions. It also gives you no space for discussion and questioning somehow, Covid has just made everything far worse.
Try take each day as it comes, he may pull through, he has youth in his side fingers crossed for him, he’s such a handsome lad x
Yes, it’s awful getting a phone call like that. When he had checked over Ted after that UTI which cleared up really quick, I was expecting a clean bill of health (apart from the teeth) and it was such a shock, he basically said there was little he could do apartment from an X ray which would not change the prognosis! I just froze! It’s so difficult when you are not there in the room and can’t see his face and expressions. It also gives you no space for discussion and questioning somehow, Covid has just made everything far worse.
Try take each day as it comes, he may pull through, he has youth in his side fingers crossed for him, he’s such a handsome lad x
That sounds like it must have been awful. With BB I suppose we knew what we were getting into. Emergency vet Sunday night/Monday morning, exotic vet Monday evening and then with us having to see Simon Tuesday, we knew the outcome wouldn’t be great. It’s horrible to hear news like that regardless, but we went into it thinking the worst rather than it come out of nowhere from the vet when you were expecting the total opposite. It still doesn’t make it any easier though :(
If he were one of the oldies, I wouldn’t think he had a chance. But since he’s young, and was previously healthy, he might surprise us and recover. I’m trying not to get my hopes up since Simon didn’t think he’d last much longer and the ab’s were a shot in the dark. It’s hard to sit here, watching him, and imagine him not being here by the weeks end.
Everything BB does now, we’re overanalysing. He had a decent day all things considered but a rough evening, there were a few times we thought we would lose him. His fever came back, too. We’ve decided tomorrow that we will give an extra dose of metacam midday to help keep his temperature down.
He laid down and fell asleep on my arm earlier, totally out of character for him and the first time he’s ever gone to sleep on a person. So even though it was sweet of him, it sort of showed me how bad he must have been feeling. I’m trying to stay hopeful but also realistic, Simon didn’t see him lasting more than a few days and I don’t want to fool myself into thinking he’ll be okay.
He’s eaten about six strands of hay today, though! Only six but that’s still better than 0. He’s treating his readigrass as though it’s hay, so is happy to eat an alright amount of that. I know long-term it probably won’t be great for him but when he’s predicted only a few days left, he can have anything he wants as long as he’s eating. If he’s eating, he has energy and if he has energy, he might overcome this.
The only thing is that he isn’t drinking from his bottle. We’ve put a water bowl down but he wasn’t bothered, I’ve tried to flavour the water by soaking mint leaves in it so maybe he’ll have a go in the night. I keep giving him romaine lettuce which has been soaked in water (he’s not a cucumber fan or I’d give that) to try and get some water into him, along with syringing him water. I’m struggling to syringe him the water though, he’s very awkward with it, seems to treat it like a physical bottle so it’s hard to get it in his mouth right. I’m no good at it at the best of times. Hopefully he starts drinking out of something!
He’s not been as fond of his grass today overall, though :( it’s been a weird day I suppose. One minute we aren’t too worried, the next we’re terrified. I just wish we knew what was going to happen, the uncertainty is very mentally taxing.
@Little Ones I really feel for you, and am sending you all the love and healing thoughts I can. when our boy Higgins was ill, we, like you, let him have what he wanted, because in our eyes anything was better than nothing. His favourite thing was watermelon, is there any way you can get a few fingers/slices of that? It would certainly help get some fluid into BB.
Porridge (warm, made with oat milk) was another favourite. He never ate much but he took more that way than via syringe.
Keep him warm and comfortable, and let him know you're always there, but please also think of yourself. I slept on the sofa with Higgins tucked in my dressing gown, he seemed to respond well to that, or at least appreciate it.
I really feel your pain and hope BB picks up and improves, for you and for him. But please remember, you need to be well to be there for him, too xx
@Little Ones I really feel for you, and am sending you all the love and healing thoughts I can. when our boy Higgins was ill, we, like you, let him have what he wanted, because in our eyes anything was better than nothing. His favourite thing was watermelon, is there any way you can get a few fingers/slices of that? It would certainly help get some fluid into BB.
Porridge (warm, made with oat milk) was another favourite. He never ate much but he took more that way than via syringe.
Keep him warm and comfortable, and let him know you're always there, but please also think of yourself. I slept on the sofa with Higgins tucked in my dressing gown, he seemed to respond well to that, or at least appreciate it.
