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Sick piggie

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The vet said stomach infection, but because guinea pigs are so sensitive it would
be very hard to specifically say exactely what had caused it, the one thing that
I will really take from all of this and it is something I would advice not only to guinea
pig owners but to other pet owners aswell is, find a good reputable vet who knows
about your particular type of animal, do it now while your pet is healthy, do not wait
till your pet is ill, it maybe to late by the time you find a good one.

I do plan to stay around and post in the future, hopefully I will be able to help a piggie
some day.
Gee Richard you guys are fantastic to have made all those calls, well done O0 O0 O0

I'm so pleased little Bailey is with a vet who knew straight away to give fluids etc... phew what a relief for the two of you.
Keeping our paws crossed for your little girl :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
just read this post and am so pleased Bailey has got such wonderful people looking after her , so glad shes on the mend when my pigs have had stomach upsets sometimes the fiberplex probiotics from the vets is enough to get it under control but I think Baileys went too far for just that to work, I am delighted you found a vet who knows about pigs and is worth his weight in gold, welcome to the forum hope you make lots of friends and enjoy being on here we all do
Welcome to the forum Richard Andrea & Bailey :)

Glad she's a bit brighter :)

Bev x x
Welcome to the forum. I'm so glad that Bailey is a bit brighter today and that she has such lovely owners as you. :)
Aw, if this is your first piggie you have well and truly been thrown in at the deep end haven't you!

It's great that you have stuck with it all and not thrown in the towel which many others would have done in this situation.

Hope Baily is getting better by the minute :)
Update on Bailey

Bailey came home today ;D, the vet said he was delighted with her progress.
She had to have some hair shaved off her tummy, and the she was injected with
fluids straight into her, the vet said that it was the only way to ensure she got
fluids immediately,, so today Bailey is eating on her own, stools a little wattery, we
were told to just keep her on pellets and her stools would dry up over the next few days,
no fresh veg till then, she is active and drinking on her own and eating, we have
antibiotics to give her for 5 more days, the vet bill was expensive, but Bailey was worth
every penny. We are delighted to have her back home.

I will keep updating on Bailey's health

Richard & Andrea & Bailey
YIPPEEEEEEEEEE that's fantasatic news guys O0
Awwwwww Bailey you good little girl, keep it up little one :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Absolutly brilliant news, well done you two.
I was hoping for news today, so chuffed for you both.
x Paulax kisses for the lovely bailey
I have only spotted this thread and am so please Bailey is on the mend. Well done for being wonderful, caring piggie owners and for doing absolutely all you could. It is heartwarming and I hope I can do as well as you guys if I ever need to O0
Brilliant news Richard. I am sure she is worth every penny, it's when they charge you a fortune and the guinea is no better when you get a little annoyed. Keep us updated. O0
Update on Bailey

Bailey is doing well today, very active and noisy, she has still not got her
full appetite back, I suppose it could take a few more days. She is not too
keen on the pellets at the moment not sure why, but she goes to her bowl
gets all excited and squeels like as if she has not got what she wanted, I am not
sure what she wants, but it appears that she is really looking for something ! anyone
got any ideas what a piggie is looking for, god knows she has my confused, at least
she is still eating her hay, she is also a bit smelly from all the wattery stools, she needs
a wash but I dont want to stress her with a bath. Hmm Andrea says that she is not
just a bit smelly, she says Bailey STINKS, LOL, I was told to post it that way.

One other thing to note is that Bailey wants her water from a syringe and not her
water bottle, at this stage I think a newborn baby would not require as much attention,
fussy and bossy piggy, she thinks we are her pets,

Richard & Andrea & Bailey
if she has been used to the museli type food, she may be missing it, she is better off with pellets though as it stops her being picky, you could always mix a small amount of the old food in with the pellets, not sure if everyone will agree with that though, someone else might give you better advice on that one.
so pleased she is feeling better. good work.
If she isn't use to this food you should be weaning her on to it slowly. Defiantly feed her Burgess Guinea Excel (I personally think it is best guinea food around) in the future, however, to aid her recovery I would keep her on her original food for now, the last thing she needs is change, unless the vet has advised you to put her on to Burgess straight away. Keep us posted. O0
Good girl Bailey O0
When is she allowed to go back onto her fruit and veggies? Maybe that's what she's asking for :-\
You're doing great, don't worry about the water thing if you have to syringe then just do it, once she's able to start eating all foods again she'll probably go back to her bottle :)
LOL of course your her 'pets' isn't that what mummy and daddy slaves are for ;) ;D ;D
Feed things little and often she's been without for a while and it'll take time to adjust. The small pellets (Cavy Cuisine/PPerformance) are the ones I use now because sick piggies (particularly some of the dental 'patients' find these easier and less effort to pick up and chew. Try soaking the Supa Guinea for her (just keep an eye on those droppings!). Keep giving probiotics. they can make her 'feel hungry' too.

If she were mine I'd introduce grass first- forget the fruit (but then I don't feed much of that anyway). Though some banana would be good to replace lost potassium as would celery. Sheperds Purse and Yarrow are great for 'runny tummies', I swear by Yarrow :)

A bath in Gorgeous Guineas Shampoo might be nice for her :)
Update on Bailey

Sorry I have not posted on Bailey in the past few days I have been kinda busy.
At my last post I have said that Bailey was not eating to well, at that stage
her weight was 260g,,,before getting sick she was 360g, her skeletal structure
was very visible, but in the past 2 days she just changed, she got very excited
all of a sudden and basically ran from her food bowl to her water and then her hay,
she had some of each on the way, she kept this up for pretty much of the day, it was
funny watching her because she was so busy and could not be interupted,
she then spent all last night drinking from her bottle, we got no sleep because of the
noise of the ball moving inside the bottle spout, today her weight is up to 300g. I dont
think she will be able to keep increasing her weight at that speed, but I do expect her to
be back at her original weight soon. She appears to be returning to her normal routine, and
we could not be any happier.

Thank you to everyone here for you kind words and advice.

Richard & Andrea & Bailey
Glad to hear it Richard :) She's grabbed that special place in your heart now :smitten:
What a wonderful outcome! :) I'm so pleased! :)

Have only just caught up with this thread and it sounds as though Bailey was really very poorly. Well done for finding a great vet but also you have done a brilliant job! She is a very lucky girl to have such lovely owners!

Welcome to the forum!
I am so pleased to hear this :)

Do you have the contact details of the good vet you went to? - It might come in handy for somebody who lives around your area in the future!
:) Great minds and all that Ellie! I've asked for the same to add to my list :) I'm all for promoting good vetcare :)
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