Scrapper - Forum Sponsor Piggy - Barc

New Year Update from Scrappertown

Well, the slave has been very busy, too busy to pay me any attention, so I have been sulking big time.

First off, chief wife-pig, Mavis was poorly, so poorly that despite the slave's best efforts she died peacefully with me and Lili beside her. I kept kissing Mavis's face which made the slave cry, but it didn't help, So, we are now just me and Lili, which is ok as we like each other a lot.

Next these 3 girl piggies arrived, thanks to @Tim (not!) so the slave has been fussing over them all the time because they are having babies. Excuse me! Don't you remember I was a cute little baby once and you fussed me? But no, I am forgotten and have been told to make way for a photo of them on MY thread...WP_20161228_11_28_49_Pro[1].webp

And Polly, on the right is about to pop out another load of piglets, so I guess I will be sidelined, AGAIN!
Also, note, they are eating grass, do we get grass? No! She says there is not enough to go round! Surely, us top pigs should be priority, we are forum superstars after all. At this rate I will be as grumpy as Benny.

Then the slave has been bonding piggies, first Paddy to Stan for @gogoguineas ,New Pig On The Block.....

Then Willow to Toffee,

And of course Jeremy (now Stanley) made a lot of fuss going off to his new home with @BossHogg , what a drama queen, all because he is so good looking and needs his hair combing just so. Now he has 3 wife pigs apparently, how about sharing them around Jezza, I only have one left!
Stanley And His Ladeez ( R I P Alfie )

That's all from me, have a Happy New Year, and spare a thought for us long suffering piggies at BARC
So sorry little Scrapper :soz: you poor thing, these little girls are very demanding and mum is ready to pop out some more bubbas any day now. I'll come and give you cuddle (again) :hug:

So so sorry about you losing Mavis, very heartbreaking and will be dearly missed by everyone. RIP Chief Wife Pig Mavis xx
Sorry to hear about mavis :soz:
And sorry for stealing your thunder but needs must! I'm sure the attention will be back on you once more seeing as you are such a stunner :love:
So we are needing your positive thoughts as sadly we have a poorly Scrapper.
He started being a bit quiet on Thursday and not eating as usual. I couldn't get a vet appointment with my piggy vet until tomorrow, but l wasn't too worried as he was eating a bit and everything seemed to be working ok, his urine was free of blood on testing ( scrapper has a history of urine infection). However he is now straining when he poohs and has blood and mucus in his poohs , which look odd shapes as well. He is still eating but l am giving support with critical care and he is on metacam. Poor little lad, we will see what tomorrow brings at the vet appointment