I really feel your pain and hope BB picks up and improves, for you and for him. But please remember, you need to be well to be there for him, too xx
Thank you, your words are very much appreciated :)
Last night at half 2, he began lightly using his bottle. Once he started, he kept going back to it for about 10 minutes until he was satisfied. He makes such a racket with it, but it was like music to my ears. He’s used it this morning, too! Simon had said if there’s no improvement in a few days then euthanise, this seems like an improvement! Definitely a big step in the right direction. I don’t know what came over him, he just walked over and tapped it, walked off and then went back and started drinking. I’m not sure if he’s drinking as much of it as he should be, but I’ll keep it monitored today 🤞 I really am trying not to get my hopes up, but this is a good sign. The next step is him starting to eat his hay properly again.
It seems like BB is understanding everything we’re doing is to help him. He really is a lovely natured guinea pig anyway, very gentle, but he seems to be a lot more trusting of us now. My mum gives him his syringe food whilst I sit beside him and when he doesn’t want anymore he’ll climb into my lap, it’s very sweet. I think he is starting to understand we are trying to help him, bless him.
My mum took the night shift yesterday night so that I could get some sleep, I was feeling very ill from not sleeping or only getting an hours rest. Like just feeling constantly sick. I felt a lot better after getting some rest. Even though I was up in the night last night, it wasn’t too much as he seemed a lot better. He was favouring his grass over his readigrass. He hasn’t eaten much this morning though, it’s all very up and down. We can’t do anymore than we’re doing for him, though!
Ooh just started typing then, yay go BB! Great he’s using his bottle! 🥳:D Sounds like a big improvement to me too if he’s choosing to drink it himself and have a munch! Hope his appetite picks up for his grass soon! 🤞
Not that I can preach as everyone always tells me off but make sure you rest more too! :hug:It’s great you’ve got your mum to help you out ❤️ Loads of healing vibes from me and the beasts! He’s such a gorgeous boy :luv:xx
That definitely sounds like a step in the right direction, and so great that he is showing an understanding that he knows you're helping him.

Big woop-woops for BB!
Things have gone down hill since my last update. BB hasn’t wanted to eat today really. I tried not to but I really did get my hopes up when he started drinking, but now we are back to preparing for the worst. He ate a small bit of grass and a bit of emeraid sustain but nothing significant. He just doesn’t have an appetite today :( not sure if it could be the antibiotics causing it (we aren’t giving a probiotic, maybe we should?) or if it’s something else.
When Peanut developed gastric dilatation, first he lost weight whilst still eating, then he went off his hay for a week, then he ate his hay for one day and after that he stopped eating entirely and began refusing syringe food. 5 days later he was gone. I’ve been paranoid about this condition ever since Peanut died from it, finally I had got over my paranoia and now I’m in a situation where it happening is a real possibility. So now I’m worried about BB’s lack of appetite being this. Before I could rely on him eating readigrass but now he won’t touch it.
Feeling very rubbish today after what seemed to be a strong start :(
We’ve put him back in with his cage mate to try and perk him up. He’s been walking around rather than sitting in his bed which is a good sign. He’s eaten bits and pieces of things as he’s been going around too. Maybe this will give him the push he needs today
Aw, thinking about you both and sending lots of healing vibes your way x It’s such a rollercoaster ride isn’t it, the slightest improvement cheers you up no end, then you feel down in the dumps at the refusal of food, it’s an awful time combined with lack of sleep and lots of worrying, so sorry this has happened
Hope BB will feel better now he is back with his companion x
More positive update:
The choice to originally separate BB and Sprout (his cage mate) was the right call as BB was very weak and very upset at Sprout getting in his space. Sprout is a young teen and still takes food from BB’s mouth which, when BB was only eating scraps, made his situation harder.
BB is a piggy who hates being alone, he was originally bonded with Little but began bullying him and when they were separated permanently, BB went into acute pining until we got Sprout for him.
Yesterday, I was quite happy with BB’s progress overall and decided I’d put the boys together again when this morning rolled around. That is until BB started drinking his water and I was worried that he may stop if I put the cage back to how it was and put the boys together so I decided to keep them separate.
What we’ve managed to gather from today’s situation is that BB must be feeling quite strong overall and not weak like before. Weak BB’s focus was on staying alive, a stronger BB could focus on other things too such as loneliness. Even though the boys were having bar interaction, it just wasn’t enough for him. Since going back with Sprout, he’s slowly been perking up more and more. Sprout is also listening to BB a bit more too, that could be because he knows BB is feeling a bit better so can’t overthrow his leadership, or it could just be because he missed him - which he did anyway. He really admires BB and is always playing follow the leader with him. BB gives Sprout the confidence to walk around the cage.
