Scrapper - Forum Sponsor Piggy - Barc


Hello, here I am eating my tea with Lili. Eating is my favourite activity, second only to sleeping. Today we had to run around while our cage was being cleaned out, shocking! We soon messed it up with a few poos when we got back in, heh heh heh.
We are waiting to see if two new girl pigs are going to have babies in September, we hope not as they will get all the attention and all the best pickings of grass. I do love my food! Love Scrapper x
Scrapper - you are virtually in that bowl scoffing your veg. I'm glad you got a good meal after your cage was tidied up while you weren't looking. I'm also pleased to hear you've trashed it again already. Those slaves have no idea how much you piggies enjoy hay and poo on the floor. Shocking lack of respect for your comfort.

Hello, it is me looking especially adorable and winsome. It's all a bit different here as the slave is not taking in any new piggies at the moment unless they have lived here before. One such intruder is Amber 20171001_164335.webp
She was adopted from BARC about 2 years ago but unfortunately her friend died and her owner didn't want her to be alone. She has been diagnosed with chronic bladder problems so will probably be another long stay resident.
We have had so many poorly piggies this year so we are full up and unable to take any more at the moment.
I am happy about this as it means that l get lots of attention. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, hopefully with lots of treats as well. Bye for now! Scrapper and the gang xx
Scrapper is looking as handsome as always. But he has stiff competiton from the beautiful Amber. Amos sends his love to all his cousins (300 times removed) and hopes the poorly piggies get better soon.
Aww Scrapper, there you are you lovely boy (and Amber is a lovely girl too). I hope that you aren't teaching those Barc piggies any naughty tricks!

Please give Eileen a special kiss from me and Ellen and Edward are saying a BIG hello and sending a BIG kiss to you all x
Aww Scrapper, there you are you lovely boy (and Amber is a lovely girl too). I hope that you aren't teaching those Barc piggies any naughty tricks!

Please give Eileen a special kiss from me and Ellen and Edward are saying a BIG hello and sending a BIG kiss to you all x
Me? Naughty? No! Aunty Claire, it is Edward who is naughty, not me no way (heh heh heh...) x