Scrapper - Forum Sponsor Piggy - Barc

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[you]Back Story[/you]
BARC took in a large rescue of 5 pregnant sows, plus 4 boars in March 2015 and 15 babies were born in rescue. Scrapper was born to Milly on 19/3/2015, she had 6 babies. One died at 3 days, Scrapper weighed 70g at birth but by day 3 only weighed 59g. His lovely fosterer took advice from the forum and started him on milk feeds as it seemed Milly had rejected him
Scrapper started gaining weight after about 6 days and his mum accepted him and started to feed him, after that he didn't look back.

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He was separated from his mum and sisters when he was about 4 weeks old and had reached around 200g. He was paired up with another baby boar called Frankie.

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Scrapper gradually gained weight and was doing well until August 2015 when I noticed him squeaking when passing urine, he also had blood in his urine and lost a bit of weight. He was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and treated with a 10 day course of Septrin and Metacam. He improved quickly, but after a few weeks his symptoms recurred. This time he had a 3 week course of Septrin and has had no further problems.

Scrapper was neutered on 1/2/16 , unfortunately he had a post operative abscess, this was treated by needle aspiration and metronidazole, and it cleared up quickly.

On 8/3/16 he was bonded to Mavis and Lili who he loves.
Remember Scrapper?

Scrapper has the reputation of teaching the foster pigs naughty ways
The Tribe Names In My Signature And The Faces Behind Them
Classic Boar Glue Nose!

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Thank you for reading my story - Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity
He’s a lovely wee chap!