Anyway, the longer they’ve been together, the more I’ve seen BB eating his hay! Slowly but surely, first it was scraps, now he’s just jumped in a hay pile and started eating the first piece in front of him.
He must be feeling better and so because of that decided to go on a hunger strike until he gets some real company, which isn’t a first for him. Again, not trying to get my hopes up, Peanut started eating his hay again and then went massively downhill straight to his death. This is really positive though, the medications must be starting to work. He started drinking last night at 2am, and now he’s been eating some hay. It’s all very up and down and still uncertain but we will take these small victories.
(One of our favourite pictures of him)
He is actually doing very well.
He finished his antibiotics today and is still alive and kicking! We have tried to get a telephone appointment with Simon but were told they no longer do those so we have to email him. We’re just wanting to find out if we should stop with the gut stimulants or carry on with them long term. I’ve read instances where piggies with bowel diseases have thrived on them so don’t want to stop them just in case it’s the wrong thing to do.
Friday and Saturday BB really picked up. He really trusts us now too and he has been an angel with the medication. He loves them all. We were worried about all of this causing him to regress due to him being a very worried piggy but it’s just brought him out of his shell further. Friday he started doing popcorns again with Sprout and then on Saturday he appointed himself the role of resident wheeker. We have never had a very loud wheeker before, all of ours have either never felt the need to wheek or have had very airy wheeks. BB is very very VERY loud, in the best and cutest way possible. From 4pm onwards, any time he hears anyone move it sets him off.
We are very proud of him. Had we not taken him to Simon, he would have definitely died. The exotic vet we went to (after the emergency appointment at the local vet) told us to stop the emeprid. This wasn’t something I 100% agreed with but figured he knew more than I did but it was definitely the wrong choice. I honestly believe BB would have died. I mean, Simon also believed that once he saw BB. We were all expecting the worst, but BB seems to have defied the odds and he’s come out stronger from it. Hopefully things don’t go downhill now that the antibiotics are finished. He also has been gaining his weight back wonderfully. BB now weighs 1329 compared to the 1199 on the day we took him to the emergency vets. Every day there is an increase.
We couldn’t have got a better result, though. Seems like a happy ending all round. It was a close call, a week ago my mum and I were evaluating what to look for in figuring out if BB would need to be euthanised the next day or the day after that. But he really has gone from strength to strength.

...And even though he likes having his medicines, he still becomes a grumpy teddy bear when he has to be pulled from his hidey to have them :wub: :
This is the most amazing news! Go BB! And super well done to you - you have been the best piggy parent!

Also laughed when you said he had found his voice - bless the little pickle! :)
That's made my day! I've been checking back and worrying about which way it went especially with Little not being at his best when BB got ill too. You've worked miracles on these lucky boys!
Thank you all for the kind words, I really do appreciate every single one of them, unfortunately the happy update has taken a bad turn :(
Since finishing the metronidazole/flagyl on Thursday things have gone downhill very quickly. Yesterday afternoon/evening was when we noticed things starting to go wrong, he had been in his hidey most of the day and didn’t want to eat his hay. We put readigrass in the cage which he ate. He also ate that throughout the night.
Today, things just seem to be slowly getting worse. This morning he wouldn’t eat his readigrass, he’s eaten a few strands of hay here and there when prompted by us but not much at all. Then he became super fluffed up, he was a bit fluffed yesterday but it was very obvious today. He also is inhaling very deeply at times which is what he was doing when he was ill before. A few minutes ago, he started doing a very mild version of the retching/heaving again that he had when he was ill, he’s also started squealing in pain so we’re giving some tramadol now.
To be fair, I’m a bit miffed too. We rang c&r earlier to double check we couldn’t get a phone appointment and said we’d email everything if not. The receptionist said it was fine and she’d pass the info over. Anyway, even though we stressed it was urgent that must’ve not registered as we haven’t heard back. I know they’re busy, but it seems to be turning very life or death like it was before. Now we are panicking because the earliest we can get the metronidazole is Monday. I mean, Simon might not prescribe it again as he may want to try something else but we’re terrified that he’s not going to make it until Monday without the medication. He’s going downhill so fast now. We are devastated, feeling totally helpless. It also feels like he’s starting to get a fever again. Total nightmare :(
Oh I am so so sorry to read that the little man is going downhill again :( Big hugs! We‘re sending all the healing vibes we‘ve got and are rooting for BB! Come on, gorgeous chap - you can do it! x